EnigmaticaModpacks / Enigmatica6

The official repository and issue-tracker for Enigmatica 6
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Major Changes for 0.5.0 #1571

Closed NielsPilgaard closed 3 years ago

NielsPilgaard commented 3 years ago

New Mods

Potential Changes

Mod Removals

Biome Yeet List

merlerm commented 3 years ago

For the record, I did try adding environmental to already generated worlds in TF and it resulted in pretty jarring chunk borders, so I think this one will have to wait sadly

2021-03-07_00 38 22

2021-03-07_00 39 11

Mang0z commented 3 years ago

Oh i see that abnormals delight and abnormals core are on the possible removal list? is this a mistake orrrr? Cause Upgrade aquatic,Environmental,Atmospheric,Autumnity and Abnormals delight require it

Edit: Nvm i see that you guys wanna remove Autumnity and Atmospheric but my point still does stand Upgrade aquatic needs abnormals core :/

NielsPilgaard commented 3 years ago

Upgrade Aquatic is now on the list too :) Abnormal mods are nice but I don't feel like the modpack really needs them. And they really lose some flair when the biomes shift from time to time, whatever is causing that it ^^'

Mang0z commented 3 years ago

I think there might be a mod that fixes this but it'd have to be tested https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/biome-id-fixer https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chocolate-fix But i understand if the pack doesnt need them but i think they add a certain, Charm? they do alot of unique things that other mods cant do and they fit for me and alot of other people. But i can understand if you guys want to remove it. :)

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NielsPilgaard commented 3 years ago

Those mods were picked up by Forge, and do not fix this issue. Thanks though. Myeah they do add a certain charm, but we've got to cut down somewhere.

Mang0z commented 3 years ago

Thats fair! Maybe in the future... :)

pm065 commented 3 years ago

Upgrade Aquatic is now on the list too :) Abnormal mods are nice but I don't feel like the modpack really needs them. And they really lose some flair when the biomes shift from time to time, whatever is causing that it ^^'

Sad but understandable. Abnormals are at their best in vanilla+ packs where they add some sweet features that aren't overshadowed by other things. (: By the way, why are BYG's nether and end getting removed? They look really nice...

NielsPilgaard commented 3 years ago

I think they're very cluttery/messy tbh.

Kataiser9 commented 3 years ago

Haven't had time to play this pack in awhile, but I'm curious why Crafting Station is on the chopping block. I assume there's somme similar block from another mod that serves the same purpose, but I can't think of one off the top of my head (outside of TiCon, which isn't in yet).

Also curious why DungeonsPlus is going.

Finally, I take it "Storage for CC" is being nixed because it's relatively niche? Bummer, but understandable.

NielsPilgaard commented 3 years ago

Haven't had time to play this pack in awhile, but I'm curious why Crafting Station is on the chopping block. I assume there's somme similar block from another mod that serves the same purpose, but I can't think of one off the top of my head (outside of TiCon, which isn't in yet).

Tinkers will be added :)

Also curious why DungeonsPlus is going.

We don't really need it tbh, we have enough dungeons as is. And it doesn't (didn't?) play nice with TF.

Finally, I take it "Storage for CC" is being nixed because it's relatively niche? Bummer, but understandable.

It's functionality is also in the mod Advanced Peripherals, which we have.

Mang0z commented 3 years ago

Seeing as it looks like Tinkers will be added in this update. Will tetra be replaced in favor of it? or is that next next major update?

NielsPilgaard commented 3 years ago

Tetra is not planned for removal at this time :)

hron84 commented 3 years ago

Can I ask why Miner's Helmet is going? I love this helmet, especially early game it makes mining super simple.

pm065 commented 3 years ago

Why is JAOPCA being ๐Ÿ”ช? Sure, the dynamically generated items look ugly, but that shouldn't be a cause for removal. @hron84 Miner's Helmet can be laggy at times (:

Mang0z commented 3 years ago

Oh so i see you guys redecided on Upgrade aquatic? nice!

pm065 commented 3 years ago

Abnormals Delight

If UA is kept then Abnormals Delight should be too

hron84 commented 3 years ago

@pm065 it depends on your machine. For me, it's not as laggy, but you could decide to not wear that helmet. I think it should not be removed just because it could be laggy for someone. Zombies should be disabled to spawn with it.

hron84 commented 3 years ago

BlockCarpentry will be replaced or the entire 'Carpenter's Block' theme would be removed?

Mang0z commented 3 years ago

In my opinion i think Environmental should replace Atmospheric and Autmnity, I remember you guys testing it but it left chunk borders but could it still be reconsidered? i know its an abnormals mod but it adds so much more than the others and would fit into the pack really nicely

MuteTiefling commented 3 years ago

Why is JAOPCA being ๐Ÿ”ช? Sure, the dynamically generated items look ugly, but that shouldn't be a cause for removal.

Everything we need from it will be rolled into emendatus enigmatica.

TemperedFool commented 3 years ago

One less mod lengthening load times... and I think JAOPCA is an offender here.

xATL4S commented 3 years ago

Could I ask for the reason for potentially removing these?: EmbellishCraft ItemZoom

I personally quite like the decorative block options given through EmbellishCraft and use them regularly As for ItemZoom - if it went, then it went. But I do find it is rather useful to get a much closer image on items than otherwise possible, It can also be disabled. So unless its something to do with load times or lag, I would much rather it stayed in the pack.

hron84 commented 3 years ago

@xATL4S item zoom is purely client mod, if you really need it, you can put it back anytime. Curse and GDLauncher remembers custom mods between upgrades.

pm065 commented 3 years ago

Everything we need from it will be rolled into emendatus enigmatica.


BlockCarpentry will be replaced or the entire 'Carpenter's Block' theme would be removed?

Replaced by FramedBlocks which is better

Scapulaunit12 commented 3 years ago

Are the nether Byg biomes going to be replaced, It would be cool to still have some new nether biomes.

pm065 commented 3 years ago

Are the nether Byg biomes going to be replaced, It would be cool to still have some new nether biomes.

Apparently they're just going to be gone, but hopefully once Infernal Expansion gets its first biome update it'll be added to replace them. I think that mod's going to become like the BetterEndForge of the Nether once it gets going. Plus there's always Abnormals Nether Extension which I think will add a biome or two when it's released.

Erysch commented 3 years ago

Are the nether Byg biomes going to be replaced, It would be cool to still have some new nether biomes.

totally agreeing

Mang0z commented 3 years ago

Are the nether Byg biomes going to be replaced, It would be cool to still have some new nether biomes.

Apparently they're just going to be gone, but hopefully once Infernal Expansion gets its first biome update it'll be added to replace them. I think that mod's going to become like the BetterEndForge of the Nether once it gets going. Plus there's always Abnormals Nether Extension which I think will add a biome or two when it's released.

Honestly i think this is kinda not needed seeing as if someone wants the Nether/End biomes they can just reenable them in the configs

Erysch commented 3 years ago

Are the nether Byg biomes going to be replaced, It would be cool to still have some new nether biomes.

Apparently they're just going to be gone, but hopefully once Infernal Expansion gets its first biome update it'll be added to replace them. I think that mod's going to become like the BetterEndForge of the Nether once it gets going. Plus there's always Abnormals Nether Extension which I think will add a biome or two when it's released.

Honestly i think this is kinda not needed seeing as if someone wants the Nether/End biomes they can just reenable them in the configs

this is true

Mang0z commented 3 years ago

In my opinion i think Environmental should replace Atmospheric and Autmnity, I remember you guys testing it but it left chunk borders but could it still be reconsidered? i know its an abnormals mod but it adds so much more than the others and would fit into the pack really nicely

Id also like to case atleast atmospheric to stay in the pack, Atmospheric plans to add new biomes that are so much more unique than the existing BYG biomes,I can understand Autumnitys removal but Atmospheric plans to add alot of new stuff, And could Environmental please be reconsidered? the mod adds so much more content than Autumnity and Atmospheric alot of people would like to see it in the pack :)

ghost commented 3 years ago

In my opinion i think Environmental should replace Atmospheric and Autmnity, I remember you guys testing it but it left chunk borders but could it still be reconsidered? i know its an abnormals mod but it adds so much more than the others and would fit into the pack really nicely

