Epicnessism / BadmintonDb2

Second implementation of Badminton DB
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Implement Upcoming games functionality at the tournament level #70

Open Epicnessism opened 2 years ago

Epicnessism commented 2 years ago
Epicnessism commented 2 years ago

selecting on tournaments, joining with events and sets, and probably having to create an upcoming games table? or adding a field to the sets table.......? Will need to think about this more

Epicnessism commented 2 years ago

Will need an upcoming games overall and also a filter for upcoming games for a specific team/player combination for the profile page. This will probably require joining on effectively all the tables

Epicnessism commented 2 years ago

Have a working query, now just before I implement it I realized that there may be a way to integrate the upcoming games call as part of the tournament call....not sure if that is optimal but would make it all one query for the front-end. This is complicated and requires more research