EmergentMind / nix-config

A continually evolving multi-user, multi-host NixOS configuration.
MIT License
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EmergentMind's Nix-Config

Where am I?

You're in a rabbit hole.

How did I get here?

The door opened; you got in.

Somewhere between then and now you discovered this cairne in the fog. I hope it is useful in some way. Inspiration, reference, or whatever you're looking for.

This is written perhaps as more of a reminder for myself than it is for you, but then again you could be future me or maybe past me stuck in a strange loop...

$ whoami
error: entity unknown or undefined


The way out, is through.

Table of Contents

Watch NixOS related videos on my YouTube channel.

Feature Highlights

The roadmap of additional features is laid across functionally thematic stages that can be viewed, along with short term objectives, in the Roadmap of TODOs.

Completed features will be added here as each stage is complete.


This is a personalized configuration that has several technical requirements to build successfully. This nix-config will serve you best as a reference, learning resource, and template for crafting your own configuration. I am continuing to provide resources throughout the repository and my website to help but you must also experiment and learn as you go to be successful to create a NixOS environment that will meet your needs.

Structure Quick Reference

For details about design concepts, constraints, and how structural elements interact, see the article and/or Youtube video Anatomy of a NixOS Config available on my website.

For a large screenshot of the concept diagram, as well as previous iterations, see Anatomy.

Secrets Management

Secrets for this config are stored in a private repository called nix-secrets that is pulled in as a flake input and managed using the sops-nix tool.

For details on how this is accomplished, how to approach different scenarios, and troubleshooting for some common hurdles, please see my article and accompanying YouTube video NixOS Secrets Management available on my website.


Thank you to my generous supporters!

If you find what I do helpful, please consider supporting my work on Ko-fi.


I intentionally keep all of my content ad-free.

Guidance and Resources


Those who have heavily influenced this strange journey into the unknown.

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