Erisa / discord-oidc-worker

Sign into Discord on Cloudflare Access, powered by Cloudflare Workers!
MIT License
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cloudflare-access cloudflare-workers discord oauth2 oidc-provider workers zero-trust

Discord OIDC Provider for Cloudflare Access

Simply put: Allows you to authorise with Cloudflare Access using your Discord account via a Cloudflare Worker. Wraps OIDC around the Discord OAuth2 API to achieve this, storing signing keys in KV.

Process flow was inspired by kimcore/discord-oidc but rewritten entirely for Cloudflare Workers and Hono.

Some ideas were also taken from eidam/cf-access-workers-oidc.

Show them some love!





Usage with roles

Example config for a roles setup:

    "clientId": "1056005449054429204",
    "clientSecret": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa",
    "redirectURL": "",
    "serversToCheckRolesFor": [


My setup, as an example:

To use this in a policy, simply enable it as an Identity provider in your Access application and then create a rule using OIDC Claims and the relevant claim above. Make sure the claim has been added to your provider in the steps above.

With roles:

This example would allow me to access the application if I was myself on Discord or if I was a member of a specific server:


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