TRUE Connector
Implementation of the new Dataspace protocol (current version v0.8)
Development requirements
- IDE : Eclipse STS, IntelliJ, VS Code
- Resources: 16Gb RAM, 5Gb of disk space, 8 thread Processor
- Languages/Frameworks: Java 17, Maven 3.9.4 (compatible with java 17), SpringBoot 3.1.2 (Spring framework 6)
- Database: MongoDB, Flapdoodle (embedded mongodb for testing)
- Libraries: lombok, fasterxml.jackson, okhttp3, com.auth0:java-jwt, org.apache.commons:commons-lang3, org.apache.sshd:sshd-core, org.apache.sshd:sshd-sftp
- Testing: Junit, Mockito; integration tests - MockMvc
- Debugging tools: IDE debug
- FE Technologies: Angular 17
- Other technologies/Protocols used: Dataspace Protocol, HTTPS, sftp, DCAT-AP
- Useful Tools: Postman, Docker, Robo 3T (or any other MongoDb visualization tool)
- Repository source code and versioning
- Task Management and Monitoring
- Deploy management: Not yet, planned to be dockerized and maybe some cloud solution
Project structure
Project is structured as multi module maven project:
- catalog - module containing logic for processing catalog document
- negotiation - module containing logic for performing contract negotiation
- connector - wrapper module for starting application
- data-transfer - module maintaining transfer of the data
- tools - various tools and utilities needed across modules
GUI tool for DSP TRUEConnector