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Roll out Status and Activity Reporting changes #817

Closed ferrisoxide closed 1 year ago

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago

Describe the task

The Status and Activity Reporting changes (per #809 and #685) are a major change to the functionality of the application. As such the rollout needs to be carefully managed, ensuring that the data in the system after the rollout matches the data present prior to the rollout.

We will have to nominate some key accounts to check before and after the rollout. Immediately before the upgrade we will capture activity reports (and potentially other reports) and use this data to verify the reports after the rollout.

NB there was a bug in the Activity Report that might cause the pre- and post-rollout reports to not line up (see #605 for details). In this we will have to exercise our best judgement, and compare reports against the activity logs.

Success Criteria

Pre rollout:

Post rollout:

Related Issues



emily-humphreys commented 1 year ago

Selection of Accounts and Transition Cards:

Account 1: South West Food Community Transition Card 1: Food Security South West Western Australia

Account 2: Moving Feast Transition Card 2: Moving Feast SDG Alignment Card Moving Feast

Account 3: Demonstration Account Transition Card 3: Disaster Resilience in the city of Greenville SDG Alignment Card 3 Disaster Resilience in the city of Greenville

Additional criteria: MUST matched User Documentation for reports @SishaMish how are you going with these? MUST convert all characteristics "ticks + no comment" to "no tick + More information"

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago


Deploy at 19 of November, 11 am

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago


Deployed. Working through changes in Activity Reports.

Case 1: Food Security in South West Western Australia

Characteristics beginning of period have changed value. Case in point, "1.2 Cultivate a passion for action" has changed from 40 entries to 41.

Verifying the count by hand (using the new changes log) returns 41 - matching the new value:

select count(*) 
from checklist_items 
inner join checklist_item_changes on checklist_items.id = checklist_item_changes.checklist_item_id
inner join initiatives on initiatives.id = checklist_items.initiative_id
where characteristic_id = 2
and initiatives.scorecard_id = 87
and starting_status <> 'actual'
and ending_status = 'actual'
and checklist_item_changes.created_at < '2022-01-01';

Running the count by hand against the old data model (using the activity log) return 40 - matching the old value:

  sum(case when to_status = 'checked' then 1 else 0 end) as checked_count
from (
    distinct on (focus_area_groups.id, focus_areas.id, characteristics.id, initiatives.id)
    focus_area_groups.id as focus_area_group_id,
    focus_areas.id as focus_area_id,
    characteristics.id as characteristic_id,
    initiatives.id as initiative_id,
  from characteristics
  inner join focus_areas on focus_areas.id = characteristics.focus_area_id
  inner join focus_area_groups on focus_area_groups.id = focus_areas.focus_area_group_id
  inner join checklist_items on checklist_items.characteristic_id = characteristics.id
  inner join initiatives on initiatives.id = checklist_items.initiative_id
  left join events_checklist_item_checkeds
    on events_checklist_item_checkeds.checklist_item_id = checklist_items.id
    and events_checklist_item_checkeds.occurred_at < '2022-01-01'
    and events_checklist_item_checkeds.to_status in ('checked', 'unchecked')
  where initiatives.scorecard_id = 87
  and initiatives.deleted_at is null
  and characteristics.id = 2
  order by focus_area_groups.id, focus_areas.id, characteristics.id, initiatives.id, events_checklist_item_checkeds.occurred_at asc
) as t;

The notable difference here is that the old report data is based on status going from unchecked to checked, whereas the new data is based on the status changing to 'actual'. We now need to work out which one is correct.

Inspecting the actual changes recorded indicates that the underlying data matches the reported, e.g. the following sql:

from checklist_items
inner join checklist_item_changes on checklist_items.id = checklist_item_changes.checklist_item_id
inner join initiatives on initiatives.id = checklist_items.initiative_id
where characteristic_id = 2
and initiatives.scorecard_id = 87
and starting_status <> 'actual'
and ending_status = 'actual'
and checklist_item_changes.created_at < '2022-01-01'
order by initiatives.name, checklist_item_changes.created_at asc


