Eshanatnight / structopt

A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for C++
MIT License
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Parse command line arguments by defining a struct.

Quick Start

Create a structopt::app and parse the command line arguments into the Options struct:

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct Options {
 // positional argument
 //   e.g., ./main <file>
 std::string config_file;

 // optional argument
 //   e.g., `-b ""` or `--bind_address ""`
 // options can be delimited with `=` or `:`
 // note: single dash (`-`) is enough for short & long option
 //   e.g., `-bind_address=localhost` or `-b:`
 // the long option can also be provided in kebab case:
 //   e.g., `--bind-address`
 std::optional<std::string> bind_address;

 // flag argument
 // Use `std::optional<bool>` and provide a default value.
 //   e.g., `-v` or `--verbose` or `-verbose`
 std::optional<bool> verbose = false;

 // directly define and use enum classes to limit user choice
 //   e.g., `--log-level` debug or `-l error`
 enum class LogLevel {
 std::optional<LogLevel> log_level = LogLevel::info;

 // pair argument
 // e.g., `-u <first> <second>` or `--user <first> <second>`
 std::optional<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> user;

 // use containers like std::vector
 // to collect "remaining arguments" into a list
 std::vector<std::string> files;

STRUCTOPT(Options, config_file, bind_address, verbose, log_level, user, files);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

 try {

  // Line of code that does all the work:
  auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<Options>(argc, argv);

  // Print out parsed arguments:

  // std::cout << "config_file  = "
  //           << options.config_file << "\n";
  // std::cout << "bind_address = "
  //           << options.bind_address.value_or("not provided") << "\n";
  // std::cout << "verbose      = "
  //            << std::boolalpha << options.verbose.value() << "\n";
  // ...

 } catch(structopt::exception& e) {
  std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
  std::cout <<;

Now let's pass some arguments to this program:

foo@bar:~$ ./main config.csv file5.csv file6.json
config_file  = config.csv
bind_address = not provided
verbose      = false
log_level    = 1
user         = not provided
files        = { file5.csv file6.json }

foo@bar:~$ ./main config.csv --bind-address localhost:9000 -v -log-level error file1.txt file2.txt
config_file  = config.csv
bind_address = localhost:9000
verbose      = true
log_level    = 3
user         = not provided
files        = { file1.txt file2.txt }

foo@bar:~$ ./main config_2.csv --bind-address -log-level debug file1.txt file3.txt file4.txt --user "John Doe" ""
config_file  = config_2.csv
bind_address =
verbose      = false
log_level    = 0
user         = John Doe<>
files        = { file1.txt file3.txt file4.txt }

Table of Contents

Getting Started

structopt is a header-only library. Just add src/ to your _includedirectories and you should be good to go. Or if you want to use cmake.


  GIT_TAG        main

set(STRUCTOPT_SRC ${structopt_SOURCE_DIR}/src)


target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${STRUCTOPT_SRC})

Building Samples and Tests

git clone
cd structopt
mkdir build
cmake -B build
cmake --build build

Positional Arguments

Here's an example of two positional arguments: input_file and output_file. input_file is expected to be the first argument and output_file is expected to be the second argument

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct FileOptions {
  // Positional arguments
  // ./main <input_file> <output_file>
  std::string input_file;
  std::string output_file;
STRUCTOPT(FileOptions, input_file, output_file);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<FileOptions>(argc, argv);

    // Print parsed arguments:
    std::cout << "\nInput file  : " << options.input_file << "\n";
    std::cout << "Output file : " << options.output_file << "\n";

  } catch (structopt::exception& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main foo.txt bar.csv

Input file  : foo.txt
Output file : bar.csv

foo@bar:~$ ./main foo.csv
Error: expected value for positional argument `output_file`.

USAGE: ./my_app input_file output_file


Optional Arguments

Now, let's look at optional arguments. To configure an optional argument, use std::optional in the options struct like below.

