EricSchles / fact_checker_website

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The first thing you'll need to do is clone this repo, it's preferred that you fork it and then submit pull requests from your fork. This way we have clear providence of who did what, but also, it will be easier to roll back changes, should something be wrong, before committing to the canonical master repository.

You'll need Python 3 (Python 3.5 is preferred), pip3 (1.8.2 is preferred), and the heroku toolbelt and a heroku account to deploy this repository.

After you install Python simply run:

pip install -r requirements.txt (which is found in the top level directory of the main repo)

If you have python 2 installed, you might need to do:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Everything regarding deploying to heroku should be in (in the base directory).

To migrate the database, please see: (in the base directory).


To contribute to this application, please fork from the canonical master and create pull requests.

To configure a remote for a fork:

To sync a fork

To make a pull request


Unable to create db

If you try creating a db:


Unable to install pyscopg2

Try installing xcode-setup and re-run the Installation

Please see here: