EnriLion / termux-newsboat

A slight explication of how-to setup newsboat on termux
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A brief introduction how to setup Newsboat with your favorite browser onyour Android System

There are more util stuff in Newsboat for productivity instead of wasting your time on social media and instead using for more productivity termux

apt install newsboat

Follow the instructions of the Newsboat F&A

INSTEAD OF USING /usr/bin/firefox YOU WILL USE am , AS MY bash file

am start --user 0 -n com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main "$@" &

Oh no! Where is the bin file ? don't worry you could use the path where is the file or create a symbolic link instead with the location /data/data/com.termux/usr/bin and moving the file

Creating Macros also is possible, so no only you could open news also open youtube videos as well.


A brief introduction how to setup Newsboat with your favorite browser on Windows Subsystem Linux

There are more util stuff in Newsboat for productivity instead of wasting your time on social media and instead using WSL

sudo apt install newsboat

After that you will set up your webrowser with a script for example sorry but I don't use Google Chrome but is the same you only need to diggin in where is your .exe (ABSOLUTE PATH) and follow the instructions of the Newsboat F&A

INSTEAD OF USING /usr/bin/firefox YOU WILL USE cd , AS MY bash file

cd /mnt/c/Program\Files/Internet\ Explorer/
./iexplore.exe "$@"
exit 0

You could use and create macros I create a macro to open with your media player(mpv) the youtube files or video files I still tried to figure out how to make it smooth. In your .newsboat/config you need to add:

browser "/bin/newsboat-browser.sh"
#Open Youtube Files with Media Player
macro o set browser  mpv  ; open-in-browser ; set browser $BROWSER
macro O set browser  mpv  ; open-in-browser ; set browser $BROWSER