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High RAM usage causing frequent freezes, especially when loading chunks #381

Closed Dimentive closed 5 years ago

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

I’m playing Enigmatica 2 version 1.61, and my memory usage frequently reaches over 90%. When it reaches this, the game completely freezes for several seconds for both me and the person I’m playing LAN multiplayer with. Sometimes, when the game freezes, it does so for both of us at the same time, while other times, it only freezes for one person. I’m not sure why.

As you can see, there are constant “[Server thread/DEBUG] [FML]: The world 46d2c7b6 (2019 Modded Survival) may have leaked: seen XXXX times” lines in the debug log. There seems to be very frequent memory leaks.

I have 7.5 GB of RAM allocated to Minecraft (out of 16 GB total RAM on my PC), and my friend has 6.5 GB RAM allocated to Minecraft. This should be more than enough RAM allocated, and the memory usage should never reach over 96%. We have no other programs open in the background.

The high memory usage and freezes happen sometimes when just at our bases (although quite often for my friend), but when we’re walking out and about loading chunks, even chunks we’ve generated before, it causes frequent memory usage spikes and freezes—especially when flying fast with a hang glider. It also happens frequently for my friend when he searches for something in JEI.

These are the Java arguments that we’re both using, taken from Forge developer voxcpv on Reddit: -XX:+UseG1GC -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=35 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

This issue seems to be related to #289, made January this year.

This is making the game almost unplayable for me and my friend. I love the pack, so I would highly appreciate if you could help me figure this out.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

When playing singleplayer, I froze when in my inventory, looking at something in JEI, and I copied my log right afterwards.

latest.log (Again using ZeroBin since it's too big for Pastebin. This is the full log this time, though, as it’s not that big.)

Here’s just the part showing the JEI error. Something is causing JEI to crash. It seems as though the freezing when using JEI may be related to Ender IO integration with the mod. This appeared at the bottom of the log which I checked right after I froze when using JEI, so it’s most likely related.

I’m not sure what exactly causes this and whether it can be fixed, but at least it explains some of the freezes. Still, these JEI freezes are, presumably, unrelated to the high memory usage.

NielsPilgaard commented 5 years ago

This is what I was talking about when I recommend that you do not play LAN. Your PC is simply not powerful enough to run server and client on the same core, and 7.5GB of RAM for both server and client is far, far too little. The debug log says the world may have leaked, not that it has.

In addition, you should pregen the area you're going to load to reduce performance issues, although that'll be a chore in a LAN world.

Second issue is this: https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/issues/5035

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

All right, thank you, @NillerMedDild.

Would the RAM usage be improved if I run it on a server that my friend connects to locally and I connect to using localhost, as opposed to running a LAN server, or would I still need to allocate more RAM? I have 16 GB of RAM, so I’m able to allocate more than what I’m already allocating, but if I’m running a normal server, do I still need more than the recommended 6–8 GB of RAM? If so, how much memory do you recommend that I allocate to Minecraft to run the server and client on the same computer?

You say my PC isn’t powerful enough to run the server and client on the same core. Would my PC use one core for the server and one core for the client if I run an actual server as opposed to a LAN world? (I have an eight-core CPU.)

Sorry for all the questions. I don’t really know much about server running and the memory usage of a server.

By the way, I’m still getting upwards of 80% memory usage with 7.6 GB of RAM allocated when playing singleplayer, even when I did a fresh install of Enigmatica 2 and made no config changes and added no mods. When I did this, I only got one actual game freeze and no stutter (plus some frame rate drops when generating chunks, which is to be expected, I presume), but my friend hasn’t tested on his computer yet.

NielsPilgaard commented 5 years ago

You should see better performance if you make a server and allocate 4GB to it, and 7-8GB to your client. You will still eventually get poor performance though, running server and client on the same PC isn't a good idea, for the same reason as LAN worlds. You may be able to use seperate cores, but I'm not certain that would be enough for actual good performance.

That is entirely normal, Enigmatica 2 is a very large pack.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

I’ve played All the Mods 3 via LAN with my friend on the same computers last year, and that’s also a really big pack. The RAM that both he and I allocated were less than we do in Enigmatica 2, and we didn’t have frequent frame rate drops or any game freezes at all.

Enigmatica 2 does have about 10 more mods than All the Mods 3, but I don’t really understand how we could play with great performance via LAN in one big pack with 250+ mods but not another. Heck, I even used a shader pack in that pack, and I still had good performance.

Are you sure that there are no memory leaks with any of the mods and that it’s not an issue with modpack? Surely, there is one mod or multiple mods in Enigmatica 2 that are heavy on memory and is/are causing these freezes, since this hasn’t happened in any modpack we’ve played before via LAN.

By the way, I still don’t really understand how LAN works in regards to RAM. Does the host of the LAN world/server have to allocate RAM for both themselves and the other player? If so, would the performance for my friend be better if I allocated, say, 11 or 12 GB RAM to Minecraft?

Thanks for the help, by the way. I’m really enjoying Enigmatica 2—it’s my favourite Minecraft modpack I’ve ever played so far—but the game freezes are messing with the experience, mostly for my friend, as he’s the one who’s getting freezes most frequently. I really hope that there’s something I can do without having to buy a new computer just to host the server on a separate computer than the one I’m playing on.

NielsPilgaard commented 5 years ago

That I can't explain, I've never been able to get good performance out of any modpack while hosting a LAN world with others in it.

I know JourneyMap has/used to have a memory leak, and I can't rule out that there are others, but none that I know about or am able to fix ^^'

Allocating 11-12GB might help, as you have both server and client active.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

I allocated 11.2 GB to my Minecraft, and he’s still experiencing a few freezes every now and then. We’re still playing via LAN. Later, I’ll try playing via a server and see if that improves anything.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

We switched to a proper server, as opposed to LAN. I downloaded the Enigmatica 2 server install and set it up. My performance is mostly fine, but his game crashed a few seconds after he joined. We tried another another time, and he managed to play for a few minutes, but then, he crashed again, after his game froze for several seconds.

Here’s his friend’s log upon his game crashed: https://pastebin.com/raw/atLfKZzd No crash report was generated, for some reason.

He had 5.8 GB of allocated RAM to his client, but he’s tried allocating 4.5 GB, 6 GB, and 6.1 GB before, to no avail. I, the host of the server, have 7.6 GB of RAM allocated, and the server itself has 4 GB allocated (the default).

No matter what we do—having less or more RAM allocated, playing via LAN or a proper server—it never seems to work. My performance is decent, but his is really poor, causing frequent freezes and crashes. We have never had this problem before, even when playing another large modpack, All the Mods 3.

I’m not sure if it’s his computer or one or more of the mods. Are there any memory leaks? There were constant “The world may have leaked” messages in the log yesterday (#381), so maybe it’s a mod leaking memory?

I had this fatal server thread error related to CoFH World in my server’s log/console a bit before my friend’s game froze and crashed. I’m not sure if this is related. I also saw a [Netty Server IO #6/ERROR] [FML]: NetworkDispatcher exception error right before he crashed. The actual error message for his crash that I saw in the console was the usual Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. The server didn’t crash; only he did.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. We’re not able to play this modpack because of this, which is a shame, as it’s such a fun pack.

NielsPilgaard commented 5 years ago

It looks like he crashed because he clicked on an item with an invalid recipe.

He's using a ton of client side mods, a few of them could be causing issues. I recommend that he tries with a clean install, with no extra mods. Additionally, if he has more than 8GB RAM total, allocate 7GB.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

We have added a decent number of client-side mods, as well as a few server-side mods, to the modpack; however, I tested with a completely fresh install of the latest version of Enigmatica 2, 1.62, with no mods added and no config changes made.

In this fresh install, when playing via LAN, I, the host, was having a memory usage of 50–75%, sometimes even reaching upwards of 80%. His RAM usage was much higher, often reaching over 96%, just like before, causing frequent frame rate drops and freezes for him. Nothing seems to be any different now than it was before we tried a fresh install.

We also tested with a fresh install of the Enigmatica 2 server pack (also 1.62). No difference. I had 4 GB allocated to the server (the default) and 7.3–7.5 GB allocated to my client. My friend has 6.5 GB allocated to his client.

Here are the logs, all from the same short test:

(The debug logs are GitHub download links, as they’re too big to be pasted on any website [being 17.2–18.2 MB each.])

When I pressed Alt + F3 to show the frame time graph, I saw that I’m getting really big red frame rate spikes.

2019-03-10_18 05 02

This is what the graph looks like when I’m just walking around my base—or anywhere—slowly, not when loading chunks or anything. When I’m just standing still or looking around, it’s slightly better but still quite poor. My frame rate is not that bad—it’s usually around 60–70 fps, often dipping into 40 fps or lower and frequently being over 100 fps when mining—and I could totally deal with this if I were playing alone, but I’m playing with a friend who has a slightly less powerful computer with less RAM available, and my fps dips can still be pretty annoying.

My friend has it far worse, though. His frame graph is filled with massive red frame rate spikes, even when walking around in his house or just standing still. It’s also much worse when loading chunks for both of us, but it’s still really bad when just walking around our bases or just standing still. His graph is almost entirely red lines at all times.

2019-03-10_17 17 34

His memory usage is usually about 60–80% and very frequently reaches over 96% and causes game freezes, as previously mentioned.

My computer has 16 GB of RAM, but his only has 8 GB. He’s tried allocating 4 GB, 4.5 GB, 6 GB, 6.1 GB, 6.3 GB, 6.5 GB, and 6.9 GB, respectively, but nothing seems to fix his performance issues. And I, who has a pretty powerful computer with 7.6 GB allocated, shouldn’t have any issues with memory unless a mod is leaking. The Enigmatica 2 page on CurseForge says that the minimum amount of allocated RAM required to run this modpack is 5 GB, while 6–8 GB is recommended, so he shouldn’t have any issues with 6–6.5 GB of RAM allocated. I especially shouldn’t have any issues with 7.3–7.6 GB of RAM allocated. I’m thinking that one mod or more mods may be leaking memory because of all the red lines in the frame graph, the high memory usage and the fps drops and freezes that they cause, and the “world may have leaked” lines that I showed you in a previous log.

We’ve tried pretty much everything at this point, and I don’t know why he’s having these major performance issues. As I mentioned in a previous post, we’ve played All the Mods 3 together before, which has nearly the same number of mods as Enigmatica 2, and we had no frame rate issues, game freezes, or frequent crashes. I even ran shaders, Better Foliage, and a HD resource pack when playing All the Mods 3, and my frame rate was much higher than in Enigmatica 2. Of course, our computers may not be powerful enough, but that’s pretty odd considering that, again, we had no issues running All the Mods 3.

Of course, it could just be that Enigmatica 2 has a mod or multiple mods that our computers (especially his computer) aren’t powerful enough to run. If that’s the case, maybe you could help me figure out which mod or mods it is so that we can remove them. However, I doubt it, since our CPUs, especially my CPU, should be fast enough to run modded Minecraft just fine. We’ve never experienced issues like this in any other modpack in the past.

We really love this modpack, but it’s clear that we have to stop playing it. Either I just play it alone, or we play a different modpack, but I’d rather just play Enigmatica 2 together as we’ve been trying to do. I really appreciate your responses, and my friend and I would greatly appreciate if you could help us solve this. 😄 Thank you!

NielsPilgaard commented 5 years ago

I think you guys should just switch to Enigmatica 2: Light. It was pretty much made for people with your issues.

I'm not seeing any odd or buggy behaviour. It's unfortunate that your friend gets awful performance, but that's pretty much to be expected with integrated graphics and 8GB of RAM. Enigmatica 2 is very heavy, while it may have the same mod count as AllTheMods 3, the mods aren't the same. You can't just compare like that.

I'm sympathetic to your issues, but please stop with these extremely long reports.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

I apologize for the long reports. I wanted to provide as much information as possible, but I’ll keep my posts as brief as I can from now on. Anyway, I accidentally uploaded the wrong screenshot earlier. He normally doesn’t use integrated graphics; he only did after we changed the Nvidia settings.

