Elius94 / console-gui-tools

A simple library to draw option menu or other popup inputs and layout on Node.js console.
MIT License
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Will be enabled the mouse in the future? #43

Closed jrcribb closed 1 year ago

jrcribb commented 1 year ago

Hi, excelent work. I'va a question: Will be enabled the mouse in the future?

Elius94 commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot Jorge :) Mouse click is on the todo list but I think that it will be so hard to do. That's because there's no Node.js terminal mouse click channel input. Please, feel free to figure it out and maybe fire a PR on this repo. Thanks a lot.

Elius94 commented 1 year ago

Hi! I tried this thing and it's working on Linux bash (on windows it only works running node in a WSL shell).


I can integrate this but I prefere to find a way to make it works also on windows firs.

Elius94 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm starting to develop this feature on this branch: https://github.com/Elius94/console-gui-tools/tree/Elius94/issue43

Elius94 commented 1 year ago

Changed the mouse terminal protocol to SGR Now mouse evets are captured and managed in the ConsoleManager class. the event is fired by MouseManager Instance: event name: mouseevent event data:

export interface MouseEventArgs {
shift: boolean;
alt: boolean;
ctrl: boolean;
// , pressed: pressed
x: number;
y: number;
code: number;
left: boolean;
right: boolean;
xFrom: number | null;
yFrom: number | null;

export interface MouseEvent { name: string; eaten: number; data: MouseEventArgs; }

- Propagate this event to the widget.
- Make them able to manage theese kind of events:
 - Drag boxes
 - Click on buttons
 - Scroll up and down (with click and wheel)

## Screenshot: