Energinet-DataHub / ARCHIVED-geh-post-office

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Welcome to the MessageHub domain of the Green Energy Hub project.


MessageHub is the central place for handling outbound documents from within the Green Energy Hub (GEH), i.e. any documents sent from GEH to outside actors have to go through the MessageHub as seen on the System Context diagram below.

SystemContext-System context drawio

Highlighted in red, the MessageHub acts as a middleman between other domains within GEH and market actors. Other domains deliver data to the MessageHub which are sent to market actors on request. By centralizing communication through MessageHub, domains avoid to implement local message hubs and instead can specialize in domain specific knowledge. Also, MessageHub keeps state on documents and requests which can be useful for internal business interests.

For a market actor to retrieve data from GEH, it needs to provide an appropriate type which the MessageHub uses to identify which domain(s) to retrieve the data from, see Delivering documents to the message hub.

The market actors will only be able to get (peek) and read documents that they are marked as recipients of. The same goes for documents market actors want to dequeue, i.e. tell MessageHub the document has been processed, and thereby indicate they are ready to get new documents. See Fetching documents from the message hub.


To document MessageHub architecture the C4 model has been chosen which is a top-down architecture approach. The focus in this section is to try to communicate concepts within MessageHub and how internal subsystems behave and function on a higher level. The focus is also to let the reader understand interfaces, both within the MessageHub and between the MessageHub and domains and market actors. The deepest level of C4, the code level, has not been documented as recommended by the creator of the C4 model, Simon Brown. Instead, it is recommended to read the codebase to understand the details.

MessageHub architecture is built on Domain Driven Design (DDD).

Container diagram
The first level of C4 is the System Context diagram which was presented in Intro. The diagram is used to get an overview of the system from a non-technical viewpoint.

Next is the container diagram showed below. The first thing to notice is that MessageHub is actually divided into two parts - the main system, MessageHub, and a subsystem, Libraries.

The main system handles core business logic and communication with market actors (through API management). Libraries handles primarily communication between MessageHub and other domains. Two databases also appear, one for storing data available-notifications and one for market actor-specific data.

Container diagram

Inside MessageHub five boxes are drawn. From left, the boxes have the following responsibilities:

Libraries contains the following with responsibilities:

Why does Libraries exist?
Providing nuget packages instead of implementing the logic in the domains help to make the system platform independent. MessageHub and the rest of Green Energy Hub depend heavily on Azure which might not be the best suited solution looking forward.

Component diagram
Two component diagrams have been made to avoid making the diagram too detailed - one for MessageHub and one for Libraries.

Component diagram - MessageHub

Component diagram - Libraries

Flow of communication between MessageHub and domains is always through four Azure Service Bus queues as seen below.


Delivering documents to the message hub

In order to make data available for market operators, sub domains must notify message hub, that new data is available. This is done by putting DataAvailableNotification's on the message hub owned dataavaialble queue. On a set interval, messages from this queue will be read, processed and made available for peeking by the market operators.

Documentation regarding the internal workings on how DataAvailableNotification's are stored and made available for peeking, can be found here.


All documents inserted into the queues will have to comply with the ProtoBuf contract. More info on these can be found here.

If a document is inserted into the queue that does not comply with this contract, IT WILL NOT be handled.

Peek and dequeue documents from the message hub

Below is a list of the actor facing endpoints, actors can use to peek and dequeue data.


Authentication of actors is done through JWT token validation, using common logic from the geh-core project. More info on this can be found here



Retrieves the next set of unacknowledged bundled messages for the market operator. A bundleId can be supplied, and if no bundle with that ID already exists it is used. If bundleId is not supplied, one will be generated.

If a bundle does not exist 204 NO CONTENT is returned. If one does exist, a stream to the actual bundle is returned.



Same as a normal peek except it only bundles aggregations.



Same as a normal peek except it only bundles masterdata.



Same as a normal peek except it only bundles time series.



Marks a bundle retrieved/acknowledged. If no bundle was found, 404 NOT FOUND is returned, otherwise 200 OK. The actual bundle is not returned.