Encryqed / Dumper-7

Unreal Engine SDK Generator
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static_assert ERROR #132

Closed scx1125 closed 1 month ago

scx1125 commented 1 month ago


// ScriptStruct JsEnv.PropertyMetaRoot
// 0x0008 (0x0008 - 0x0000)
struct FPropertyMetaRoot final
    class UItemMaterialControllerActorData_C*     None;                                              // 0x0000(0x0008)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    uint8                                         None_0;                                            // 0x0000(0x0001)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    float                                         None_1;                                            // 0x0000(0x0004)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    struct FWorldPartitionStreamingQuerySource    None_2;                                            // 0x0000(0x0030)(HasGetValueTypeHash)
    struct FVector                                None_3;                                            // 0x0000(0x000C)(IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    struct FSCameraConfig                         None_4;                                            // 0x0000(0x0738)(HasGetValueTypeHash)
    class AActor*                                 None_5;                                            // 0x0000(0x0008)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    struct FIntPoint                              None_6;                                            // 0x0000(0x0008)(IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    int32                                         None_7;                                            // 0x0000(0x0004)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    class UAnimationAsset*                        None_8;                                            // 0x0000(0x0008)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    struct FAnimNotifyEvent                       None_9;                                            // 0x0000(0x00C8)(HasGetValueTypeHash)
    class UAnimSequenceBase*                      None_10;                                           // 0x0000(0x0008)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    struct FGuid                                  None_11;                                           // 0x0000(0x0010)(IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    class FName                                   None_12;                                           // 0x0000(0x000C)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    class UClass*                                 None_13;                                           // 0x0000(0x0008)(ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData, NoDestructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
    class FString                                 None_14;                                           // 0x0000(0x0010)(ZeroConstructor, HasGetValueTypeHash)
static_assert(alignof(FPropertyMetaRoot) == 0x000008, "Wrong alignment on FPropertyMetaRoot");
static_assert(sizeof(FPropertyMetaRoot) == 0x000008, "Wrong size on FPropertyMetaRoot");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_0) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_0' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_1) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_1' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_2) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_2' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_3) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_3' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_4) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_4' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_5) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_5' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_6) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_6' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_7) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_7' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_8) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_8' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_9) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_9' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_10) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_10' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_11) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_11' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_12) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_12' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_13) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_13' has a wrong offset!");
static_assert(offsetof(FPropertyMetaRoot, None_14) == 0x000000, "Member 'FPropertyMetaRoot::None_14' has a wrong offset!");
Fischsalat commented 1 month ago

Are other class members name? Because that class looks like the engine just unloaded all properties in FPropertyMetaRoot. The offsets are wrong too.

Also on a sidenote, github allows for code formatting, use it!

Lok3rn3t commented 1 month ago

1SS Such an error

Fischsalat commented 1 month ago

just send the sdk, else we're getting nowhere

Lok3rn3t commented 1 month ago


Fischsalat commented 1 month ago

Interesting. Maybe read through UsintTheSDK.md again. \ image image

Lok3rn3t commented 1 month ago

Interesting. Maybe read through UsintTheSDK.md again. image image

The problem disappears if you use the sdk that you generated in the game menu, if you generated while you went to the world itself, then similar errors appear, did you use my sdk?

Fischsalat commented 1 month ago

I used the one you sent me.

Lok3rn3t commented 1 month ago

I just itegrated a full sdk.

Fischsalat commented 1 month ago

so everything works now?

Lok3rn3t commented 1 month ago

I import the full sdk, that is include “SDK.hpp”, if you generate in the main menu of the game, everything is ok, if in the world, the sdk generator generates another +500 files, and a similar error occurs, I sent you the sdk with which I had a problem(+500 files), if you do not follow your example and connect the full sdk with your same example occurs a similar error

Fischsalat commented 1 month ago

I used the sdk you sent me and threw it into my test project with all of the same setup as UsingTheSDK.md. I didn't get a single compiler error and the dll built fine.

Lok3rn3t commented 1 month ago

I don't know if it's just me, I don't use

#include “SDK/Engine_classes.hpp”

as in your example, but

#include “SDK.hpp”
Fischsalat commented 1 month ago

I also included the whole SDK. So yea, make sure you set it up correctly. Choose latest c++ version too.