EricPobot / ev3dev-lang-python-alt

Alternative implementation of ev3dev-lang-python, without autogen
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This repository was an attempt for proposing an alternative option for the ev3dev Python binding. This is the reason why it uses the same names of packages et al.

It must not be considered as part of the officiel ev3dev track, but only as a different approach of the implementation.

Python language bindings for ev3dev

This is an alternative version of the ev3dev_ Python binding, written without using autogen.

In addition to the library, you'll find :


A fabric recipe file ( if provided for simplifying repetitive tasks. The available tasks are :

make_setup generates the effective file, using the template. It updates the version setting using available git tags. This is done this way (rather that keeping the original call to git_version so that the setup script can be run on the target too, where the git context is normally not available.

build builds the distribution package, according to the format specified in the pkg_format environment variable. Supported formats are : egg, sdist, wheel

deploy deploys the generated archive on the connected target, as identified by the hosts environment variable

install executes the installation command on the target

doc generates the documentation

demos deploy the demonstration programs and their data

make_all chains make_setup to install tasks. It is the default task if the fab command is invoked without a task name

To customize the fabfile without modifying it, you can add settings such as sudo passwords or hostname overrides in a plain Python file name located in the same directory. If it exists, it is imported after the definitions of environment variables and before the tasks definitions.


A detailed Sphinx_ generated documentation is provided in the docs sub-tree. To generate it, you can either execute make html from the docs subdir, or more conveniently use the fab doc command which will take care of going to the right place and issue the make from there.

.. _ev3dev: .. _Sphinx: