EpochModTeam / DayZ-Epoch

Experimental DayZ Mod for Arma 2
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1.0.6 Testing Bugs/Issues #1681

Closed icomrade closed 8 years ago

icomrade commented 8 years ago

Instead of having a ton of fragmented topics on issues with 1.0.6 in its current state let's just put them all here.

I got the test server updated with the current test build from yesterday, you can find the latest test build here as well as instructions to join the server and set up the test mod https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/tree/master/Test%20Build

I'll cross these off as I go, but I'm leaving them here for now, if anyone finds any additional issues that are not enhancements please post them here.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I reinstalled and I can see my weapon again, I don't know what that was about.

Adaptivity commented 8 years ago

I saw that trader menu will be fully reworked (btw I really like how Zupa's advanced trading looks). And it's a great plan to rework it. Can you also add to todo list that this new menu should be fully translatable? Anyway, great work on the mod @ebaydayz keep it up :+1:

icomrade commented 8 years ago

Some more issues:

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

I try to join the test server and after a few seconds while opening my backpack i got banned from your test server @icomrade - it was around 1pm Nickname is A Man. Perhaps i fucked up my client testfiles or something like that.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

Updated the test build and server; the test package now contains the anzio and redryder addons. Note: advanced trading still needs support for trade_any_bicycle and trade_any_boat, maybe other but that's what I've noticed so far, if there's empty slots in a trader or the boat trader is empty that's why. Also, I noticed some item/weapon pictures don't show up in the advanced trade menu

icomrade commented 8 years ago

Tried looking for the reason in the code but I couldn't find why it would be broken player reloadEnabled returns true in game. keyboard.sqf doesn't appear to be filtering the reload key, removing keyboard.sqf doesn't make a difference.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

I think the parts don't update properly. If I shoot a truck then go and get the salvage options everything still says 0% damage.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

Yeah that was it, nevermind.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

When changing clothes the player will occasionally see the "wait for 5 seconds to continue playing" message that occurs when you die. Sometimes when this happens the player ends up in the debug and after re-logging ends up on the shore, most of the time the message is displayed but the skin change is successful.

Edit: Should be fixed with e08bd750d0f2a80f943f24a54a4f5d0350e88610

oiad commented 8 years ago

Hey guys,

I apologize if I comment on things that have already been mentioned or if this is not the correct place to place them or even if I have permission to post here but I downloaded the test server today to have a play around and found a few issues:

Overall it looks really great, Can't wait for it to be finally released.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

@oiad the test build was updated 16 days ago so that should answer your question about the vectors. I think we need a new test build here.

oiad commented 8 years ago

@AirwavesMan Thankyou for pointing that out, In my hurry to get this going I didn't see that.

SmokeyBR commented 8 years ago

a new test build would be nice, i tried just replacing pbos from recent SQF folder from master build but its either not that simple or i just failed.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

I'll update it later I have to fix a couple of things first. Also @oiad you you shouldn't be getting init.sqf errors anymore, make sure you are running the latest stable branch of Arma 2, not the legacy.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

I generally keep the server up to date so for future reference you should be able to hop right on with the latest build (I've updated it to the latest build now). As far as I know I do not have access to the wiki and I unfortunately do not have any interest in updating it.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

Ive tested the new build and noticed some things:

icomrade commented 8 years ago

Re-update your server and client with the new test build and dayz_server.pbo.I built them after the ebayDayz did and the server doesn't run the duplicate uid check so if you see that in your rpt you are still running the old code.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

Nope Im sure I run your code. I checked it twice. I took the last test build.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

You shouldn't be getting the duplicate UID error on server startup or restart when you run the latest code I packed latter in the day yesterday. I didn't rename the test package, just try re-downloading and reinstalling the test build. I'm looking at a better way of doing the duplicate ObjectUID check, most of the things you mentioned are probably due to that code, but I have to look at the plot management issue.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

Ok then I go on testing with something else. I will test again when you found a solution for the duplicate ObjectUID.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

@icomrade I found the reason why you got pushed backwards when changing stance. It is not only the Nice Wooden Shed. It is almost every buildalbe item that is not transparent and touchs the player while changing the stance. The items dont go through the player. You can test it easy. If you want to build a Nice Wooden Shed press F before changing the position and go a few steps away from it after that try to change the stance. It should work.

I tested building again and found out that the rtp spam I mentioned earlier comes only from door buildings directly after building but not at server restart.

There are few more things: I think there are

- if click right on a single cooper bar you cant see the text from the item

icomrade commented 8 years ago

Wow thanks for the list! I fixed the plot check. I haven't noticed the broken leg indicator flashing, what GUI are you using?

I think zombie not attacking vehicles is intentional.

I'm not sure if stashes are going to be added as the Shovel isn't spawned yet. I don't really see the point to stashes since I think a lock box is infinitely better and somewhat makes stashes redundant.

I'm going to edit your post and cross off thing I fix as I go, hope you don't mind

Edit: sliding while building should be fixed.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

You can edit my post like you want, I think it is faster when you do it.

The stashes are in the game currently. You can build one with rightclick on a sandbag or a shovel but Im the same opinion like you, stashes are kind of redundant but if we would only use the small version for 12 items is kind of ok I think.

My broken leg indicator is flashing on every GUI. Ive checked all three types

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

Ahh thx for the addional information. The splints confuse me because I think the intention is to fix a broken leg and you need only one splint. It does not make sense to me to craft 2 splints when I need only one.

Next time i will be more exactly, my broken leg icon flashs all the time when I got a broken leg and I guess it is not a bug then but it is really annoying. Perhaps Im the only one who find this annoying and I thought it was not as it should be. In normal epoch the icon does not flash thats why I got confused too.

For checking bugs I only use the vanilla test build nothing more. I know about the trouble with inifistar and other third party scripts

Namindu commented 8 years ago

sorry if this is the wrong place to post. but do u just have an estimate on when it will be in a stage of release? I understand its time consuming and i really appreciate u guys stepping up and working on this project again.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

Ive tested the new Test Build and got no longer trouble with door locks or doorways. That means I can upgrade doors and they dont disappear after restart. The rtp error is fixed too.

Is there anything else that need a special test? How can I be more helpful?

oiad commented 8 years ago

Is there anything else that need a special test? How can I be more helpful?

As per @AirwavesMan is there anything that specifically needs testing? I'm more than happy to help in anyways I can.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

crafting epoch items

Finished testing and no bugs so far. Everything worked as expected.

DZE_TwoPrimaries 0,1,2

No bugs so far. Tested with launchers but all launchers are on the backpack slot so no trouble here.

dayz_knifeDulling, dayz_matchboxCount, dayz_waterBottleBreaking

Worked perfectly


Not tested yet, dont know what kind of things I have to do that the tools can break.

Other things:

I think we should take the first option and just correct dayz_matchboxCount.

I will go on testing the other points you have mentioned @ebaydayz

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

While testing the loot, I’ve noticed that the loot from the hospital spawns half in the ground and you are not able to see small items. The Land_Mil_Guardhouse has the same problem. There spawns the loot completely under the building. I looked up the loot positions and saw that the positions are the vanilla ones. Basically I would change the current positions with the old epoch ones but there are the lootPosSmall[] positions too. I don’t know how to handle them. We could add a special loot table for thelootPosSmall[] positions again. Currently they spawn no loot. Lots of buildings have still the lootPosSmall[] positions. Because of this loot positions there are no loot in the hospital when you go upstairs. If we merge them into the normal loot positions we have some floating item and a few medical boxes bugged in walls or tables.

oiad commented 8 years ago

I noticed while testing my Advanced Trading changes that you can sell spawned unlocked vehicles no problem, locked vehicles (bought or similar) no problem as long as you had the key.~~

