Epse / vSMR-belux

EuroScope Plugin to simulate the AMS RDD ground radar system on VATSIM
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

Belux vSMR Plugin

Belux vSMR is a plugin for Euroscope that simulates the AMS Developments / Belgocontrol / Skeyes AMS RDD ground radar system on VATSIM. It is based on vSMR, a plugin for EuroScope that simulates the NOVA 9000 A-SMGCS system on VATSIM.


Find out all you need to know on the wiki: https://github.com/Epse/vSMR-belux/wiki, or the original vSMR wiki: https://github.com/pierr3/vSMR/wiki

Belux additions

The plugin was heavily modified for the Belux vACC. Features:


This is the latest stable release, which has been tested and the one you should use for day to day use.

Download the latest release here: https://github.com/Epse/vSMR-belux/releases

Nightly builds

If you know what you're doing, you can nab the latest dev builds here: https://github.com/Epse/vSMR-belux/actions under Artifacts of an MSBuild workflow. Try to grab one from the master branch.


Thanks to pierr3 for the original version of this plugin and Nicola Macoir for the original Belux fork.

The below note of thanks is integrally copied from upstream and we share its sentiment. Special thanks to Daniel Lange, Even Rognlien, Juha Holopainen, Lionel Bischof and Wenjun Zhou for their help with the code, thanks to Sam White and Theo Bearman for their help on the wiki, and thanks to Jonas Kuster for the countless bug hunts and help on issue tracking!