Equilibris / nx.nvim

A simple tool providing the same features as the NX console does for vs-code
The Unlicense
91 stars 15 forks source link
lua neovim neovim-plugin nx

nx.nvim — the NX extention for nvim



use {
    requires = {
    config = function()
        require("nx").setup {}


return {

    dependencies = {

    opts  = {
      -- See below for config options
      nx_cmd_root = "npx nx",

    -- Plugin will load when you use these keys
    keys = {
      { "<leader>nx", "<cmd>Telescope nx actions<CR>", desc = "nx actions"}

Default config

    -- Base command to run all other nx commands, some other values may be:
    -- - `npm nx`
    -- - `yarn nx`
    -- - `pnpm nx`
    nx_cmd_root = 'nx',

    -- Command running capabilities,
    -- see nx.m.command-runners for more details
    command_runner = require('nx.command-runners').terminal_cmd(),
    -- Form rendering capabilities,
    -- see nx.m.form-renderers for more detials
    form_renderer = require('nx.form-renderers').telescope(),

    -- Whether or not to load nx configuration,
    -- see nx.loading-and-reloading for more details
    read_init = true,

Docs and refrence

Docs and a command refrence can be found with the command :help nx.nvim or in the file doc/nx.txt


Feature name Essential Implemented
Task runner yes yes
Generators yes yes
Run many yes yes
Affected yes yes
Reveal proj no no
Migrate no no
Graph no no
List no no