Empirical-org-Archive / Quill-Grammar

Quill Grammar App
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Any issues with gulp tasks should be addressed in the Empirical Angular Gulp Tasks Repo. This is an opinionated gulp project setup. If you run into any build chain issues, address them in the task repository.


CMS Routes

Module URLs

Sentence Writing

The module url for sentence writing is /play/sw?uid&student. It is assumed that LMS will add a uid parameter identifying the id of the sentence writing activity in Quill Grammar. The LMS may also pass a student parameter to identify the student.

Proofreading Story

The module url for story (proofreading activity) is /play/pf?uid. It is assumed that the LMS will add a uid parameter identifying the id of the proofreading story activity in Quill Grammar.

An example url running locally would look like this (an Aubrey Hepburn activity): http://localhost:3000/play/pf?anonymous=true&uid=-K2nLvC9CX2xqw7jnpZP

Firebase Data

The Firebase Data is relational. It has been migrated from CSV dumps from the older Postgresql database. In this repo there are scripts to build the necessary JSON objects.

The entity lists are Firebase Objects. With known keys, this make it easier for a browser to load only the elements it needs.

The data is split according to make importing and exporting JSON files to the Firebase data store during the early development phase.

We are using the blaze compiler to generate rules for our data. Install it with npm install -g blaze_compiler.

Intergrating and Testing Against the LMS

If you are doing app development that requires integration with the LMS, you'll want a local instance to practice on. Head over to the LMS repo to learn how to set that up.

Once you are up and running the LMS, assuming port 3000 for the LMS, head to http://localhost:3000/oauth/applications to tweak your local OAuth applications. You'll need to log in with the Admin username/password. If an OAuth application does not yet exist for QuillGrammer, then create one, giving it the callback url : http:://localhost:3001.

You'll want to fill in the oauthClientId in ./src/scripts/development.config.json with the applicationId from your new or modified OAuth LMS Application.

It's important you do not commit the changes for the development.config.json. The clientId is unique to your local LMS instance.

Since QG is a firebase based application, we'll also want authorization tokens from firebase. On the LMS there is a route that will return the firebase token based on the type of user you are.

As of writing this, there isn't a UI for managing the LMS firebase applications. So, in your local dev environment for the LMS, run rails c to fireup a rails console.

You'll need the SECRET for your firebase app, which you can get by going to the admin panel of the firebase app and visiting the secrets page. Use that SECRET in the command below, typed into the rails console -

 FirebaseApp.create :name => "quillgrammarstaging", :secret => SECRET

Once you've created a FirebaseApp instance in the console, take that 'name' value and plug it into the firebaseApp field of your development.config.json file, e.g. "firebaseApp": "quillgrammarstaging".

Also make sure that the ActivityClassification records in your database have the correct module_url. These ActivityClassification records are created when you seed your database (or pull the database from staging). The module_url for the ActivityClassification with name "passage" should be : localhost:3001/play/pf While the module_url for the ActivityClassification with name 'sentence' should be : localhost:3001/play/sw

When you start the rails server for the LMS with rails s, make sure to do this before firing up Quill-Grammar with gulp --env=development. This way, the LMS will get port localhost:3000 and Quill-Grammar will get port localhost:3001. If you start Quill-Grammar first, then Quill-Grammar will take localhost:3000 instead, which conflicts with our configuration.

When running the LMS and Q