Id also like to case atleast atmospheric to stay in the pack, Atmospheric plans to add new biomes that are so much more unique than the existing BYG biomes,I can understand Autumnitys removal but Atmospheric plans to add alot of new stuff, And could Environmental please be reconsidered? the mod adds so much more content than Autumnity and Atmospheric alot of people would like to see it in the pack :)

The problem is that they plan, and each biome added has the possibility of breaking the whole world gen with each addition. I'd prefer that the mod is added at a much later development stage and we all require to do one world reset than one world reset per update.

pm065 commented 3 years ago

YESSSS Atmospheric has returned :smile: And environmental too! Thanks for reconsidering these mods (that, honestly, I'd choose over BYG any day)

Tyler-Jarret commented 3 years ago

While I was in the camp of yeet the whole abnormal core (because of upgrading Biome shift), I am hoping that in the future, newer biomes added by those mods won't shift everything else. I think with Biome ID Fixer from the start it'll remain fixed, whatever may come so... exciting we get to keep some! I ran a single player through a modified terraforge config to remove ALL Autumnity and Atmospheric biomes and the worlds became so much less... diverse.

Now here's a quesiton! I noticed that Bountiful Baubles are on the yeet list. I know that's not the only mod that adds the baubles. Was there a replacement in mind? Or just reducing the amount of Baubles?

MuteTiefling commented 3 years ago

I'm think dropping bountiful baubles would be mostly a way of removing some very powerful, but kind of boring, baubles. There's a few gems in there but they are mostly just very powerful and detract from some of the more interesting game play elements of other mods.

Erysch commented 3 years ago

For me: I like embellishcraft. Sure it has a bit too much of something (like another dozens of stone types) but also it has things other mods don't have, like the plain awesome plain doors or the steel beams o. Also some furniture would be lost, which is always good to have to not be in the need to use stairs as chairs... (wtf) Will we see another furniture mod or are these not wanted at all?


Tyler-Jarret commented 3 years ago

I'm think dropping bountiful baubles would be mostly a way of removing some very powerful, but kind of boring, baubles. There's a few gems in there but they are mostly just very powerful and detract from some of the more interesting game play elements of other mods.

I could understand that competely. Some members of the server I run are going to be sad those Terraria References are going to be gone. But C'est la vie. Thanks for the reply though!

Erysch, I personally don't really do furniture in my builds but just about everyone else on my server loves it. So I do hope a different furniture mod comes along (or DecoCraft ever joins the 1.16.5 club ๐Ÿ˜› )

NielsPilgaard commented 3 years ago

We still have furniture from Builders' Crafts and Additions :)

NielsPilgaard commented 3 years ago

Though tbf I'm thinking about scrapping that as well and adding Macaw's Furniture as a replacement.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Now here's a quesiton! I noticed that Bountiful Baubles are on the yeet list. I know that's not the only mod that adds the baubles. Was there a replacement in mind? Or just reducing the amount of Baubles?

My opinion on Bountiful Baubles: I avoid using them simply cause I got too op too fast. First end city I found I was completely immune to shulker's annoying effects. Cross necklace makes you pretty much able to take a dip on a lava pool and survive (same with Artifacts Cross necklace), the flight potion can be turned into a charm, which you can then get high unbreaking and have creative flight for the cheapest cost... Plus the potion that can crash players.

On the topic of balancing: Apotheosis towers and the extra books it has added on the last updates have made progression ridiculously easy. I made a new world and bumped into a tower and got a fortune 7 book.

Embelishcraft has some interesting things, I like the selection of blocks and some additions that are somewhat unexpected (like stackable plates!) https://imgur.com/a/KVMvlhy Then again, i'm a builder, the more the better :P

Minecraft Enigmatica 6 Pub
Erysch commented 3 years ago

Though tbf I'm thinking about scrapping that as well and adding Macaw's Furniture as a replacement.

mrcrayfish's furniture is cool, especially for multiplayer because it also has mail boxes which you can send items from mail box to mail box once you get access to shulkerboxes, the designs are also cleaner and the furniture is more easy to craft without adding another in-between-crafting-item like macaws furniture does

macaw might be right as well, also because there are other macaws mods already included

i really love the shelfes and kitchen sinks n stuff of these mods, they are also functional

