Erwin6997 / baby-names-react

Baby Name
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Challenge: "Baby Name Picker (React)"

Example Screenshot from the finished challenge

Challenge Overview

Make a React app which shows some baby names and lets you pick your favourites. The names data is provided for you.

Difficulty Level

This is a beginner challenge. Level one can be completed by any student who has done week 1 of the CYF React module.

The later levels are suitable from students who have completed at least week 2 of the CYF React module.

Pre-requisites - what do I need to know to finish this challenge?

(Level 1)

(Later levels)

Getting Started

Don't clone this repo.

Make your own React app using create-react-app. See (this guide) if you have forgotten how.

Copy across the names file (or its contents) from this repo to your app, and then import from that file.

Write a plain HTML prototype (e.g. on codepen). THEN, once you know the HTML you're attempting to create, work on the React version! This is not mandatory but it is recommended.

The data:

The data is available in the file ./babyNamesData.json.

Copy across this file to your src/ directory, and then import it.

GitHub & Hosting:

Add your project in github and host it on Netlify.

The github repo name should be exactly: baby-names-react

The netlify site suffix should be -baby-names



Level 1 Challenge

(*) Please, please feel free to break from the the "blue-for-boys/pink-for-girls" stereotyping and style it differently. The best creative solution will be included in this challenge document for subsequent cohorts to admire.

Example Screenshot

Level 1 Example Screenshot

Level 2 challenge

Example Screenshot

Level 2 Example Screenshot

Level 3 challenge

Example Screenshot

Level 3 Example Screenshot

Level 4 challenge

Add "name gender" filter buttons.

Add buttons that allow the user to only see boy or girl names (or all names).

The buttons should operate as "radio" buttons - exactly one should be active at any time.

The app should start by showing all names.

The app should make it clear which filter is in effect.

How it works with search:

If there is also a search term in effect, your app should apply any name gender filter to those search results.

Example Screenshot

Level 4 Example Screenshot

Beyond - ideas for more work

Further resources


This application idea, and look, were taken from Simon Vrachliotis' app, found via