EliverLara / Sweet-folders

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sweet Icon Theme

Folder icons from the Sweet GTK Theme for Linux desktop environments.

Sweet Folder Icons



This repo only contains the folders icons, to compliment an existing icon theme.

To combine Sweet Folder icons with another theme, simply edit the index.theme file and define the "inherits" key with your favorite icon theme.

  1. Download the folder theme of your choice, from this Github repo or Open Desktop

  2. Install and unzip to your desktop environment, most commonly ~/.local/share/icons/ or /home/your_user/share/icons/

  3. Inside the folder directory, for example: candy you will find an index.theme file, open it with your favorite text editor

  4. Find the Inherits: line and pre-pend your desired icon theme to accompany your new Sweet Folders icon theme (if you're unsure, open Gnome's Tweak Tool -> Appearance -> Icons) - for the sake of this example I will use the breeze-extra-gnome icon theme. Change Inherits from:



  5. Set your new Sweet Folder Icons theme as your primary icon set and it should automatically load.