Encryqed / Dumper-7

Unreal Engine SDK Generator
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Finding specific offsets #138

Closed itfoldy closed 1 month ago

itfoldy commented 1 month ago

So I’m a bit confused with this dumper, it successfully does what it’s supposed to, but how do you actually find specific offsets like PlayerController, PersistentLevel etc, I’m looking in engine_classes.hpp of the SDK dump and unsure how to retrieve the offsets, or where they are, thank you

Fischsalat commented 1 month ago

The offets are in the comments on the right hand side next to the class-member-names.

If you're internal (DLL) avoid using offsets directly. If you're external, please make a namespace for offsets, don't hardcode them in code.

itfoldy commented 1 month ago

Hi, thank you I have understood that now, wanted to confirm. Is there any way to get this "Engine" address, in UE4 I remember using this tool which had the feature, sorry for the terrible questions :/ image

Fischsalat commented 1 month ago

Use SDK::UEngine::GetEngine() or re-implement its logic.