EnigmaDragons / LDJam46

MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link


This is the source code repository for Enigma Dragons LDJam46 project.

Contributor Quickstart

Welcome to the Enigma Dragons game jam squad!

To begin work on the project, prepare yourself and your environment by following these steps:

  1. Read the Guides below
  2. Ensure that you can create/move cards on the Kanban board
  3. Setup your Development Environment

Details on each are found below.


Kanban Board

Project Kanban Board

Development Environment Setup

Software Requirements:


  1. Clone this repository using git
  2. Install any C# IDE of your choice. Visual Studio 2019 recommended.
  3. Install Unity Hub
  4. Launch Unity Hub and Install Unity (Version 2019.3.9f1)
  5. In Unity Hub, click Add
  6. Browse and select ../repo/src/LDJam46
  7. Click on LDJam46
