EslamElmadny / HijriGregorianDatepicker

Datepicker to support both hijri and gregorian calenders
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Hijri Gregorian Datepicker


Online demo can be found here

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.



npm i ngx-hijri-gregorian-datepicker


import { NgxHijriGregorianDatepickerModule } from 'ngx-hijri-gregorian-datepicker';


Input Type Required Description
selectedDateType DateType No Default calendar type , will be hijri if not sepcified.
selectedDate NgbDateStruct No Date to bind (two way binding).
label string Yes Label will be shown besides the input.
readonly bool No Specify if user can write in input manually without selecting from datepicker.
isRequired bool No Specify required or not field.
disabled bool No Specify disabled or not.
minHijri NgbDateStruct No Minimum allowed hijri date to select.
maxHijri NgbDateStruct No Maximum allowed hijri date to select.
minGreg NgbDateStruct No Minimum allowed Gregorian date to select.
maxGreg NgbDateStruct No Maximum allowed Gregorian date to select.
hijriLabel string No Label for Hijri button , will be 'Hijri' By Default.
GregLabel string No Label for Gregorian button , will be 'Gregorian' By Default.


Output Type Required Description
selectedDateChange EventEmitter of NgbDateStruct -- Emitted after selecting date from picker.


Make sure that @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap and bootstrap with appropriate versions to angular 7.


  1. Install the package npm i ngx-hijri-gregorian-datepicker .
  2. Import the NgxHijriGregorianDatepickerModule in your app module import { NgxHijriGregorianDatepickerModule } from 'ngx-hijri-gregorian-datepicker';
  3. In template
            [label]="'Birth Date'"
            [hijriLabel]  ="'Hijri'"
  4. In typescript file
    import { NgbDate } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
    import { DateType } from 'ngx-hijri-gregorian-datepicker';  


export class AppComponent {

date: NgbDate; selectedDateType = DateType.Hijri; // or DateType.Gregorian

constructor() {}


## Utilities


| Method|  Parameter | Return| Description |
|--|--|--| -- |
|ToBindableHijroDate(hijriDate)|hijriDate:string|NgbDate| Recive hijri date came from server as a string and convert to `NgbDate` to be binded to the component. Defualt format `(iD/iM/iYY HH:mm:ss tt)`|
|ToBindableHijroDateUsingFormat(hijriDate,format)|hijriDate:string, format:string|NgbDate| Same as prev method with ability to provide format of receiving date. |
|ToHijri(date)|NgbDateStruct|NgbDateStruct| Convert Gregorian date struct to Hijri struct.  |
|ToGregorian(date)|NgbDateStruct|NgbDateStruct|Convert Hijri date struct to Gregorian struct.|
|ToString(date)|NgbDateStruct|string|Convert date struct to string `dd/mm/yyyy`|

## Credits
This project is based on  [ng-bootstrap]( , [moment]( , [moment Hijri]( .