EngineeringSpirit / FreeLwIP-Nios-II

FreeRTOS with LwIP integration in the Nios II EDS
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Nios updated port for NiosEDS 11.0 and up Engineering Spirit (c) 2012 - 2013

We updated the Nios II FreeRTOS port with the following changes: Fixed bug report:

To use FreeRTOS as BSP the following hardware is required: (jtag_)uart or something ( this is where print message will end up) an sys_clk_timer (I'm running at 1ms, but any speed would be sufficient)

To run the provided demo (Only one included which uses FreeRTOS and LwIP) you would need to have an Triple Speed Ethernet addapter included in your Nios II blok.

!!! Note !!! - currently using a modified version of the LwIP-1.4.1 TCP/IP stack

Installation instructions: If you are on a unix system and have wget and curl installed, skip step 1 and 2.

  1. Download the latest FreeRTOS kernel from (currently v7.3.0)
  2. Unzip the latest FreeRTOS source into FreeRTOS_src directory.
  3. Execute alt-freertos-lwip-install.bat if your on windows or if your on a unix like system.
  4. Follow the steps provided by the console.

Howto test your FreeRTOS OS installation

In the Nios Software Build tools for eclipse, choose File ->New -> Nios II Board Support Package In the dialogue box that appears you should be able to select "Real Time Engineers Ltd FreeRTOS 7.3.0" if you choose a .sopcinfo file you should be able to build a BSP. To test your application

In the Nios Software Build tools for eclipse, choose File ->New -> Nios II Application and BSP from Template Here you should be able to select "FreeRTOS - LwIP Demo" and build a system.

Changes for multiple PHY support: Naming convension for network interfaces changed, now peripherals must be matched in this way (the 0 can be replaced by any value from 0 till 9):

Clearly if you want to change the code you can remove most of these restrictions. But these are the requirements for the "out of box" experience.

Further more are there some changes in the application to BSP interface for ethernet handling. Please read 'lwip\FreeRTOS\inc\lwip_main.h' for more info.