This is a screenshot in a new test where he uses his GeForce GTX 1050 like he normally does (again, playing a fresh install of 1.62—no mods added or config changes made). He’s standing completely still in his house, and his frame rate is really bad. His frame time graph is also still filled with red frame spikes. 2019-03-11_00 35 39

Why is poor performance expected with 5–6.5 GB of RAM allocated when the Enigmatica 2 page says that the minimum required allocated RAM is 5 GB, with 6–8 GB being recommended? Shouldn’t his performance be good with 6 GB of RAM allocated in that case? Also, he does get a poor frame rate even when his memory usage doesn’t reach 100%; however, he can probably deal with his fps. The main problem is the frequent freezes caused by a memory usage of 100%.

Anyway, we tried allocating 7 GB of RAM to his game, and he hasn’t reached 100% memory usage yet (only about 85%), meaning his game hasn’t frozen yet, although I hope 7 GB isn’t too much, since that leaves less than 1 GB of RAM left for his operating system. Then again, he has no programs other than Minecraft open while playing, so maybe it’ll work. His frame rate is still bad and goes down to 0–2 fps frequently, and the frame time graph is still full of red lines, but hopefully, that’s something that he can live with. If not, we’ll try Enigmatica 2: Light or a different modpack. Thanks for the responses!

NielsPilgaard commented 5 years ago

Alright, that is definitely not normal, he should be getting better performance. In fact, his PC is significantly better than mine and I don't get much lag, although I have to allocate 6.5GB.

I think he should try removing the mods FPSReducer and BetterFPS, and see if the issue persists. I'll try think of other things to try :P

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

We did another test, again with a fresh install of Enigmatica 2 with no mods added and no config changes made, except this time, we removed FPSReducer and BetterFPS.

2019-03-11_21 07 32 2019-03-11_20 48 46

His performance is still poor, and this is just when he’s standing still in his house. It’s much worse when he’s moving around—even slowly, inside his own home—and even worse when generating chunks. He still sometimes reaches a frame rate of 0–2 fps, which causes the game to stop for a few seconds. We haven’t experienced an actual game freeze since he started allocating 6.7–7 GB of RAM to Minecraft, but we haven’t done any rigorous testing or played the game like normal. Still, his frame rate issues are really bad, and surely, it should be better, especially when he’s just standing still. My performance could also be better. It’s not as bad as his, but I’m still getting a poor frame rate when moving around, especially when loading chunks.

Also, this isn’t multiplayer this time. In this test, as well as the last one, we just loaded up our world in singleplayer.

We forced a crash in his game for a debug crash report: Pastebin: crash-2019-03-11_21.09.34-client.txt (raw text)

I don’t know if this forced crash log tells you anything. I also provided our client logs, our debug logs, the server log, and the server debug log from our multiplayer test in this post that I posted yesterday. They may be of help.

He has no programs open in the background, he’s using the latest version of Java, he’s using his GeForce GPU, and he’s allocated enough RAM, so I don’t know what’s causing these performance issues. If these issues are caused by a certain mod or mods, we’d gladly remove it/them from the pack.

Thanks for the help! 😄

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

Do you think the culprit could be MalisisDoors? I’ve heard that this mod tends to cause performance issues.

I tried to disable it, and my game seems to run a little bit better (although it could be placebo), but my friend hasn’t tested it on his computer yet. He’ll test later.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

He disabled MalisisDoors and MalisisCore, and sure enough, his performance improved (and so did mine).

2019-03-12_00 50 14 2019-03-12_00 52 07

When just walking around in his house, his frame rate is decent, and the frame time graph looks much better. It still has yellow lines and a few red lines, but his frame rate seems unaffected when in his house.

However, when he’s running about outside, loading chunks (it doesn’t have to be chunks he’s never visited before), his frame rate worsens, and he gets relatively frequent drops to 0–2 fps, as before, which stops his game for about a second. This is just when he’s loading chunks when sprinting, or even just walking—not flying or slime slinging or anything. Is this normal? Either way, if you have any tips on improving the performance further, I’d really appreciate it, but I’m at least glad that removing MalisisCore and MalisisDoors improved his performance.

This was tested in singleplayer.

Nevertheless, it’s probably managable. The next time we play, we’ll see if the modpack is playable now, and I’ll give you an update. I just hope that allocating 6.7–7 GB of RAM isn’t too much for a PC with only 8 GB available, but Minecraft is usually not using all of that RAM, so it’s probably fine.

