EsonJohn / mmWave_script

Scripts to capture raw data from TI's DCA1000EVM+IWR1642BOOST without mmWave Studio.
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This repository contains scripts to capture raw data without mmWave Studio from TI's DCA1000EVM+IWR1642BOOST mmWave sensors. You may custom your own data capturing and processing applications based on this repo. Enjoy~

Prerequisites: ++ OS: Windows 10 or higher; ++ Devices: TI IWR1642BOOST + DCA1000EVM; ++ Device connection: Figure 19 in DCA1000EVM User Guide (./Doc/DCA1000EVM_User_Guide.pdf); ++ IWR1642 Firmware: Flash the mmWave_Demo image into IWR1642 (refer to page 8-9 Section 3.2 in ./Doc/mmWave_Sdk_User_Guide.pdf); (the firmware file is also provided in our repo at ./IWR1642/firmware/xwr16xx/mmw/xwr16xx_mmw_demo.bin) ++ IWR1642BOOST mode: Adjust the jumpers on IWR1642 board to put it into SOP mode 4 (functional mode) (refer to Table 4 in ./Doc/IWR1642BOOST_User_Guide.pdf, note that mmWave Studio requires SOP mode 2 (debug mode) to work); ++ MinGW tool installed (; ++ Build your own DCA1000 executable in ./DCA1000/Custom-build with MinGW tool;

Files Description: ./DCA1000/Custom-build/Release: executable for DCA1000 build on your own PC; ./Python4IWR/cfg/profile.cfg: IWR1642BOOST configuration file (the meaning of fields are described in page 18-31 of ./Doc/mmWave_Sdk_User_Guide.pdf); ./Python4IWR/ Config IWR1642BOOST with profile.cfg and wait for ENTER key to toggle sensors; ./Python4IWR/ Demo code to start IWR1642BOOST; ./Python4IWR/ Demo code to stop IWR1642BOOST; Others: DO NOT modify or delete;

Build ./DCA1000/Custom-build with MinGW tool:

  1. Download and install mingw-get-setup.exe from;
  2. Add C:\MinGW\bin to system path (suppose your mingw is installed in C:\MinGW);
  3. Install mingw32-make, gcc, g++ with the following command (users from China should bypass the Great Firewall (GFW)): "mingw-get install mingw32-make gcc g++"
  4. Open cmd prompt as Admin and switch to ./DCA1000/Custom-build directory;
  5. Run "mingw32-make clean";
  6. Run "mingw32-make";
  7. Check out ./DCA1000/Custom-build/Release for the files DCA1000EVM_CLI_Record.exe and DCA1000EVM_CLI_Control.exe;


  1. Make sure you meet all the requirements in the Prerequisites part;
  2. Connect and power on DCA+IWR devices;
  3. Open cmd prompt and change to ./DCA1000/Custom-build/Release/ (make sure that you have built ./DCA1000/Custom-build with MinGW);
  4. Run 'DCA1000EVM_CLI_Control.exe fpga cf.json'; This script will automatically connect and configure DCA1000; If success, then:
  5. Create Data/ folder in ./DCA1000/Custom-build/Release/, which will be used to store the captured data;
  6. Run 'DCA1000EVM_CLI_Record.exe start_record cf.json [file_prefix]'; [file_prefix] should be sustituted with your own file prefix, e.g., 'DCA1000EVM_CLI_Record.exe start_record cf.json Alice'; If success, then:
  7. Open another cmd prompt and change to Python4IWR/;
  8. Run with python3; This script will automatically connect and configure IWR1642BOOST with ./Python4IWR/cfg/profile.cfg configuration file, and wait for ENTER key to toggle sensor;
  9. Press Enter key to start mmwave sensor;
  10. Press Enter key again to stop mmwave sensor;
  11. Check ./DCA1000/Custom-build/Release/Data folder for captured data;
