Epicnessism / BadmintonDb2

Second implementation of Badminton DB
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Second implementation of Badminton DB

Data Persistence Layer

We leverage Knexjs and Postgresql for storing and interacting with our data.


We leverage Express for serving the backend.


We leverage Angular 13 (as of 12/19/21) for serving the frontend. We leverage Angular Material for the frontend components.

Setup Instructions

Prerequisites to set up this application

  1. Clone down repo
  2. cd into the root folder and run npm i. This should install everything you need for the backend server
  3. cd into \bst-frontend and run npm i. This should install everything you need for the frontend angular server
  4. cd back into the root folder and create a .env file at the root level, with this template, fill out values as needed
  5. Run npm run frontend to spin up the angular webserver
  6. You will need to get into psql and create database bst_db or what have you, there must be guides online on how to do this, I kind of don't remember how I did this, but this is a one-time thing
  7. run npm run knexfull to run the knex mgirations AND seed the newly created bst_db.
  8. run npm run dev to spin up the node express backend server.

You should now have a working Angular server on port 4200 and an ExpressJS backend server on port 3000 and a postgresql db called bst_db on port 5432.

Supporting and future reference material