ElixirStudyGroup / assemble_the_minions

A playground for creating an army minions to do our bidding
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Assemble The Minions

Assemble the Minitions

An exercise in Supervision, Workers and GenServers

Our mission here is to create a fault tolerant systems of workers to do our evil bidding.

Here are the specifications:

What messages should our Minions respond to?

Getting Started

mix deps.get - Get our dependencies mix test.watch - Run tests on save

Play around with the code iex -S mix

(I've defined a couple of minions for you, Stuart and Dave. They will be started whenever the application is started. Use :observer.start to take a look at the supervision tree and try killing them!!)


Fork this project and get cracking. I've provided the basics of a mix project for you and the very first test.

Work on a branch of your own naming and submit pull requests.

We'll give each other feedback on what we've acheived so far and freely steal each others ideas where they aid our goals.