NielsPilgaard commented 5 years ago

That still doesn't sound normal, but I'm out of ideas :P

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

Yeah, it’s still pretty bad. I’m at least glad that removing MalisisCore and MalisisDoors made some improvement, but my game still stutters and goes down to ~15 fps a whole lot when I load chunks, even if they’re chunks that I’ve generated before and even if I’m moving slowly. And that’s just what happens to me. I can imagine that it’s much worse for my friend, although we haven’t really played together yet since before these tests. When I’m standing still or moving within already loaded chunks, my frame rate is fine, but as soon as I start moving anywhere, even if it’s just a few steps within my base, I start stuttering like crazy and getting big red lines in the frame time graph.

I’m using very low settings, and so is my friend.

I’ve tried adding OptiFine. My game is loading right now, and I’ll see if that improves anything. I’ve avoided adding OptiFine as I’ve heard that it can cause visual bugs and crashes in large modpacks, but I’m trying it anyway as a last resort.

I’ve tried everything I can think of at this point, so if OptiFine doesn’t work, I don’t know what will. 😕

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

Lo and behold, OptiFine actually fixed the stuttering when loading chunks. Everything is as close to silky smooth as I will probably ever get. The frame time graph is still having a field day when I’m loading chunks, but the graph is far less extreme than it was before I added OptiFine. When I’m running about, loading chunks, my frame rate usually goes down to 35–45 fps, but there’s no major stuttering. I can actually move around and load chunks without feeling like I’m watching a PowerPoint presentation. The worst part is, I always use OptiFine, even when playing modpacks. This is the first time I haven’t used OptiFine, simply because of the fact that people say that OptiFine doesn’t work well with mods. And, in the end, the one mod I actually need to fix my performance issues is OptiFine. Of course, it can cause visual glitches with mods, or even crashes, but I’d rather have that than not having playable performance.

I can even have a higher render distance now!

My friend hasn’t added OptiFine to his game yet, so here’s to hoping that it’ll do the same wonders to his performance as it did to mine. My friend’s computer specs aren’t bad by any means, but his PC is a bit less powerful than mine, and he did have far worse performance than I did in this modpack.

Anyway, I’ve done more troubleshooting and testing with this pack than I’ve actually played it, but I’m happy to finally have improved my performance. If we encounter any more freezes or major frame rate issues, I’ll give you an update. Hopefully, we don’t, though. Thanks again for the help. 👍

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

Currently, after adding OptiFine and tweaking its settings, I’m getting 55–70 fps when not doing anything, 45–50 fps when moving around, and 35–45 fps when loading chunks (I’m playing with a render distance of only 9 chunks, and so is my friend). I can get upwards of 50–60 fps when loading chunks after disabling animated terrain in the OptiFine animation settings. I can live with it, but I’m worried that it’ll become worse later in the game when I have farms, mob farms, and all kinds of automation, as we’re very early-game at the moment. My friend is getting around 40–50 fps when he’s not doing anything, and when he’s loading chunks, his frame rate can dip to a really low number and essentially freeze his game for a second. When he was generating new chunks, both of us also experienced a little bit of TPS block lag for a few seconds at a time, lasting for a few minutes, but that’s nothing major.

I have a fairly high-end PC, and my friend isn’t far behind. Like I said in an earlier post, we also got much better performance when we played All the Mods 3 (also 1.12.2) last year. I even used Better Foliage, a shader pack, and the Default 3D resource pack installed and still got a better frame rate than I have in Enigmatica 2 (and so did my friend, although he didn’t use shaders or Default 3D). The reason I’m saying this is that I don’t get why we had much better performance in ATM 3 when that’s a pack that has many of the same mods as Enigmatica 2, including MalisisDoors, MalisisCore, JourneyMap, and other mods that people claim to be causing performance issues, so I’m really not sure about why we had better performance in ATM 3. Also, speaking of MalisisCore and MalisisDoors, removing them didn’t seem to improve performance by much once I had added OptiFine to Enigmatica 2 like it did before I added OptiFine.