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct GccOptions {
  // language standard
  // e.g., `-std=c++17` or `--std c++20`
  std::optional<std::string> std = "c++11";

  // verbosity enabled with `-v` or `--verbose` or `-verbose`
  std::optional<bool> verbose = false;

  // enable all warnings with `-Wall`
  std::optional<bool> Wall = false;

  // produce only the compiled code e.g., gcc -C main.c
  std::optional<bool> Compile = false;

  // produce output with `-o <exec_name>`
  std::optional<std::string> output = "a.out";

  std::string input_file;
STRUCTOPT(GccOptions, std, verbose, Wall, Compile, output, input_file);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("gcc").parse<GccOptions>(argc, argv);

    // Print parsed arguments
    std::cout << "std        : " << options.std.value() << "\n";
    std::cout << "verbose    : " << std::boolalpha << options.verbose.value() << "\n";
    std::cout << "Wall       : " << std::boolalpha << options.Wall.value() << "\n";
    std::cout << "Compile    : " << std::boolalpha << options.Compile.value() << "\n";
    std::cout << "Output     : " << options.output.value() << "\n";
    std::cout << "Input file : " << options.input_file << "\n";
  } catch (structopt::exception &e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;

NOTE structopt supports two option delimiters, = and : for optional arguments. This is meaningful and commonly used in single-valued optional arguments, e.g., --std=c++20.

foo@bar:~$ ./main -C main.cpp
std        : c++11
verbose    : false
Wall       : false
Compile    : true
Output     : a.out
Input file : main.cpp

foo@bar:~$ ./main -std=c++17 -o main main.cpp
std        : c++17
verbose    : false
Wall       : false
Compile    : false
Output     : main
Input file : main.cpp

foo@bar:~$ ./main main.cpp -v -std:c++14 --output:main -Wall
std        : c++14
verbose    : true
Wall       : true
Compile    : false
Output     : main
Input file : main.cpp

NOTE In summary, for a field in your struct named bind_address, the following are all legal ways to provide a value:

Double dash (--) Argument

A double dash (--) is used in most bash built-in commands and many other commands to signify the end of command options, after which only positional parameters are accepted.

Example use: lets say you want to grep a file for the string -v - normally -v will be considered the option to reverse the matching meaning (only show lines that do not match), but with -- you can grep for string -v like this:

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct GrepOptions {
  // reverse the matching
  // enable with `-v`
  std::optional<bool> v = false;

  // positional arguments
  std::string search;
  std::string pathspec;
STRUCTOPT(GrepOptions, v, search, pathspec);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<GrepOptions>(argc, argv);

    if (options.v == true) {
      std::cout << "`-v` provided - Matching is now reversed\n";

    std::cout << "Search   : " << << "\n";
    std::cout << "Pathspec : " << options.pathspec << "\n";
  catch (structopt::exception& e) {
    std::cout << e.what();
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main -v foo bar.txt
`-v` provided - Matching is now reversed
Search   : foo
Pathspec : bar.txt

foo@bar:~$ ./main -- -v bar.txt
Search   : -v
Pathspec : bar.txt

Flag Arguments

Flag arguments are std::optional<bool> with a default value.


  1. The default value here is important. It is not a flag if a default value isn't provided. It will simply be an optional argument.
  2. If --verbose is a flag argument with a default value of false, then providing the argument will set it to true. If --verbose does not have a default value, then structopt will expect the user to provide a value, e.g., --verbose true.
#include "structopt.hpp"

struct Options {
  // verbosity flag
  // -v, --verbose
  std::optional<bool> verbose = false; // remember to provide a default value
STRUCTOPT(Options, verbose);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<Options>(argc, argv);

  if (options.verbose == true) {
    std::cout << "Verbosity enabled\n";
foo@bar:~$ ./main

foo@bar:~$ ./main -v
Verbosity enabled

foo@bar:~$ ./main --verbose
Verbosity enabled

Enum Class Arguments

Thanks to magic_enum, structopt supports enum classes. You can use an enum classes to ask the user to provide a value given a choice of values, restricting the possible set of allowed input arguments.

