EtheaDev / DelphiGoogleMap

Delphi WebView2 Component to View Google Map with Routing and Markers Support
Apache License 2.0
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# DelphiGoogleMap License

TEdgeGoogleMapViewer: a Delphi "WebView2" Component to View Google Map with integrated Routing and Markers Support

Actual official version 1.6.0 (VCL)

This component is based on TEdgeBrowser Component (available from Delphi 10.4)

It's very easy to use Google Maps API directly from Delphi Code, settings Component properties or invoking methods, for example:

//Goto Address Example

//Goto Latitude/Longitude Example
  Location: TLatLng;
  Location.Latitude := TEdgeGoogleMapViewer.TextToCoord(Latitude.Text);
  Location.Longitude := TEdgeGoogleMapViewer.TextToCoord(Longitude.Text);

//Setting Map View Mode
  EdgeGoogleMapViewer.MapTypeId := TGoogleMapTypeId(MapTypeIdComboBox.ItemIndex);

How it works

The component works in a simple way: creates an html file with some javascript functions inside it and load it from disk, so the Delphi component can call those javascript functions inside the component methods, calling ExecuteScript(ScriptCommand) method of the TEdgeBrowser. If you want to analyse the content of the file created, put a break-point into TEdgeGoogleMapViewer.ShowMap at this line to know the name of the file created:


If you want to see how the component calls a javascript function inside the page, look for example at the method "GotoAddress":

procedure TEdgeGoogleMapViewer.GotoAddress(const Address: string);
  ScriptCommand: String;
  FAddress := Address;
  if FAddress = '' then
  else if not MapVisible then
    ScriptCommand := Format('codeAddress(%s)',[QuotedStr(ClearAddressText(Address))]);

You can extend the component with any functionality you can execute at javascipt level, adding the function into the code, in the method "GetHTMLScript" that collect all the Javascript functions, or you can add your personal javascript code in the event "OnGetJavascript".

function TEdgeGoogleMapViewer.GetHTMLScript : string;
  LJSScript : string;
  LJSScript := GetJSVariables +sLineBreak+
  GetJSInitialize +sLineBreak+
  GetJSRouteAddress + sLineBreak +
  if Assigned(FOnGetJavascript) then
  Result :=
  '<script type="text/javascript"> '+sLineBreak+
  LJSScript + sLineBreak +
  '</script> '+ sLineBreak;

Look at the GoogleAPI documentation if you need more functionality and please make a pull request to the project.

A complete demo is available!

Notice that in the same folder of the executable you must place the correct webview2loader.dll (32 or 64 bit) as you can see into Demo\GoogleMaps\Bin\Win32 and Demo\GoogleMaps\Bin\Win64.

Available for Delphi 10.4.2, Delphi 11 and Delphi 12 (VCL 32bit and 64bit platforms)

Delphi Support

Related links: -


The Demo in action

Open \Demo\GoogleMaps\GoogleMapsTest.dproj: Build (32 or 64 bit) and Run.

Notice: you need a Google API key to activate the navigation: by default the Demo request to input API before using the component, or you can edit TformMain.EdgeGoogleMapViewerBeforeShowMap event to add your API KEY to the component.

Goto Address: Via S.Cecilia 4, Carugate, Milano

Input Address and click to "Goto Address":

GoTo Address

Goto Latitude/Longitude (25.767314 / -80.135694)

Input Latutude and Longitude and click to "Goto Latitude/Longitude"

GoTo Latitude

Route Bicycling - RoadMap View Style

Select Routing Mode "Bicycling", Select "RoadMap" View Mode, click to "Route by Location":

Route Bicycling RoadMap

Route By Addresses - Hybrid and Traffic from Satellite View Style

Select Select "Hybrid" View Mode, Activate Traffic and click to "Route by Addreess":


Route showing "Direction Panel"

Check "Direction Panel" and and click to "Route by Addresses":


Showing "Print Panel" embedded into Browser

Click on "Show Print UI" button:


Markers from Customer Table (customers.xml)

Load Customer Table, scroll down the table: for every record a Marker is added to the Map. Zoom out map to see all Markers.

Markers Of Customers


No documentation available, but the Demo explain very well the use of the component.


24 Apr 2024 - Version 1.6.0

21 Aug 2023 - Version 1.5.0

29 Nov 2022 - Version 1.4.0

15 Sep 2022 - Version 1.3.1

09 Apr 2022 - Version 1.3.0

07 Dec 2021 - Version 1.2.0

02 Nov 2021 - Version 1.1.0

24 Sep 2021 - Version 1.0.0