Erani0 / Draconic-Reactor-Controll

Draconic Reactor computercraft monitoring and failsafe script
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This is an adapted version of drmon written by acidjazz. It has been modified to work with 1.12.2 and has some added features

status: currently in development


monitor and failsafe automation for your draconic reactor


Remote access to reactor controls and monitoring

what is this

This is a set of computercraft LUA scripts that monitors everything about a draconic reactors and storage, with a couple features to help keep it from exploding NB: This is for Minecraft 1.12.2. You will need to answer some questions on console during install


1.7.10 you can find a very well made youtube tutorial on how to set this up here , thank you The MindCrafters

I have not created a tutorial for 1.12.2 yet.




> pastebin get 3MB9RQ0q startup
> startup

> On Advanced ender pocket computer (Optional)
> pastebin get VJ1nV5u7 startup
> startup

upgrading to the latest version

> reboot

known issues