A highly detailed, authentic simulation of the airline industry (P4 for DWA15). Check out our wiki (that still needs to have stuff put in it)!
Site is now live- see credentials for credentials.
Uses fzaninotto/faker for fake employees, laravel framework for routing and much more, league/geotools for geograhpical processing, cartalyst/sentry for authentication/groups, laravel/cashier for billing through stripe, guzzlehttp/guzzle for email with bogardo/mailgun for Mailgun.
Header image by flickr user Joao Carlos Medau, that image is titled main.jpg, and is released under the CC2.0. All airplane images embeded in the application are public domain.
Leaflet.js for maps, and JQuery (isn't actually being used for anything yet, will eventually)
I have created an account for class, and added some stuff to it: Username: emalmstrompartridge@g.harvard.edu Password: HarvardDWA15