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct StyleOptions {
  enum class Color {red, green, blue};

  // e.g., `--color red`
  std::optional<Color> color = Color::red;
STRUCTOPT(StyleOptions, color);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<StyleOptions>(argc, argv);

    // Use parsed argument `options.color`
    if (options.color == StyleOptions::Color::red) {
        std::cout << "#ff0000\n";
    } else if (options.color == StyleOptions::Color::blue) {
        std::cout << "#0000ff\n";
    } else if (options.color == StyleOptions::Color::green) {
        std::cout << "#00ff00\n";
  } catch (structopt::exception& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main --color red

foo@bar:~$ ./main -c blue

foo@bar:~$ ./main --color green

foo@bar:~$ ./main -c black
Error: unexpected input `black` provided for enum argument `color`. Allowed values are {red, green, blue}

USAGE: ./my_app [OPTIONS]

    -c, --color <color>

Tuple Arguments

Now that we've looked at enum class support, let's build a simple calculator. In this sample, we will use an std::tuple to pack all the arguments to the calculator:

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct CalculatorOptions {

  // types of operations supported
  enum class operation { add, subtract, multiply, divide };

  // single tuple positional argument
  std::tuple<operation, int, int> input;

STRUCTOPT(CalculatorOptions, input);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<CalculatorOptions>(argc, argv);

    auto op = std::get<0>(options.input);
    auto lhs = std::get<1>(options.input);
    auto rhs = std::get<2>(options.input);
        case CalculatorOptions::operation::add:
            std::cout << lhs + rhs << "\n";
        case CalculatorOptions::operation::subtract:
            std::cout << lhs - rhs << "\n";
        case CalculatorOptions::operation::multiply:
            std::cout << lhs * rhs << "\n";
        case CalculatorOptions::operation::divide:
            std::cout << lhs / rhs << "\n";
  catch (structopt::exception& e) {
    std::cout << e.what();
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main add 1 2

foo@bar:~$ ./main subtract 5 9

foo@bar:~$ ./main multiply 16 5

foo@bar:~$ ./main divide 1331 11

foo@bar:~$ ./main add 5
Error: failed to correctly parse tuple `input`. Expected 3 arguments, 2 provided.

USAGE: my_app input


Vector Arguments

structopt supports gathering "remaining" arguments at the end of the command, e.g., for use in a compiler:

gcc file1 file2 file3

Do this by using an std::vector<T> (or other STL containers with .push_back(), e.g, std::deque or std::list).

NOTE Vector arguments have a cardinality of 0..*, i.e., zero or more arguments. Unlike array types, you can provide zero arguments to a vector and structopt will (try to) not complain.

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct CompilerOptions {
  // Language standard
  // e.g., --std c++17
  std::optional<std::string> std;

  // remaining arguments
  // e.g., ./compiler file1 file2 file3
  std::vector<std::string> files{};
STRUCTOPT(CompilerOptions, std, files);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<CompilerOptions>(argc, argv);

    std::cout << "Standard : " << options.std.value_or("not provided") << "\n";
    std::cout << "Files    : { ";
    std::copy(options.files.begin(), options.files.end(),
              std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, " "));
    std::cout << "}" << std::endl;
  } catch (structopt::exception &e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;

NOTE Notice below that the act of gathering remaining arguments is arrested as soon as an optional argument is detected. See the output of ./main file1.cpp file2.cpp --std c++17 below. Notice that --std=c++17 is not part of the vector. This is because --std is a valid optional argument.

foo@bar:~$ ./main
Standard : not provided
Files    : { }

foo@bar:~$ ./main file1.cpp file2.cpp
Standard : not provided
Files    : { file1.cpp file2.cpp }

foo@bar:~$ ./main file1.cpp file2.cpp --std=c++17
Standard : c++17
Files    : { file1.cpp file2.cpp }

foo@bar:~$ ./main --std:c++20 file1.cpp file2.cpp
Standard : c++20
Files    : { file1.cpp file2.cpp }

