EtheaDev / DelphiGoogleMap

Delphi WebView2 Component to View Google Map with Routing and Markers Support
Apache License 2.0
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Problem with compile and install #4

Closed aangelov971 closed 2 years ago

aangelov971 commented 2 years ago

I try to compile error appears [dcc32 Fatal Error] Vcl.GoogleMap.pas(1): Internal Error: AV004778D9-R00000000-0 I read about error and set delphi compiler option to MSBuild externaly to true. error continue toa apear. It's not a syntax error. What should I do next?

carloBarazzetta commented 2 years ago

what version of delphi are you using to compile?

anastasangelov commented 2 years ago

10.4.2 Sydney

carloBarazzetta commented 2 years ago

OK, I've notice that this problem was introduced by the last pull requested by @littleearth: it seems only a problem to compile the package in D10.4.2: the same package in D11 builds without problems, and also the demo works fine in D10.4.2... I'll investigating... I've the component of the previous version installed into 10.4.2 IDE

anastasangelov commented 2 years ago

Ty,Carlo, I will wait for some solution and I will try with resources used for compile.Good to know that I am not alone.

aangelov971 commented 2 years ago

Works. ty