EllaSoderberg / EmotionandLiking

A study built for the course DA2210 at KTH
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A study built for the course DA2210 at KTH.


under the "Issues" tab you will find everything we need to do to finish the study.

How to run the study

The study can be run very easily by going to the website https://labjs.felixhenninger.com/ and open the Emotion_and_liking.study.json-file there.

How to edit the study

In lab.js, edit the study however you want. If the study is working perfectly, you can save your code under the name Emotion_and_liking.study.json. Then you can create a pull request with your file, so that we can implement them into the study.

How we will run the study

I suggest each group host a version of the study on the website https://open-lab.online/. It is very easy to just upload a lab.js json-file and run the study. All data is automatically saved.