Compound Arguments

Compound arguments are optional arguments that are combined and provided as a single argument. Example: ps -aux

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct Options {
  // Flag arguments
  std::optional<bool> a = false;
  std::optional<bool> b = false;

  // Optional argument
  // e.g., -c 1.1 2.2
  std::optional<std::array<float, 2>> c = {};
STRUCTOPT(Options, a, b, c);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<Options>(argc, argv);

    // Print parsed arguments:
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << "a = " << options.a.value()
              << ", b = " << options.b.value() << "\n";
    if (options.c.has_value()) {
      std::cout << "c = [" << options.c.value()[0] << ", " << options.c.value()[1]
                << "]\n";
  } catch (structopt::exception &e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main -ac 3.14 2.718
a = true, b = false
c = [3.14, 2.718]

foo@bar:~$ ./main -ba
a = true, b = true

foo@bar:~$ ./main -c 1.5 3.0 -ab
a = true, b = true
c = [1.5, 3]

Parsing Numbers

Integer Literals

structopt supports parsing integer literals including hexadecimal, octal, and binary notation.

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct IntegerLiterals {
  std::vector<int> numbers;
STRUCTOPT(IntegerLiterals, numbers);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<IntegerLiterals>(argc, argv);

    for (auto &n : options.numbers)
      std::cout << n << "\n";
  } catch (structopt::exception &e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main 1 0x5B 071 0b0101 -35 +98

Floating point Literals

As for floating point numbers, structopt supports parsing scientific notation (e/E-notation):

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct FloatLiterals {
  std::vector<float> numbers;
STRUCTOPT(FloatLiterals, numbers);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<FloatLiterals>(argc, argv);

    for (auto &n : options.numbers)
      std::cout << n << "\n";
  } catch (structopt::exception &e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main -3.15 +2.717 2E-4 0.1e2 .5 -.3 +5.999

Nested Structures

With structopt, you can define sub-commands, e.g., git init args or git config [flags] args using nested structures.

The following program support two sub-commands: config and init:

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct Git {
  // Subcommand: git config
  struct Config : structopt::sub_command {
    // flag argument `--global`
    std::optional<bool> global = false;

    // key-value pair, e.g., ` "John Doe"`
    std::array<std::string, 2> name_value_pair{};
  Config config;

  // Subcommand: git init
  struct Init : structopt::sub_command {

    // required argument
    // repository name
    std::string name;
  Init init;
STRUCTOPT(Git::Config, global, name_value_pair);
STRUCTOPT(Git::Init, name);
STRUCTOPT(Git, config, init);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app").parse<Git>(argc, argv);

    if (options.config.has_value()) {
      // config was invoked
      std::cout << "You invoked `git config`:\n";
      std::cout << "Global : " << std::boolalpha << << "\n";
      std::cout << "Input  : (" << options.config.name_value_pair[0] << ", " << options.config.name_value_pair[1] << ")\n";
    else if (options.init.has_value()) {
      // init was invoked
      std::cout << "You invoked `git init`:\n";
      std::cout << "Repository name : " << << "\n";

  } catch (structopt::exception& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main config ""
You invoked `git config`:
Global : false
Input  : (,

foo@bar:~$ ./main config "John Doe" --global
You invoked `git config`:
Global : true
Input  : (, John Doe)

foo@bar:~$ ./main init my_repo
You invoked `git init`:
Repository name : my_repo

foo@bar:~$ ./main -h


    -h, --help <help>
    -v, --version <version>


foo@bar:~$ ./main config -h

USAGE: config [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] name_value_pair

    -g, --global

    -h, --help <help>
    -v, --version <version>


foo@bar:~$ ./main init -h

USAGE: init [OPTIONS] name

    -h, --help <help>
    -v, --version <version>



  1. Notice in the above stdout that the -h help option supports printing help both at the top-level struct and at the sub-command level.
  2. structopt does not allow to invoke multiple sub-commands. If one has already been invoked, you will see the following error:
foo@bar:~$ ./main config "John Doe" init my_repo
Error: failed to invoke sub-command `init` because a different sub-command, `config`, has already been invoked.

Sub-Commands, Vector Arguments, and Delimited Positional Arguments

Here's a second example for nested structures with vector arguments and the double dash (--) delimiter

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct CommandOptions {
  struct Sed : structopt::sub_command {
    // --trace
    std::optional<bool> trace = false;

    // remaining args
    std::vector<std::string> args;

    // pattern
    std::string pattern;

    // file
    std::string file;
  Sed sed;
STRUCTOPT(CommandOptions::Sed, trace, args, pattern, file);
STRUCTOPT(CommandOptions, sed);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  auto app = structopt::app("my_app");
  try {
    auto options = app.parse<CommandOptions>(argc, argv);
    if (options.sed.has_value()) {
      // sed has been invoked
      if (options.sed.trace == true) {
        std::cout << "Trace enabled!\n";
      std::cout << "Args    : ";
      for (auto& a : options.sed.args) std::cout << a << " ";
      std::cout << "\n";
      std::cout << "Pattern : " << options.sed.pattern << "\n";
      std::cout << "File    : " << options.sed.file << "\n";
    else {
      std::cout <<;
  } catch (structopt::exception &e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main


    -h, --help <help>
    -v, --version <version>


foo@bar:~$ ./main sed --trace X=1 Y=2 Z=3 -- 's/foo/bar/g' foo.txt
Trace enabled!
Args    : X=1 Y=2 Z=3
Pattern : s/foo/bar/g
File    : foo.txt

Special Cases

For cases where an argument, flag or sub-command needs to be the same as a reserved keyword in C++, you can use the convention of appending an underscore (_) to the keyword. Structopt will automatically remove the underscore when parsing the argument

struct Cli {
 struct New : structopt::sub_command {
  std::string projectName;

 // sub commands
 New new_;

STRUCTOPT(Cli::New, projectName);
STRUCTOPT(Cli, new_);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 try {
 const auto cli = structopt::app("main").parse<Cli>(argc, argv);

 // Print out parsed arguments:
  std::cout << "New project name: " << cli.new_.projectName << "\n";

 } catch (const structopt::exception &e) {
  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
  std::cerr <<;
 return 0;
foo@bar:~$ ./main new hello_world
New project name: hello_world

foo@bar:~$ ./main --help

    -h, --help <help>
    -v, --version <version>


Printing Help

structopt will insert two optional arguments for the user: help and version.

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct Options {
  // positional arguments
  std::string input_file;
  std::string output_file;

  // optional arguments
  std::optional<std::string> bind_address;

  // remaining arguments
  std::vector<std::string> files;
STRUCTOPT(Options, input_file, output_file, bind_address, files);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  auto options = structopt::app("my_app", "1.0.3").parse<Options>(argc, argv);
foo@bar:~$ ./main -h

USAGE: my_app [OPTIONS] input_file output_file files

    -b, --bind-address <bind_address>
    -h, --help <help>
    -v, --version <version>


foo@bar:~$ ./main -v

Printing CUSTOM Help

structopt allows users to provide a custom help messages. Simply pass in your custom help as a string argument to structopt::app

#include "structopt.hpp"

struct Options {
  // positional arguments
  std::string input_file;
  std::string output_file;

  // optional arguments
  std::optional<std::string> bind_address;

  // remaining arguments
  std::vector<std::string> files;
STRUCTOPT(Options, input_file, output_file, bind_address, files);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  try {
    const std::string& custom_help = "Usage: ./my_app input_file output_file [--bind-address BIND_ADDRESS] [files...]\n";
    auto options = structopt::app("my_app", "1.0.3", custom_help).parse<Options>(argc, argv);
  } catch (structopt::exception &e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
    std::cout <<;
foo@bar:~$ ./main -h
Usage: ./my_app input_file output_file [--bind-address BIND_ADDRESS] [files...]

See the examples directory for more examples.