Emergent-Media-Center / DicomViewer

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Dicom Viewer

A simple DICOM viewer that can read and display DICOM files.


Created by: Dillon Drummond, Angus Goucher, Zach Rouhana, and Alexandre Tolstenko




In order for you build the project, you need to have CMake and QT installed on your system and available in your PATH.

qt-cmake ./ -G Ninja -B ./build
cmake --build ./build --parallel

If build via bash is not working, try to build via qt-creator. Or via any other IDE, such as CLion. But in either case, you need to have make qt and cmake available in your PATH. In my case, I set QT6_DIR to the path where I installed QT to the specific version I am using. Ex.: /Users/tolstenko/Qt/6.4.3/macos, or C:\Qt\6.4.3\msvc2019_64.