EshikaP1 / 2front

MIT License
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My CSP group consisted of 5 group members including me where we all created our own individual feautures to add to the project.The base code for the files(,, Fitness. md,- my indivudual feature files) was given by the CSP teacher. These files were all modified and rebuilt by me to fit my project theme(fitness) and based on my Fitness API. I utilized ChatGpt and AI to get examples for some aspects on my code and then modified that code- Any use of ChatGPT was indidicated through comments throughout the files. was provided by our CSP teacher and modified by all 5 members of our group. The backend baseline repo link: The frontend baseline repo link:

This is the API fitness on the backend. The baseline format was given by our teacher and then I modified and rebuilt the code to be for fitness api

This is the model for The baseline format for this model was provided by our CSP teacher and from there I modified and rebuilt the code to match my API.


This is the database used for the fitness feature. I got this database fully from Kaggle and modified the number of calories for each point.

This is on the front end. The baseline for this code was given by our csp teacher and I modified and rebuilt the code to fit my feature and my api and model. For some aspects of my code, I took examples from AI and modified it- which is indicated specifically which parts in comments in Fitness. md

This code was provided by our CSP teacher. Every member in my peer group modified this baseline code that was given. will used for our whole group project, not just my individual fitness feature. The specific parts that I modified have been noted as a comment in

My fitness feature:

My fitness recs feature uses CRUD functions to allow the user to get the calories of any exercise using the database, add any exercise to the database and edit and delete any activities from the database. The feature also contains a BMI calculator which will calculate the users bmi and then provide the user with a graph and table regarding the most common BMI values. This is a very useful thing for users to use in their daily life as it will help users be able to track the calories they are burning through their various activities which will allow them watch their health. They will also be able to understand their relative health compared to the general population.