EmelyanenkoK / Multisig

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TON Smart Contract Cracking Competition - Multisig 2.0 report #7

Open Carly488 opened 3 months ago

Carly488 commented 3 months ago

I want to say something about our TON Blockchain and wellet , app / First of all, TON app of updates are needed like national ID card verification and face verification of users. Please turn on login system in app with number or email with password, Because When someone goes to login with ton address, many of the addresses are changed automatically and create new address and lost the TON, Voucher / I want to thank you ton deployers for bringing tons crypto stard to our generation. We definitely need to find ideal balance between usability, security and optimisation. I believe original TON implementation has great functionality, perfect code and the only problem was this issue with malicious or compromised co-owner. I believe last fix is rather good solution.

(My comment's)..... Frontrunning is probably the most difficult to prevent of the some common vulnerabilities with Smart Contracts. Frontrunning can be defined as placing an order to buy an unconfirmed trade Blockchain smart contracts are very difficult to operate properly. Store of value, transparency, and immutability are three key attributes that are essential for smart contracts to work effectively. However, these attributes also make many smart contracts a security risk and are the “prey” targeted by many cybercriminals. Even if targeted attacks are not carried out, there are many cases where financial resources are detained and companies lose money due to errors and security holes in smart contracts.So looked our TON blockchain system well be we hoping TON Blockchain are must secur and safe

A common occurrence is integer arithmetic error. Smart contracts often represent numbers as integers due to the lack of floating point support. And The block gas limit is how theuses to ensure blocks do not grow too large. Simply means the maximum amount of gas in a block that transactions in the block can consume. In other words, if a transaction consumes too much gas, that transaction will never fit in a block and thus the transaction will never be executed.

Some of the problems mentioned above are smart contract-specific errors Smart contract programming has undergone many changes over the past few years. Countless serious cases of money loss have made projects aware of the importance of security.

One of the primary risks in smart contracts arises from coding errors and bugs. Given that smart contracts are immutable once deployed on the blockchain, any flaw in the code can lead to significant vulnerabilities, including financial losses. So I think Ton app need more Security like Face scan and backups National I'd card added and verify system. Reentrancy attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack One of the most notorious security issues. Smart Contracts Security There have been a number of high-profile smart contract security breaches in recent years, resulting in the theft of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency and other assets. As a result, it is essential for developers, users, and businesses to be aware of the security risks associated with smart contracts and take steps to mitigate them. Added smart contract more secure TON App system blockchain platforms are created equal when it comes to smart contract security. ...2 Use a reliable programming language. ...3 Test and audit code. ...4 Implement security measures. ...5 Monitor and update smart contracts. ...6 Here's what else to consider.

NDYrii commented 2 months ago

Living is Ton

rise1507 commented 2 months ago

I want to say something about our TON Blockchain and wellet , app / First of all, TON app of updates are needed like national ID card verification and face verification of users. Please turn on login system in app with number or email with password, Because When someone goes to login with ton address, many of the addresses are changed automatically and create new address and lost the TON, Voucher / I want to thank you ton deployers for bringing tons crypto stard to our generation. We definitely need to find ideal balance between usability, security and optimisation. I believe original TON implementation has great functionality, perfect code and the only problem was this issue with malicious or compromised co-owner. I believe last fix is rather good solution.

(My comment's)..... Frontrunning is probably the most difficult to prevent of the some common vulnerabilities with Smart Contracts. Frontrunning can be defined as placing an order to buy an unconfirmed trade Blockchain smart contracts are very difficult to operate properly. Store of value, transparency, and immutability are three key attributes that are essential for smart contracts to work effectively. However, these attributes also make many smart contracts a security risk and are the “prey” targeted by many cybercriminals. Even if targeted attacks are not carried out, there are many cases where financial resources are detained and companies lose money due to errors and security holes in smart contracts.So looked our TON blockchain system well be we hoping TON Blockchain are must secur and safe

A common occurrence is integer arithmetic error. Smart contracts often represent numbers as integers due to the lack of floating point support. And The block gas limit is how theuses to ensure blocks do not grow too large. Simply means the maximum amount of gas in a block that transactions in the block can consume. In other words, if a transaction consumes too much gas, that transaction will never fit in a block and thus the transaction will never be executed.

Some of the problems mentioned above are smart contract-specific errors Smart contract programming has undergone many changes over the past few years. Countless serious cases of money loss have made projects aware of the importance of security.

One of the primary risks in smart contracts arises from coding errors and bugs. Given that smart contracts are immutable once deployed on the blockchain, any flaw in the code can lead to significant vulnerabilities, including financial losses. So I think Ton app need more Security like Face scan and backups National I'd card added and verify system. Reentrancy attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack One of the most notorious security issues. Smart Contracts Security There have been a number of high-profile smart contract security breaches in recent years, resulting in the theft of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency and other assets. As a result, it is essential for developers, users, and businesses to be aware of the security risks associated with smart contracts and take steps to mitigate them. Added smart contract more secure TON App system blockchain platforms are created equal when it comes to smart contract security. ...2 Use a reliable programming language. ...3 Test and audit code. ...4 Implement security measures. ...5 Monitor and update smart contracts. ...6 Here's what else to consider.