Over the years, the Celiac Association in Israel has created many tools to provide services for celiac patients, in order to ensure that celiac patients in Israel will be diagnosed, treated and fed a gluten-free diet at every station in their lives.
Our next step is to build an application that will allow celiac patients to find restaurants and gluten-free food anywhere in the country.
Link to website: https://celiacateriter1.firebaseapp.com
We're trying to use the best tools and practices in order to produce a quality enginneered product. (replace 'jce-il/project-template' with your 'username/repo' and register to the relevant services)
Category | Status |
Version Control System | git & github |
Recommended IDE | VSCode |
Group Chat | |
Build Status (CI) | |
Dependencies | |
License | |
Test Coverege | |
Code Quality | |
Code Style | |
Current Release | |
Issues | |
Project Management Board | here |
Contributors | |
Deployment | [] |
Security | |
Documnetation | |
Project Course Status | ... |
Admin appliction: https://celiac-f036d.firebaseapp.com User appliction :
This project is developed as part of the requirements for a software engineering course at the software engineering department - Azrieli College of Engineering, Jerusalem, Israel.
Please visit our wiki for furthur project info: