Evaneos / silex-rest-skeleton

Silex REST API skeleton fro your micro services and APIs
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Silex REST Skeleton

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You can create a new project using this skeleton by running the following command: $>echo n | composer create-project evaneos/silex-rest-skeleton <your-project-name> -s dev

After that, you'll have to:

  1. Setup git

$>composer git-setup git@github.com:<vendor-name>/<project-name>

You can see all remote via git remote -v

origin target you application repository and upstream the silex skeleton project

  1. Setup the env for docker

    • In infrastructure/environment/dev/php/config, create your blackfire-agent.env file from blackfire-agent.env.tpl to set your blackfire conf.
    • In infrastructure/environment/dev/tunnel, create your db.env file from db.env.tpl to set your ssh tunnel to the DB machine.
    • Build the docker images:
    • Go to infrastructure/dockerfiles directory
    • Type the following command $>make build
    • Run your docker containers:
    • Go to infrastructure/environment\dev directory
    • Type the following command $>docker-compose up -d
    • To kill your docker containers:
    • Go to infrastructure/environment\dev directory
    • Type the following command $>docker-compose kill
    • Type the following command $>docker-compose rm -f
  2. Setup and run your app

    • In config, create your config.yml file to setup your app
    • To access your app via http (if your docker containers are running):
    • Type the following command $>docker ps | grep rest-api-nginx and look for the port in the filed looking like this:<your-port>->80tcp
    • Your app is now accessible at http://<your-machine-ip>:<your-port>/
  3. Start coding

    • Put your domain code in src
    • All the app code will go in app
    • Your new Controllers will go in app/API/Controllers and will be declared in a ServiceProvider
    • ControllerProviders will go in app/API/ControllerProviders and will be declared in a ServiceProvider
    • Your routes will be mounted through ControllerProviders in app/Application::mountRoutes
    • Your API resources will go in app/API/Resources
    • Your parameters converters will go in app/API/Converters and will be delcared in app/ServiceProviders/RestAPIServiceProvider or in a new ServiceProvider
    • Your ServiceProviders will go in app/ServiceProviders
    • Your Domain services will be declared in a new ServiceProvider and registered in app/Application::addDomainServices or be registered there directly
  4. Console

    At the directory root, you'll find a file named console which will let you launch commands

To add a command: