Ensembl / VEP_plugins

Plugins for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)
Apache License 2.0
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SingleLetterAA plugin not working as expected #697

Closed MGCarta closed 2 months ago

MGCarta commented 4 months ago

Hi, I tested the plugin and I got something wrong on one variant. The variant is a deletion:

The variant description I got at mRNA (HGVSc) and protein level (HGVSp) are respectively:

However, I have the suspicious something is going wrong with the HGVSp description. Indeed, if I try to disable the SingleLetterAA plugin the HGVSc remains the same but the HGVSp I get:

seems reasonable. The HGVSp I got in the version in which the plugin is enabled not only shows several amino acids but also the position of 486_491 is shifted of 1 compared to 486_490!

Shouldn't be the HGVSp something like p.N486_P490?

Thanks a lot in advance!

olaaustine commented 4 months ago

HI @MGCarta, Hope this meets you well 😊 Thank you for your query. Is it possible to share the full VEP command used? Thank you Ola.

MGCarta commented 4 months ago

Yes, sorry! I am using vep 110.1 and the command is:

    vep --offline \
    --cache \
    --fork 4 \
    --assembly GRCh38 \
    --refseq \
    --force_overwrite \
    --symbol \
    --canonical \
    --mane \
    --numbers \
    --no_intergenic \
    --clin_sig_allele 1 \
    --af \
    --af_1kg \
    --af_gnomade \
    --af_gnomadg \
    --pubmed \
    --vcf \
    --dir $4 \
    --fasta ./vep/.vep/homo_sapiens/110_GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa.gz \
    --input_file $1 \
    --plugin dbNSFP,./vep/.vep/Plugins/dbNSFP/dbNSFP4.5a_grch38.gz,pep_match=0,SIFT_converted_rankscore,Polyphen2_HDIV_rankscore,Polyphen2_HVAR_rankscore,LRT_converted_rankscore,MutationTaster_converted_rankscore,MutationAssessor_rankscore,FATHMM_converted_rankscore,PROVEAN_converted_rankscore,MetaSVM_rankscore,M-CAP_rankscore,REVEL_rankscore,MutPred_rankscore,CADD_raw_rankscore,DANN_rankscore,fathmm-MKL_coding_rankscore,fathmm-XF_coding_rankscore,GM12878_fitCons_rankscore,GERP++_RS_rankscore,phyloP100way_vertebrate_rankscore,phyloP17way_primate_rankscore,phastCons100way_vertebrate_rankscore,phastCons17way_primate_rankscore \
    --plugin SpliceAI,snv=./vep/.vep/Plugins/spliceAI/spliceai_scores.raw.snv.hg38.vcf.gz,indel=./vep/.vep/Plugins/spliceAI/spliceai_scores.raw.indel.hg38.vcf.gz,cutoff=0.5 \
    --plugin SingleLetterAA \
    --output_file $3
olaaustine commented 4 months ago

Hi @MGCarta, I have not been able to replicate this issue. When i run it with the SingleLetterAA plugin, i get 7_140778037_TAGGTGCTGTCACAT/- 7:140778037-140778051 - 673 NM_004333.6 Transcript inframe_deletion 1683-1697 1457-1471 486-491 NVTAPT/T aATGTGACAGCACCTAca/aca - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=-1;SYMBOL=BRAF;SYMBOL_SOURCE=EntrezGene;CANONICAL=YES;MANE_SELECT=ENST00000646891.2;GIVEN_REF=TAGGTGCTGTCACAT;USED_REF=TAGGTGCTGTCACAT;EXON=12/18;HGVSp=NP_004324.2:p.N486_P490del and when I run without the plugin and just the command--hgvs I get 7_140778037_TAGGTGCTGTCACAT/- 7:140778037-140778051 - 673 NM_004333.6 Transcript inframe_deletion 1683-1697 1457-1471 486-491 NVTAPT/T aATGTGACAGCACCTAca/aca - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=-1;SYMBOL=BRAF;SYMBOL_SOURCE=EntrezGene;CANONICAL=YES;MANE_SELECT=ENST00000646891.2;GIVEN_REF=TAGGTGCTGTCACAT;USED_REF=TAGGTGCTGTCACAT;EXON=12/18;HGVSc=NM_004333.6:c.1457_1471del;HGVSp=NP_004324.2:p.Asn486_Pro490del Please can you use the command --dir_plugins to see if this issue still persists and if it does can you let us know the versions of cache, you are using. Thank you very much Ola.

olaaustine commented 3 months ago

Hi @MGCarta, Hope you are well? Just wanted up to follow up with this issue. Thank you Ola.

MGCarta commented 3 months ago

Hi @olaaustine, sorry for my late reply! I tried to set the parameter --dir_plugins ./vep/.vep/Plugins but I still get the same HGVSp:

7 | 140778036 | 7_140778037_TAGGTGCTGTCACAT/- | GTAGGTGCTGTCACAT | G | . | . | Canonical | 19 | inframe_deletion | BRAF | 12/18 |   | NM_004333.6:c.1457_1471del | NP_004324.2:p.NVT486_APT491delinsT | NP_004324.2:p.NVT486_APT491delinsT | NVTAPT/T | rs1586126439 | YES |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

The version of the cache is 110_GRCh38

olaaustine commented 3 months ago

Hi @MGCarta, Thank you for your response. Please is it possible to use the latest version of VEP plugins that is release/111. This issue has been fixed for this version. Do let us know if this resolves the issue. Thank you very much Ola.

olaaustine commented 2 months ago

Hi @MGCarta, Hope this meets you well? I am going to close this issue now. Please do not hesitate to reopen this issue or open another ticket if you have any other query. Thank you Ola.