EmelyanenkoK / Multisig

Multiowner wallet
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Multisignature Wallet

This set of contracts provide "N-of-M multisig" functionality: at least N parties out of predefined set of M signers must approve Order to execute it.

Each Order may contain arbitrary number of actions: outcoming messages and updates of parameters. Since content of the messages is arbitrary Order may execute arbitrary high-level interactions on TON: sending TONs, sending/minting jettons, execute administrative duty, etc.

Parameters, such as threshold N, list of signers and other can only be updated by consensus of current N-of-M owners.

Any signer may propose new Order. Multisignature wallet also allows to assign proposer role: proposer may suggest new Orders but can not approve them.

Each Order has expiration date after which it can not be executed.

Each signer may be wallet, hard-ware wallet, multisig themselves as well as other smart-contracts with its own logic.

This Multisignature wallet was developed keeping in mind Safe{Wallet}.



Whole system consists of four parts:

Flow is as follows: 1) proposer of new order (address from Proposers or Signers sets) build new order which consist of arbitrary number transfers from Multisig address and sends request to Multisig to start approval of this order 2) Multisig receives the request, check that it is sent from authorized actor and deploy child sub-contract Order which holds order content 3) Signers independently send approval messages to Order contract 4) Once Order gets enough approvals it sends request to execute order to Multisig 5) Multisig authenticate Order (that it is indeed sent by Order and not by somebody else) as well as that set of Signers is still relevant and execute order (sends transfers from order) 6) If Order needs to have more than 255 transfers (limit of transfers in one tx), excessive transactions may be packed in last transfer from Multisig to itself as internal_execute 7) Multisig receives internal_execute, checks that it is sent from itself and continue execution.

All fees on processing order (except order execution itself): creation Order contract and it's storage fees are borne by the actor who propose this order (whether it's Proposer or Signer).

Besides transfers, Order may also contain Multisig Update Requests

Experimental features

Basic Multisignature wallet does not require experimental features.

By default experimental features are off and can not be activated after Multisignature wallet deploy. Being disabled, experimental features does not interfere with main functionality in any way.


Module (following Modules design for Safe Modules) add custom features to Multisignature wallet. Module is smart contracts that add functionality while separating module logic from Multisignature wallet. A basic Multisignature wallet does not require any modules. Adding and removing a module requires confirmation from the configured threshold number of owners. Module can provide arbitrary logic, including bypassing security of Multisignature wallet core, do not add Module to the Multisignature wallet if you do not build Module yourself. Security of Multisignature wallet with added Module must be considered in aggregate, aside from security of Multisignature core.


Guard is used when there are restrictions on top of the n-out-of-m scheme. Guard checks are executed at the end of Computation phase: thus after messages and storage updates are prepared, but prior to any messages being sent or storage is updated. Guard has it's own storage which can be used to make history-based checks. Basic Multisignature wallet does not require Guard. Adding and removing a Guard requires confirmation from the configured threshold number of owners. Guard can provide arbitrary logic, including bypassing security of Multisignature wallet core, do not add Guard to the Multisignature wallet if you do not build Guard yourself. Security of Multisignature wallet with added Guard must be considered in aggregate, aside from security of Multisignature core.

Important: Since a Guard has full power to block Order execution, a broken Guard can cause a denial of service for a Multisignature wallet. Make sure to audit the Guard code and pay attention to recovery mechanisms.

Project structure

How to use


npx blueprint build or yarn blueprint build


npx blueprint test or yarn blueprint test

Deploy or run another script

npx blueprint run or yarn blueprint run