EmilyOng / Scratch.activity

A Scratch Activity for Sugarizer, integrated from https://github.com/LLK/scratch-gui
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Hello! I am Emily, a GCI`17 participant for Sugar Labs and this is one of the projects that I have worked on- Scratch 3.0 integration into Sugarizer.


If you have noticed, Scratch 3.0 uses many .jsx and .ejs files.

What I did first was to translate the .jsx into .js code. This can easily be done using Babel, a first-generation Javascript compiler, which would be useful in porting .jsx into .js.

Following which, I adapted the .ejs into .html, and of course, including the Sugar toolbar and artwork.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" media="not screen and (device-width: 1200px) and (device-height: 900px)"
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (device-width: 1200px) and (device-height: 900px)"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/EmilyOng/Scratch.activity/blob/master/static/css/activity.css">
<script data-main="static/js/loader" src="https://github.com/EmilyOng/Scratch.activity/raw/master/static/lib/require.js"></script>


<div id="main-toolbar" class="toolbar">
  <button class="toolbutton" id="activity-button" title="Scratch"></button>

  <!-- Add more buttons here -->

  <!-- Buttons with class="pull-right" will be right aligned -->
  <button class="toolbutton pull-right" id="stop-button" title="Stop"></button>


In order to create a Sugar compatible activity, do also include the following files:

  1. src/setup.py
  2. activity/activity-icon.svg
  3. activity/activity.info
  4. static/activity.css
  5. static/js/activity.js
  6. static/js/loader.js
  7. static/lib

Download this file to extract activity-icon.svg, and sugariconfiy it using this script.

All these are available in the activity template.

You would now need to configure your package.json file- do make the following edits:

"author": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
  "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
  "homepage": "./", //this would allow the source to be built offline
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git+ssh://git@github.com/LLK/scratch-gui.git"
"jest": {
  "amd": {},
    "baseUrl": "lib",
    "dependencies": {
        "sugar-web": "github:sugarlabs/sugar-web/master",
        "domReady": "github:requirejs/domReady/2.0.1"


Afterwhich, it is important to look through all the files again and replace .jsx with .js because we do not want to require a file that no longer exists. It is also crucial to upate the webpackconfig.js and package.json files, and replace .jsx with .js and .ejs with .html.

This will ensure that the file paths are correct and the activity can be compiled on the localhost.

Project is running at
webpack output is served from /
Content not from webpack is served from /Users/emilyong/scratch-gui/build
Hash: 14d37b50edea5264797e
Version: webpack 3.10.0
Time: 21251ms


cd scratch-gui
npm run build

Configure the file path to that of this repository.


You can take a look at my prebuild source code here.

Integrating Datastore

In order to integrate Sugarizer's datastore function, I inputed the json data collected from containters/save-button.js into a div value. The lines of codes are commented out so that the saved data would not be downloaded.

key: "handleClick",
      value: function handleClick() {
        var json = this.props.saveProjectSb3();
        document.getElementById("myBlocks").value = json;
        // Download project data into a file - create link element,
        // simulate click on it, and then remove it.
        // var saveLink = document.createElement("a");
        // document.body.appendChild(saveLink);
        // var data = new Blob([json], { type: "text" });
        // var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
        // saveLink.href = url;
        // // File name: project-DATE-TIME
        // var date = new Date();
        // var timestamp =
        //   date.toLocaleDateString() + "-" + date.toLocaleTimeString();
        // saveLink.download = "project-" + timestamp + ".json";
        // saveLink.click();
        // window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
        // document.body.removeChild(saveLink);

I removed the unnecessary FileReader() from containers/load-button.js and used the div value to load the blocks onto the canvas.

key: "handleChange",
      value: function handleChange(e) {
        return this.props.loadProject(document.getElementById("myBlocks").value);

In components/load-button.js, instead of going with an input element for the load button, I changed it to a div element and changed the function to render the blocks (onChange) on click.

_react2.default.createElement("div", {
      className: _loadButton2.default.fileInput,
      ref: inputRef,
      // type: "file",
      onClick: onChange

In js/activity.js, I simulated a save button click when the Sugar user clicks on the stop button, and did the same for the load button when the Sugar user reenters the activity, before passing the stored JSON data from the div into the same div (document.getElementById("myBlocks").value = data).

for (var i = 0; i < document.body.getElementsByTagName("span").length; i++){
      if (document.getElementsByTagName("span")[i].innerHTML == "Save"){
        console.log("Saved successfully");
        console.log("Unable to save");

This meant that with the datastore function, which aligns with Sugar Labs' pedagogy of not having a complicated save/load system, the blue menu bar is no longer necessary. However, we cannot remove it from the gui because it would mean that the click simualtions would be impossible to complete. Instead I set the display to none in container/menu-bar.css.


This was a challenging project for me, and would never have been possible without the guidance of the kind mentors!