EusthEnoptEron / Sketchball

C# pinball game based on GDI+ & WPF.
MIT License
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Automated builds can be found here:

Raw instruction

The aim of the project is to implement the pin-ball-machine game (“flipper”) on the PC/Notebook. The issues of defining the contents and dimensions of the game area and the visual and acoustical effects are part of the project.

Further description based on Dev. Team

As the raw instructions are quite broad the development team has decided to sit together and work out a more specific shape of the project. It has been concluded that the perspective of the game should be similar to “hanging above the flipper” and looking at it such as the centre of the view hits the flipper in a 90° angle. The general style will be sketch like which gives the game a unique face while allowing fast development. The graphical parts will most likely be mainly hand drawn. There will be two main windows. The default window is the game interface.

The user can start a new game and play as he wishes. Over a menu option he can switch to the editor window which allows to define a custom Pinball-machine with given elements. As a minimal requirements there will be sling-shoots, Flippers, Holes, a high score screen, Bumpers and a launching pad. He can drag and drop those elements on the game panel as long as there are no overlaps. The launching pad can only be dropped on specific positions. Each element can be selected and has properties that can be changed. The main flipper itself has properties as well like slope, gravity or dimensions. The panel on which the elements can be put on is a rectangle with rounded top corners. When the ball rolls around he should follow the laws of physics (based on slope and collisions).

Other Requirements and Constraints

Make use of UML, and any of the following programming languages: C/C++/C#/Java.

For development the team should make use of the agile up approach especially of their artefacts (Vision, Use Case, Software development plan, Domain model, DCD).

The development Team will use this artefacts as agile as possible, which means facing hight risks early and spare on unnecessary documentation (for example just brief UC format for Use Cases that appear simple).

As a performance requirement it can be said that 30 fps should be achieved or in other words the performance should allow fluid game play.