EndstoneMC / endstone

Endstone - High-level Plugin API for Bedrock Dedicated Servers (BDS), in both Python and C++.
Apache License 2.0
268 stars 25 forks source link
bds bedrock bedrock-dedicated-server bedrock-server bedrock-server-mod bukkit cpp docker endstone mcpe minecraft nukkit plugin python spigot



Write your plugins in Python and C++ for Bedrock Dedicated Servers.

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πŸ“„ Table of Contents

πŸ“– Introduction πŸ”

We are excited to announce the Endstone project. Endstone offers a plugin API for Bedrock Dedicated Servers, supporting both Python and C++ languages. This allows developers to enhance Bedrock Dedicated Servers with various features and functionalities.

πŸ† This project is proudly sponsored by Bisect Hosting.
Bisect Hosting

🎯 Features πŸ”

πŸ› οΈ Get started πŸ”

Before getting started, verify that you are using one of the following compatible operating systems:

Please also ensure you have Python 3.9 or higher installed on your system.

There are several ways to install Endstone:

🐍 PyPi

Wheel PyPI - Downloads

Endstone can be installed directly from PyPi using pip. Open your terminal and execute the following command to install and start the Endstone server:

pip install endstone

🐧 Linux

Endstone can be easily installed on Linux using an autoinstaller script.

Supported Operating Systems

The autoinstaller supports the following operating systems and distributions based on them:

Download the Installer

You can use either wget or curl to download the required scripts.

Using wget:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EndstoneMC/endstone/main/scripts/autoinstall.sh
sudo chmod +x autoinstall.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EndstoneMC/endstone/main/scripts/start.sh
sudo chmod +x start.sh

Using curl:

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EndstoneMC/endstone/main/scripts/autoinstall.sh
sudo chmod +x autoinstall.sh
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EndstoneMC/endstone/main/scripts/start.sh
sudo chmod +x start.sh

Install and Start Endstone

Once the download is complete, run the following command to install Endstone:


This will install Endstone and automatically start the server after installation.

If you want to start Endstone at any time, simply run:


🐳 Docker

Docker Docker - Pulls Docker - Image Size

To try Endstone from the latest Docker image, use the following command:

docker pull endstone/endstone
docker run --rm -it -p 19132:19132/udp endstone/endstone

This will pull the latest Endstone image and run it interactively in your terminal.

πŸ”¨ Build locally from Source

For advanced users, you may build Endstone locally from the source.

First, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/EndstoneMC/endstone.git
cd endstone

Then, you can build the wheel and install it on your local machine:

pip install .

Please note that building from source requires toolchains to be installed on your system.

Windows Linux
Build System CMake CMake
Generator Ninja Ninja
C/C++ Compiler (Recommended) MSVC 193 (Visual Studio 2022) Clang 15
C/C++ Compiler (Minimum) MSVC 191 (Visual Studio 2017) Clang 9
Standard Library MSVC STL libc++

🌟 Plugins πŸ”

Currently, the Endstone project is under active development, and we invite you to review our roadmap. While you wait, why not take a sneaky peek of our example plugins which illustrate the friendliness of the plugin API. If you have previous experience with Bukkit, you should find the API particularly intuitive to work with:

Milestone Duration Core Since
πŸ”Œ Plugin Loader 1-2 months βœ… v0.1.0
⌨️ Command System 2-3 months βœ… v0.2.0
πŸ” Permission System 2-3 months βœ… v0.3.0
🎈 Event System 2-3 months βœ… v0.4.0
πŸ–Ό Form & Scoreboard API 1-2 months βœ… v0.5.0
πŸ‘€ Player & Actor API 2-3 months 🚧
🧱 Block API 1-2 months 🚧
πŸ“¦ Item & Inventory API 2-3 months 🚧
⭐ Advanced Features & Refinements 4-6 months ⏳
πŸ”¬ Beta Testing & Community Feedback 3 months ⏳
πŸš€ Official Release & Support - ⏳

Here's a legend to guide you:

πŸ™Œ Contributing πŸ”

We warmly welcome contributions to the Endstone project! If you're enthusiastic about enhancing Bedrock Dedicated Servers with Python and C++ and have ideas on how to improve Endstone, here are a few ways you can contribute:

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter any bugs while using Endstone, please open an issue in our GitHub repository. Ensure to include a detailed description of the bug and steps to reproduce it.

Submitting a Pull Request

We appreciate code contributions. If you've fixed a bug or implemented a new feature, please submit a pull request! Please ensure your code follows our coding standards and include tests where possible.

🎫 License πŸ”

The Endstone project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.