If you purchased a vehicle, threw the key on the ground or put it into your backpack/other container, advanced trading wouldn't see you can sell the vehicle but the default trading menu will (as per historic usage)

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

@ebaydayz - The new lootPosSmall working as you said but we have lots of objects bugging through walls or flying in the air. 20160620001202_1 20160620001241_1

What about the dayz vanilla building items. The items spawning (e.g. Sheet Metal or Metal Pipes) but players can't do something with it, if I'm not wrong.

dayz_toolBreaking - works with the hatchet. I was not able to break the crowbar while destroying wrecks. So I'm not sure it works

@oiad - I can confirm what you noticed with Advanced Trading and the key in the inventory.


I've done a few more tests and I think dayz_knifeDulling does not work as expected at all. I can still gut animals and zombies with a dull knife.

After the last test build update, I get one new server rpt error:


17:24:50 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindfrfl 17:24:51 "PRELOAD Functions\init [[:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]" 17:24:51 "MPframework inited" 17:24:51 "dayz_preloadFinished reset" 17:24:51 Error in expression <; _recompile = (count _this) > 0;

if (BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t> 17:24:51 Error position: <BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t> 17:24:51 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_init 17:24:51 File ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf, line 28 17:24:53 "Res3tting B!S effects..."

oiad commented 8 years ago

Noticed another bug in Advanced trading that is in original files also, when you goto the main AT menu on the bottom left there is the filter box to type in whatever you want to filter, it has an rsc/hpp error in that it's not the same as the black box it's infront of (I would assume it's supposed to be the same size) I have tried modifying it and I can get it to go up/down but I can't get it to be the same size.

Also the category listing starts a line down from the top of the list box and as soon as you click on a category it puts the items at the top, go back to category and its one line down from the top again.

Also, I'm very bad at github, I find the program difficult to use knowing what to sync and when to sync, If I make any errors, feel free to yell at me.


oiad commented 8 years ago

~~In stringtables.xml: str_upgradeMissingTool and str_upgradeMissingPart the same? str_disassembleMissingTool and str_disassembleMissingPart the same? str_maintenanceMissingTool and str_maintenanceMissingPart the same?~~

I notice a lot of: <English>You didn&apos;t get anything out of tearing the clothes.</English>``instead of using a'but then I notice that'` is being used in other translations?

When building any object I get this spammed in my client RPT: Ref to nonnetwork object 501d0f00# 1058509: sphere10cm_ep1.p3d obviously from snap building, can we remove that somehow?

When building any object: 23:10:35 "Duplicate UID generated by dayz_objectUID2. Automatically corrected to +1= 11. This should rarely happen." this happens a lot, pretty much any time I build

icomrade commented 8 years ago

@oiad The Duplicate UID fix will be moved into the hive code, I haven't been able to build it yet because I don't have VS 2013 and I don't have time to resolve all of the dependencies and compile them on VS 2015 (nor do I trust myself doing it). If anyone can build it here's the repo https://github.com/icomrade/DayZhiveEpoch Once that's built and tested It'll be packaged with the test builds.

If there's any outstanding issues with the hive I think now's the last time to mention them. Note: I am aware of #1197 but my limited knowledge of the hive is an issue here so I don't think I'll be able to fix it.

Edit: I actually got it to build with VS2015 but I had to update the Poco dependencies to the latest build, not sure what differences that would cause and I'm not sure what exactly was configured differently for the Hive. So I wouldn't trust it being used in production without significant testing. If it works I'll upload it, but I don't have time right now to test it.

Edit2: Just tested it and the DLL works, the ObjectUID fix can be removed from the sqf code

oiad commented 8 years ago

I'm wondering if someone wants to help test some things that need 2 or more people to test, I.e giving/receiving meds etc? we seem to all be kind of doing it all by our selves, would be nice to meet up at some stage on a test server and get a few things ironed out.

