EuracBiomedicalResearch / lcms-standards

Measurements of standard compounds in LC/MS setups and configurations at Eurac Research
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Measurement of standards in different LC/MS configurations

This repository contains measurement of sets of standards on LC-MS systems with specific configurations. The aim is to provide approximate retention times (RTs) and ions for the standard compounds in the respective setups.

The first definition of retention times and ions for all standards was performed manually by Mar Garcia-Alloy. In the new workflow we aim to use the xcms and Spectra package to refine these and to determine also all additional adducts created/measurable from each compound. In the workflow we first:

Analysis workflow files

Data tables


Old R files

Matrix effects

In the folder std_serum there are the files used for analyse the experiments about IS and STDs (injected in different MIXs) at 2 different concentrations in water and in QC-serum samples.
The code RT_matrix_effect plots all the EICs present in the sample (ie, IS or MIX 01-20) in the folder images.
In that folder there is also the code MS2_plot to search a MS2 spectrum for a specific mz-rt value