Still, while our performance isn’t ideal, it’s playable (for now), so I won’t be pestering you with long posts anymore, but if you have any ideas on how we could improve our performance further, it would be greatly appreciated. 👍

Oh, and this isn’t really related to the actual issue topic anymore, as the original issue was about high memory usage, causing freezes, which my friend circumvented by allocating 6.95 GB of RAM, although I’m still not sure if that’s good on a computer with only 8 GB of RAM. Still, I don’t think there’s any point in making a new issue at this point.

kleshas commented 5 years ago

Allocating almost 7GB in an 8GB system, especially on win10, is almost certainly a "bad idea". Try allocating 5GB, and then maybe 6GB and determine the differences. 2GB for the OS is at the minimum I'd consider using for win10, pos that it is. As a comparison, I run a 2600K at 4.4GHz, 950GTX, the same java arguments as specified in the OP and get 100fps on arch linux (non expert Enigmatica2). Assigned 4-8GB in MultiMC with 24GB system total. My system thinks java is using 11GB at the point of loading the world, and one CPU is pegged at 100%. (13% system load w 8 cores)

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

@kleshas When we first started playing the pack, my friend allocated 6 GB of RAM to the game. The memory usage frequently reached 100%, causing freezes and sometimes crashes. Increasing it to 6.5 GB didn’t fix the problem. We didn’t get rid of the freezes until he allocated 6.9 GB of RAM to the game.

He would use less RAM if he could, but Enigmatica 2 seems to use a lot of RAM, even with mods like FoamFix installed. Since he haven’t experienced freezes in a while, we’ll try allocating 6.5 GB instead of 6.9 GB and see if the memory problem has somehow went away on its own, but it probably hasn’t, as our memory usage is still pretty high (usually 55%–85%). Although I guess if it’s using no more than 85% of the allocated RAM, it would be safe to allocate a little less.

kleshas commented 5 years ago

Worth a try, as you've improved things already by removing MalisisDoors etc. For interest's sake - does your friend have spinning rust or an SSD as his OS drive (and I assume minecraft is installed on the OS drive)?

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

I re-added MalisisCore and MalisisDoors as having them removed no longer seemed to have any noticeable effect on my frame rate after I added OptiFine, for some reason. I was also getting console errors because I removed it from an existing world.

My friend has an SSD, and Minecraft is, indeed, installed on the OS drive. Anyway, we’ll try allocating less RAM again. I appreciate the help.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

I am getting a much better frame rate in singleplayer, so I’d imagine that he does too. I guess it’s because I’m running a server and playing the game on the same computer.

What do you recommend that I do? I can’t afford to pay for a server, and I don’t want or need it to be always online anyway. If I had another computer, I would run the server on that, but I don’t.

You don’t need a powerful computer to run a Minecraft server with two people on it, do you? As far as I’m aware, you would only need 4 or 5 GB of RAM, right? Does the CPU and GPU even matter when just running a server?

Maybe I could buy a Raspberry Pi or something. I definitely can’t afford buying a new computer just for hosting a local server, though.

Somebody recommended that I use Eclipse’s OpenJ9 virtual machine, which supposedly heavily reduces RAM and CPU usage on “even the biggest modpacks.” It seems promising, but I’ve never used it or run Minecraft on a virtual machine before, so I have no clue if it’ll work for me or if it’ll cause any issues down the line.

NielsPilgaard commented 5 years ago

A Raspberry Pi would not be able to run a modded Minecraft server, CPU does matter.

You should be fine with a 4GB server from akliz.net, that's what I recommend you do. You get a 20% discount off your first month with that link ^^

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

Your link doesn’t work, but here’s a working link.

Anyway, now that I think of it, I’m the only one who would be getting better performance, right? My friend would presumably have the same frame rate since he’s not the one running the server and the client on the same machine.

NielsPilgaard commented 5 years ago

Woops! He may get better performance as well, but FPS will most likely stay the same.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

What do you mean by better performance? The only thing that’s less than ideal for us is our frame rates.

Still, we can live with it. At least for now. If the performance starts getting really bad, I might buy a cheap server. I’d wager it’s not that expensive to host a server just for two people who play in the same room.

Dimentive commented 5 years ago

Disabling JourneyMap integration in FTB Utilities improved my performance. I also figured out that Applied Energistics 2 cables caused a lot of frame rate issues, likely just because I had a lot of them in the same chunks.

CleanCutBloons commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this. I tried running MC Eternal with 7gb and that was bad. I have 8gb on my system. I am now trying it with 6.25gb.