I am GMT +1200 (New Zealand) and do have my own server to test from.


oiad commented 8 years ago

Yeah I did wonder if there was a special reason why some used the escaped chars and some didn't. I also notice there's a lot of strings that have the text as english then the same english text for other languages, i.e just doubling up, is this needed?

Regarding the localization I did last night, there's not a lot of info on the right way you guys want things done and why so I just did what I thought was best. I didn't realise Foxy and co were rewriting things and it had to be a certain way.

I'm on discord often but I fear my time zone puts me on there when you guys aren't.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

@oiad With advanced trading the key can either be in your backpack, main inventory or in the vehicle gear, but you must click the appropriate buttons to select the container to sell from. I'm not sure I understand your particular comment, what is the issue with vehicle selling and advanced trading, or what are the differences between legacy trading that are a problem?

@AirwavesMan I see the combine option in advancedtrading just fine

oiad commented 8 years ago

I added the combine option a while back so that's why you are now seeing it, it wasn't active when he posted this.

To test what I'm saying, buy a vehicle, throw key on ground or put in a storage container (so you don't have it basically) then try and sell the vehicle with advanced trading, you won't get the option to sell that particular vehicle but you will with legacy trader.

I'm at work and sent from phone so I hope this makes sense.

On 22 July 2016 8:37:04 AM NZST, icomrade notifications@github.com wrote:

@oiad With advanced trading the key can either be in your backpack, main inventory or in the vehicle gear, but you must click the appropriate buttons to select the container to sell from. I'm not sure I understand your particular comment, what is the issue with vehicle selling and advanced trading, or what are the differences between legacy trading that are a problem?

You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/issues/1681#issuecomment-234376212

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

oiad commented 8 years ago

@icomrade: so basically advanced trading will only sell the vehicle you have if you physically have the key. If you find an unlocked keyd vehicle and try to sell that but don't physically have the key you can't sell it with advanced trading but you can with legacy.

On 22 July 2016 8:37:04 AM NZST, icomrade notifications@github.com wrote:

@oiad With advanced trading the key can either be in your backpack, main inventory or in the vehicle gear, but you must click the appropriate buttons to select the container to sell from. I'm not sure I understand your particular comment, what is the issue with vehicle selling and advanced trading, or what are the differences between legacy trading that are a problem?

You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/issues/1681#issuecomment-234376212

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

Yeah that makes sense, I'll change it back so you don't physically need the key to sell the vehicle. I forgot that with the old trading menu you didn't actually need the key.

oiad commented 8 years ago

@icomrade: I believe this bug was the only thing stopping us from removing legacy trader if advanced trading is enabled.

On 22 July 2016 9:19:26 AM NZST, icomrade notifications@github.com wrote:

Yeah that makes sense, I'll change it back so you don't physically need the key to sell the vehicle. I forgot that with the old trading menu you didn't actually need the key.

You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/issues/1681#issuecomment-234387416

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

oiad commented 8 years ago

If you have infistar loaded it breaks "PVDZE_log_lockUnlock". Means you can't unlock safes correctly since it's waiting for dze_waiting to be transmitted but obviously never does. Could probably get @infiSTAR to fix this, disabling infistar/modifying my AH.sqf to return dze_waiting to the client fixes this problem.

infiSTAR commented 8 years ago

That's 100% true - makes no sense to test something with modifications running already

However, I've to admit that I was very happy about the post and mention so I could do the change right now and don't have to find out in a few weeks or so :)

have a nice day guys

Windmolders commented 8 years ago

@infiSTAR Didn't i make you aware of this? :p

oiad commented 8 years ago

While correct @ebaydayz, infiSTAR makes life a lot easier to test things, spawning in items to build, deleting items etc.

Also, don't we want to get things working as soon as we can with it? No use releasing 106 for it to break everything when we can get it working with mods that people will be using nowish.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

@oiad Any time something is tested it should be done so in an environment that is controlled so that any issues that may arise are easily and consistently replicated. Once you introduce a script like infistar which fixes many bugs/glitches/dupes/exploits by modifying the behavior of the mod you compromise your ability to reliably conclude an issue is due to the Epoch alone.

