Enter-tainer / jogs

MIT License
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Quickjs javascript runtime for typst. This package provides a typst plugin for evaluating javascript code.


#import "@preview/jogs:0.2.3": *

#set page(height: auto, width: auto, fill: black, margin: 1em)
#set text(fill: white)

#let code = ```
function sum() {
  const total = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).reduce(function(a, b) {
      return a + b;
  }, 0);
  return total;

function string_join(arr) {
  return arr.join(" | ");

function return_complex_obj() {
  return {
    a: 1,
    b: "2",
    c: [1, 2, 3],
    d: {
      e: 1,

let bytecode = compile-js(code)


call-js-function(bytecode, "sum", 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

call-js-function(bytecode, "string_join", ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"),)

call-js-function(bytecode, "return_complex_obj",)



## Documentation

This package provide following function(s):

### `eval-js`

Run a Javascript code snippet.

#### Arguments
* `code` - The Javascript code to run. It can be a string or a raw block.

#### Returns
The result of the Javascript code. The type is the typst type which most closely resembles the Javascript type.

#### Example

#let result = eval-js("1 + 1")


Compile a Javascript code snippet into bytecode.



The bytecode of the Javascript code. The type is bytes.


#let bytecode = compile-js("function sum(a, b) { return a + b; }")


Call a Javascript function with arguments.



The result of the Javascript function. The type is the typst type which most closely resembles the Javascript type.


#let bytecode = compile-js("function sum(a, b) { return a + b; }")
#let result = call-js-function(bytecode, "sum", 1, 2)


List all global properties of a compiled Javascript bytecode. This is useful for inspecting the compiled Javascript bytecode.



A list of all global properties of the Javascript bytecode. The type is array.


#let bytecode = compile-js("function sum(a, b) { return a + b; }")
#let result = list-global-property(bytecode)

Build From Source

To build this project from source, you would need the following tools:

  1. wasm-pack
  2. wasi-stub from wasm-minimal-protocol
  3. cargo-about Once you've installed them, you can run install.sh script to build plugin.

Installing the wasi-stub tool might be confusing for those who aren't familiar with typst or rust toolchain. Here's the detail instruction on how to build it from source.

  1. Clone the wasm-minimal-protocol repo to your own computer, normally we just need the latest version of it, not the full history.
    git clone https://github.com/astrale-sharp/wasm-minimal-protocol/ --depth=1
  2. Enter the repo's sub-directory called wasi-stub, and build the tool using cargo.
    cd wasm-minimal-protocol/wasi-stub
    cargo build
    # Better copy one to the project's root directory, so the build.sh script would detect it in build process.
    cp ../target/debug/wasi-stub ../.. 
  3. (Optional) Safely delete the wasm-minimal-protocol repo, we wouldn't made any changes to it.