Estimote / Xamarin-Bindings

Examples of how to bind Estimote SDKs to Xamarin
Apache License 2.0
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estimote xamarin

Estimote Xamarin Bindings

Xamarin bindings for Estimote SDKs.

Visit to learn more about the variety of Estimote SDKs, and for the integration tutorials. (The documentation is mostly in Swift and Java, but the Xamarin/C# APIs are almost 1:1 with the native APIs, so the docs should still be quite useful.)

Use it in your own app

You can get all the Estimote.* packages on NuGet.

We also recommend cloning this repo and checking out the ExampleApps—for example, to see how to request the necessary Location permission on Android.

Here's a list of a few extra things that you need to configure in your projects:



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