Note that i'm not saying you shouldn't use a script that allows you to spawn in objects, or teleport, etc. I'm just saying a script that modifies the behavior of the game is a bad choice.

Third party scripts are not up to us to validate for 1.0.6 compatibility, if they are broken or need to be updated it's up to the community to do so.

oiad commented 8 years ago

@icomrade: Understand it completely, on talking with @ebaydayz I now have his testing script instead of infiSTAR.

icomrade commented 8 years ago

I'm feeling pretty confident that we can start doing release candidates with the test builds since the code is fairly stable and it may brink more people on board to test as opposed to regular builds. I think the only major issues left that were mentioned in this issue are combat logging punishment not working, loot changes, and we may need to add a combat indicator to the vanilla UI since the removal will probably be very unfavored.

How does everyone feel about this?

LunaCB commented 8 years ago

Would def set up a server when an rc is out and inspire some of my remaining playerbase to test it out

icomrade commented 8 years ago

I'm going to make it a variable since I imagine the combat indicator will be missed and the vanilla UI is much more pleasant than the epoch UI.

As for skin changing I added some debug lines to my server pbo and here's the output, it appears the player actually dies in the debug and is then teleported back to where they switched clothes. You can see when I died switching clothes the 201 call didn't have any skin listed.

2016/07/25, 21:37:42 "CHILD:201:46:[261,[10839.9,2391.15,0.00117064]]:[["ItemGPS","Anzio_20"],[["HandRoadFlare",8],"ItemPainkiller","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","Skin_Sniper1_DZ","ItemBandage"],""]:["",[[],[]],[[],[]]]:[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,"B",true,[13.988,63.069,0],false]:false:false:0:0:0:0:[["Anzio_20","amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_gear",100],[]]:0:0:"Sniper1_DZ":0:"
2016/07/25, 21:37:55 [false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,"B",true,[13.988,63.069,0],false]
2016/07/25, 21:37:55 "CHILD:201:46:[60,[10839.9,2391.15,0.00169563]]:[]:["",[[],[]],[[],[]]]:[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,"B",true,[13.988,63.069,0],false]:false:false:0:0:0:0:[["Anzio_20","amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_gear",100],[]]:0:0:"Survivor2_DZ":0:"
2016/07/25, 21:38:12 [false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,"B",true,[13.988,63.069,0],false]
2016/07/25, 21:38:12 "CHILD:201:46:[60,[10839.9,2391.15,0.00169563]]:[["ItemGPS","Anzio_20"],[["HandRoadFlare",8],"ItemPainkiller","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","3rnd_Anzio_20x102mm","Skin_Survivor2_DZ","ItemBandage"],""]:["",[[],[]],[[],[]]]:[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,"B",true,[13.988,63.069,0],false]:false:false:0:0:0:0:[["Anzio_20","amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_gear",100],[]]:0:0::0:"
2016/07/25, 21:38:30 "ERROR: server_playerSync: Cannot Sync Player icomrade [46]. Position in debug! [-18700,25800,1.09479]"
2016/07/25, 21:40:12 "SERVER FPS: 40.7125  PLAYERS: 1"
2016/07/25, 21:40:33 ["sched_lootpiles_5mn: reset lootpiles check, total visited:",116,"listed:",0]
2016/07/25, 21:42:16 "get: STRING (700000000000000000), sent: STRING (700000000000000000)"
2016/07/25, 21:42:16 "Player UID#700000000000000000 CID#46 PID#13(icomrade) as Sniper1_DZ, logged off at Wilderness [-187:-104]"
2016/07/25, 21:42:16 "ERROR: server_playerSync: Cannot Sync Player icomrade [46]. Position in debug! [-18700,25800,1.09479]"

Also I am getting a lot of these error, the character ID would probably be best passed in PV Array

2016/07/25, 21:37:27 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character icomrade as no characterID"