EnnoMeijers / lod-aggregator

Alternative tools for the CCLOD Europeana LOD aggregator
European Union Public License 1.2
0 stars 4 forks source link


Build the crawler

docker-compose build --no-cache crawler

No further configuration is needed. See docker-compose.yaml and ./scripts/starter.sh for more details on how the JENA tools (sparql, shacl, riot) are being called.

Tools expect data to be in ./data, shape files in ./shapes, queries in ./queries. Environment variables (in .env) can be set to override these defaults.

Crawl Dataset Description

Start with downloading the dataset description only

docker-compose run --rm --user 1000:1000 crawler /bin/bash ./crawler.sh \
  -dataset_uri http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/dataset/rise-centsprenten \
  -dataset_description_only \
  -output_file /opt/data/centsprenten_dataset.nt \
  -log_file /opt/crawler.log

Set --user to your UID:GID to prevent docker-compose from creating files owned by 'root'.


Validate the dataset description using SHACL shape constraints (to be done)


Crawl the complete dataset

docker-compose run --rm --user 1000:1000 crawler /bin/bash ./crawler.sh \
    -dataset_uri http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/dataset/rise-centsprenten \
    -output_file /opt/data/centsprenten.nt \
    -log_file /opt/crawler.log


Map the crawled data to EDM using a 'construct' SPARQL query

docker-compose run --rm --user 1000:1000 map starter.sh \
  --data centsprenten.nt \
  --query example_schema2edm.rq \
  --output centsprenten_edm.ttl


Validate the EDM data using SHACL shape constraints

docker-compose run --rm --user 1000:1000 validate starter.sh --data centsprenten_edm.ttl --shape CHO_edm.shacl --output validate_results.ttl


Convert the EDM data to XML/RDF format for processing by the Europeana ingest tool

docker-compose run --rm --user 1000:1000 serialize starter.sh \
  --data centsprenten_edm.ttl \
  --output centsprenten_edm.rdf