EulerianTechnologies / eredis

Fast and light Redis C client library built over Hiredis, thread-safe, write replication, auto-reconnect, sync pool, async libev.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
81 stars 38 forks source link

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Eredis is a C client library built over Hiredis. It is lightweight, high performance, reentrant and thread-safe.
It aims to provide features for real production environment and keep it simple.

For write commands (SET, HSET, EXPIRE, ...):

For any commands:


The integrated master-slave mechanism in Redis works ok for a small number of nodes or workload, but it could kill a master node bandwidth in high load. The many-to-many mechanism permits a more efficient and reliable workload by obviously needing exactly the same bandwidth on each node.


git clone <eredis_git_url>
cd eredis
git submodule update --init
cmake .
# optional
make doc
make install


If you have Redis installed, and are not cross-compiling, you can run the test suite that comes with Eredis after you have built the library itself (using the steps in the compile section, above) with the test target.

make test


Each function is described in the C code (doxygen).
The raw list is available in the unique header file: eredis.h.


#include <eredis.h>

eredis_t *e = eredis_new();

/* Set timeout - default 5000ms */
eredis_timeout( e, 200 );

/* Set max readers - default 10 */
eredis_r_max( e, 50 );

/* Set retry for reader - default 1 */
eredis_r_retry( e, 1 );

add redis targets

The first host provided becomes the "prefered" one.
The readers will always reconnect to this one in case of a down/up event.

/* manually */
eredis_host_add( e, "/var/run/eredis.sock", 0 );
eredis_host_add( e, "host2", 6379 );
eredis_host_add( e, "host3", 6379 );

/* via configuration file - one line per host:port */
eredis_host_file( e, "my-hosts.conf" );

add post-connection requests (beta)

For 'AUTH' or any one-time command needed to be executed after connect. Eredis ensures that these commands are executed in order before any other reader or writer commands.

char *pwd = "mysecret";
eredis_pc_cmd( e, "AUTH mysecret" );
eredis_pc_cmd( e, "AUTH %s", pwd );
eredis_pc_cmd( e, "SCRIPT DEBUG YES" );

launch the async loop

Mandatory for using async writes or auto-reconnection to the "prefered" host.

/* in its own thread - blocking call */
eredis_run( e );

/* in a eredis managed thread - non-blocking call */
eredis_run_thr( e );

sync requests (to get reply)

eredis_reader_t *r;
eredis_reply_t *reply; /* aka redisReply from hiredis */

/* get a reader */
r = eredis_r( e );

/* Add one request (pipelining) */
eredis_r_append_cmd( reader, "GET key1");

/* Add one request and process,
   return key1 reply (the first one from queue) */
reply = eredis_r_cmd( reader, "GET key2");

 /* current 'reply' hosts 'key1' reply */

 /* Get key2 reply */
 reply = eredis_r_reply( reader );

 /* this one fetches all possible replies left in the pipelining */
 eredis_r_clear( reader );

 /* reader is ready to perform a new batch of r_cmd+replies */

/* Release the reader */
eredis_r_release( r );

subscribe requests (beta, blocking)

eredis_reader_t *r;
eredis_reply_t *reply; /* aka redisReply from hiredis */

/* get a reader */
r = eredis_r( e );

/* Add one request */
eredis_r_append_cmd( reader, "SUBSCRIBE chan1");

/* Get subscribe requests.
   Replies from SUBSCRIBE commands are omitted.
   Eredis manages reconnect and re-subscribe to channels */

while (( reply = eredis_r_subscribe( reader ) ))

/* Add a new channel */
eredis_r_append_cmd( reader, "SUBSCRIBE chan2");

while (( reply = eredis_r_subscribe( reader ) ))

/* 'release' is not disconnecting, just unsubscribe properly */
eredis_r_cmd( reader, "UNSUBSCRIBE" );

/* Release the reader */
eredis_r_release( r );

async requests (no reply, non-blocking)

eredis_w_cmd( e, "SET key1 10" );


/* Exit the event loop (from any thread) */
eredis_shutdown( e );

/* Stop the event loop and threadif needed,
   close connections and release memory */
eredis_free( e );


When a Redis server goes down, Eredis async loop will detect it and retry to reconnect every second HOST_DISCONNECTED_RETRIES (10) times (= 10 seconds).
After this, it will retry once every HOST_FAILED_RETRY_AFTER (20) seconds.

To avoid data loss, if all specified Redis server are down, Eredis will keep in memory the last unsent QUEUE_MAX_UNSHIFT (10000) commands.

If a Redis server goes down and up, it could be needed to resynchronize with an active node. The master-slave mechanism is perfect for that.
In redis.conf, add 'slave-read-only no'.
After the Redis server start, make a "redis-cli SLAVEOF hostX".
Once 'redis-cli info Replication' pops a 'master_sync_in_progress:0', it's done.
make a "redis-cli SLAVEOF no one" and it comes back to a 'master' status.
This process can easily be scripted.


Eredis is used on nearly 500 servers at Eulerian Technologies.
It is written and maintained by Guillaume Fougnies (guillaume at eulerian dot com).
Redis and Hiredis are great!
We hope you will find Eredis great.
It is released under the BSD license.