Epicweb-Optimizely / Epicweb.Optimizely.RedirectManager

This .net 6 library contains a RedirectManager and admin user interface integration in an Optimizely CMS 12 and commerce 14 project. Tested with Alloy.
Apache License 2.0
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This .net 6 library contains a RedirectManager and admin user interface integration in an Optimizely CMS 12 and commerce 14 project. Tested with Alloy.

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An Optimizely addon that helps with managements of redirects. Simple but yet so effective. It is based out of https://github.com/huilaaja/RedirectManager

This is the .net 6 version of : https://github.com/huilaaja/RedirectManager <-- use this for CMS 11


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Installation and configuration

Available on nuget.optimizely.com https://nuget.optimizely.com/package/?id=Epicweb.Optimizely.RedirectManager

How to get started?

Start by installing NuGet package:

Install-Package Epicweb.Optimizely.RedirectManager

Add to startup.cs

    addQuickNavigator: true, 
    enableChangeEvent: true);


public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    //remember if you use env.IsDevelopment() do activate error pages in dev env too
    //do NOT use => app.UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects("/Error/{0}");//not redirects

Run your application

First time, you will be prompted to create the redirect table "SEO_redirect"

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Upgraded from .netFramework 4?

That should not be a problem. If you used the Solita solution, change the name of the table "SOLITA_Redirect" to "SEO_Redirect", should be the same schema if you run on latest solution, make sure you have run this V2 upgrade before, (or added the host column manually) [https://github.com/huilaaja/RedirectManager/blob/c7ec6ea4b12aa36b53b27fa89bb373286fe0d53d/WebProject/Redirects/RedirectService.cs#L282]

Schema should look like this:


Add code to 404 handler

add this code into your error/404 custom page controller

            #region RedirectManager
            if (statusCode == 404)
                string originalRelativePath = HttpContext.Request.GetRawUrl();//get current url
                string redirectTo = _redirectService.GetPrimaryRedirectUrlOrDefault(SiteDefinition.Current.Name, originalRelativePath);//check if redirect rule exists
                if (redirectTo != null)
                    Response.Redirect(redirectTo, true);

Complete example of ErrorController


using Epicweb.Optimizely.RedirectManager;
using EPiServer.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace Epicweb.Optimizely.Blog.Features.Error
    public class ErrorController : Controller
        private readonly IContentRepository _contentRepository;
        private readonly RedirectService _redirectService;

        public ErrorController(IContentRepository contentRepository, RedirectService redirectService)
            _contentRepository = contentRepository;
            _redirectService = redirectService;
        public IActionResult HttpStatusCodeHandler(int statusCode)
            ViewBag.Code = statusCode;
            //this is specific redirectManager
            #region RedirectManager
            if (statusCode == 404)
                string originalRelativePath = HttpContext.Request.GetRawUrl();//get current url
                string redirectTo = _redirectService.GetPrimaryRedirectUrlOrDefault(SiteDefinition.Current.Name, originalRelativePath);//check if redirect rule exists
                if (redirectTo != null)
                    Response.Redirect(redirectTo, true);
            return View("~/Features/Error/Error.cshtml");

Roles and restrictions

Users with role WebAdmins and RedirectManagers will automatically see the menu in Optimizely CMS

Sandbox alloy app

Get this solution runing

  1. Clone it

  2. Unpack the /alloy/app_data/blobs-and-database.zip

  3. dotnet run

  4. log in to CMS with "admin" and "Test1234!"

Package maintainer
