Evalab-Univalle / Collective-intelligence--Analysis-and-modeling

This model presents a way to study the evolution of collective intelligence through the analisys of structural properties in a network formed by the relation between people in a wiki. Two people relate each other if they edit the same document in the wiki.
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Collective intelligence: Analysis and modeling

This model presents a way to study the evolution of collective intelligence through the analisys of structural properties in a network formed by the relation between people in a wiki. Two people relate each other if they edit the same document in the wiki.


  1. The first thing you need to do is configure an experiment, you can do it by two ways:

    • Open the model with netlogo and configure it by the GUI.
    • By a XML file.

    Instructions here, sections Managing experiment setups and Setting up experiments in XML respectively.

  2. Then run the experiments. For large numbers we recomend run the model from the command line.

    ./netlogo-headless.sh --model <path> --experiment <name>


    ./netlogo-headless.sh --model <path> --setup-file <path> --experiment <name>

  3. Finally run the Mathematica file to get the measures and resulting graphs.


├── modelo.nlogo                  The model
├── otherModels                   Models used for comparations
│   ├── randomNetwork.nb
│   └── randomNetwork.nlogo
├── README.md                     This file
└── training                      Files with differents test
    ├── testConection.nb          -Testing the connection with netlogo
    └── testGraphsAndData.nb      -Testing some graphs