PianoManu commented 3 years ago

FramedBlocks is a pretty cool mod and the slopes are way better than the slopes of BlockCarpentry. The signs and panels are also great and the ladders work. However, it is missing some features that I liked about BlockCarpentry. On the one hand, that would be that you can make blocks glow by clicking on them with glowstone or coal/charcoal. On the other hand, there are many different designs for doors, trap doors, fences, walls, fence gates, chests and beds (there are no chests and beds in FramedBlocks) that can be changed with the chisel so that these blocks don't look quite so boring. There are also grass, snow and brick overlays that can be activated by clicking on a block of BlockCarpentry with a snowball, grass or gunpowder. In addition, at BlockCarpentry you have the option of deciding whether you would like a block with the same texture on all sides for blocks with different side textures (e.g. crafting table or furnace); or whether you want to keep the model (i.e. front remains front, sides remain sides). With FramedBlocks, only the latter is possible, although the models cannot be rotated (which works with BlockCarpentry, with the aid of the Texture Wrench).

Why can't we have both mods in parallel? Then you would have the choice between the better slopes, functioning ladders and signs (from FramedBlocks), and the "luminous feature", overlays, rotations and the chisel options (from BlockCarpentry). I would miss a few things from BlockCarpentry because there is no substitute for them at FramedBlocks.

In any case, thank you very much for your effort and that you keep developing these modpacks!

MrBazlow commented 3 years ago

There are a lot of similarities between FramedBlocks and BlockCarpentry, I guess that is to be expected when they are both trying to achieve the same goal; regarding glowing blocks, BlockCarpentry does actually support this feature so it is not a factor. I have made a table below that highlights the key differences between the mods.

FramedBlocks BlockCarpentry
Illuminated Blocks โœ… โœ…
Horizontal Slopes โœ… โŒ
Climbable ladders โœ… โŒ
Signs โœ… โŒ
Improved slope textures โœ… โŒ
Improved connected textures โœ… โŒ
Mimics block slipperiness โœ… โŒ
Stackable Slabs โœ… โŒ
Double Slope block โœ… โŒ
Beds โŒ โœ…
Custom block designs โŒ โœ…
Multiple textures per frame โŒ โœ…
Overlay textures โœ…1 โœ…

1 Requires the addition of Chipped

NielsPilgaard commented 3 years ago

Why can't we have both mods in parallel? Then you would have the choice between the better slopes, functioning ladders and signs (from FramedBlocks), and the "luminous feature", overlays, rotations and the chisel options (from BlockCarpentry). I would miss a few things from BlockCarpentry because there is no substitute for them at FramedBlocks.

Because they're too similar to warrant keeping both, much like RS and AE2 :)

PianoManu commented 3 years ago

Why can't we have both mods in parallel? Then you would have the choice between the better slopes, functioning ladders and signs (from FramedBlocks), and the "luminous feature", overlays, rotations and the chisel options (from BlockCarpentry). I would miss a few things from BlockCarpentry because there is no substitute for them at FramedBlocks.

Because they're too similar to warrant keeping both, much like RS and AE2 :)

Sad but understandable

PianoManu commented 3 years ago

I have made a table below that highlights the key differences between the mods.

Thanks @MrBazlow

landretk commented 3 years ago

Can byg:basalt_barrera be yeeted? It only spawns on coastlines with terraforged and it looks totally out of place. Also annoying early on cause you can fall in holes and it takes forever to mine out if you don't have diamond tools.


pm065 commented 3 years ago

Shame it doesn't spawn right. That biome looks like it'd be really cool if it did. But if a biome looks weird in TF it probably should go on the NillerMedDild Corp.ยฎ Yeet Listโ„ข. After all, the Overgrown Spires are only getting removed because they look bad in the pack's default world type.

theboo commented 3 years ago

I personally like the look of the Barrera( and it seems everyone is split 50/50 on whether they like it or not)... As for overgrown spires, it will only be disabled in terraforged worlds, if someone makes a non TF world it will exist

merlerm commented 3 years ago

I don't see the argument to remove basalt barrera because "it doesn't look good", since that's mostly personal preference. It's a small biome on a beach so you can very easily just move away a bit. Personally I like it and would be sad to see it go for no reason, nobody is forcing you to live there

MuteTiefling commented 3 years ago

Personally think the basalt barrier looks pretty sweet. Gives some variety to shorelines