         created_at         |                                                       name                                                        | starting_status | ending_status
 2018-10-19 04:30:50.737399 | Boyanup Farmers' Markets                                                                                          | no_comment      | actual
 2019-08-06 00:06:26.68205  | Brunswick Junction emergency food relief and and community garden                                                 | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-01 08:26:56.60329  | Bunbury Community Garden Withers                                                                                  | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-15 12:05:11.100354 | Bunbury Soup Van                                                                                                  | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-01 08:19:15.836571 | Bunbury Urban Growers (BUG)                                                                                       | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-19 04:23:50.536183 | Capel Twilight Markets                                                                                            | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-26 03:44:18.830186 | City of Busselton, Community and Commercial services                                                              | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-17 23:16:46.986914 | City of Busselton 'I'm Alert' Food safety training for Business                                                   | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-24 04:59:06.575392 | Crunch&Sip                                                                                                        | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-18 01:38:11.657373 | Dunsborough Anglican Church                                                                                       | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-21 09:24:37.561393 | Dunsborough Community Garden Inc                                                                                  | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-24 08:07:18.297921 | Dunsborough Swap, Shuffle and Share                                                                               | no_comment      | actual
 2019-08-06 00:52:22.818205 | ECU Community Garden                                                                                              | no_comment      | actual
 2018-06-02 03:00:04.967594 | Food Sensations for Schools                                                                                       | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-06 09:26:06.084327 | Garden to Plate                                                                                                   | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-15 09:19:35.073347 | Healthy Active by Design                                                                                          | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-01 08:34:54.468783 | Jenoshuas Organic Orchard stall                                                                                   | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-18 00:53:56.436707 | Just Eat It Movie Night Fundraiser                                                                                | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-18 00:46:28.827871 | Leavers' Week Fruit and Veg                                                                                       | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-24 05:21:46.548795 | Live Lighter                                                                                                      | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-15 09:39:17.789632 | Manjimup Farmers Market                                                                                           | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-21 09:18:32.054713 | Manjimup Produce Swap                                                                                             | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-21 09:32:13.280875 | Margaret River Community Centre                                                                                   | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-15 11:13:03.472917 | Margaret River Dried Grapes and Cowtown Enterprises                                                               | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-15 11:41:09.211911 | Margaret River Farmers' Market                                                                                    | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-21 09:47:34.29289  | Margaret River Organic Farm                                                                                       | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-01 08:42:39.499574 | Pint Sized Plots                                                                                                  | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-03 08:33:57.642279 | School Breakfast Program                                                                                          | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-17 23:23:24.432338 | Shire of Augusta Margaret River Public Health Planning and Sustainable Economy                                    | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-17 03:10:28.625315 | Shire of Collie Public Health Planning                                                                            | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-15 12:24:19.819252 | Shire of Harvey projects                                                                                          | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-18 01:45:07.666786 | Shire of Nannup                                                                                                   | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-21 09:10:11.44918  | South West Aboriginal Medical Service nutrition and food security in Indigenous people, maternal and child health | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-19 04:50:20.240526 |  South West Food Bowl                                                                                             | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-24 08:14:22.097703 | Stellar Violets Life library living museum & gallery                                                              | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-26 04:02:21.036657 | Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program                                                                        | no_comment      | actual
 2018-08-24 08:38:08.674554 | Swap Shuffle Share (SSS) Harvey                                                                                   | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-15 10:59:46.253321 | The Bunbury Markets                                                                                               | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-18 06:29:05.856805 | The People's Garden                                                                                               | no_comment      | actual
 2018-10-09 08:35:40.158895 | Thommo's Community Garden                                                                                         | no_comment      | actual
 2018-09-26 03:55:57.338572 | WA School Canteens Association                                                                                    | no_comment      | actual
(41 rows)

whereas a query using the old activity-based model:

from (
    distinct on (focus_area_groups.id, focus_areas.id, characteristics.id, initiatives.id)
    focus_area_groups.id as focus_area_group_id,
    focus_areas.id as focus_area_id,
    characteristics.id as characteristic_id,
    initiatives.id as initiative_id,
  from characteristics
  inner join focus_areas on focus_areas.id = characteristics.focus_area_id
  inner join focus_area_groups on focus_area_groups.id = focus_areas.focus_area_group_id
  inner join checklist_items on checklist_items.characteristic_id = characteristics.id
  inner join initiatives on initiatives.id = checklist_items.initiative_id
  left join events_checklist_item_checkeds
    on events_checklist_item_checkeds.checklist_item_id = checklist_items.id
    and events_checklist_item_checkeds.occurred_at < '2022-01-01'
    and events_checklist_item_checkeds.to_status in ('checked', 'unchecked')
  where initiatives.scorecard_id = 87
  and initiatives.deleted_at is null
  and characteristics.id = 2
  order by focus_area_groups.id, focus_areas.id, characteristics.id, initiatives.id, events_checklist_item_checkeds.occurred_at asc
) as t
inner join initiatives on initiatives.id = t.initiative_id
where to_status = 'checked'
order by initiatives.name, occurred_at asc


        occurred_at         |                                                       name                                                        | to_status
 2018-10-19 04:43:39.836    | Blackpoint Beef                                                                                                   | checked
 2018-10-19 04:30:48.478    | Boyanup Farmers' Markets                                                                                          | checked
 2018-09-15 12:05:04.273    | Bunbury Soup Van                                                                                                  | checked
 2018-08-01 08:19:15.836    | Bunbury Urban Growers (BUG)                                                                                       | checked
 2018-10-19 04:23:43.239    | Capel Twilight Markets                                                                                            | checked
 2018-09-26 03:44:09.984    | City of Busselton, Community and Commercial services                                                              | checked
 2018-10-17 23:16:44.724    | City of Busselton 'I'm Alert' Food safety training for Business                                                   | checked
 2018-10-09 08:50:44.505576 | City of Busselton Waste Strategy                                                                                  | checked
 2018-08-24 04:58:56.62     | Crunch&Sip                                                                                                        | checked
 2018-10-18 01:38:09.715    | Dunsborough Anglican Church                                                                                       | checked
 2018-08-24 08:07:15.851    | Dunsborough Swap, Shuffle and Share                                                                               | checked
 2018-10-09 09:12:28.293649 | Edible Garden Group                                                                                               | checked
 2018-06-02 03:00:04.967    | Food Sensations for Schools                                                                                       | checked
 2018-09-06 09:26:03.744    | Garden to Plate                                                                                                   | checked
 2018-09-15 09:19:34.253    | Healthy Active by Design                                                                                          | checked
 2018-08-01 08:34:51.672    | Jenoshuas Organic Orchard stall                                                                                   | checked
 2018-10-18 00:53:53.863    | Just Eat It Movie Night Fundraiser                                                                                | checked
 2018-10-18 00:46:26.1      | Leavers' Week Fruit and Veg                                                                                       | checked
 2018-08-24 05:21:43.634    | Live Lighter                                                                                                      | checked
 2018-09-15 09:39:15.323    | Manjimup Farmers Market                                                                                           | checked
 2018-08-21 09:18:29.509    | Manjimup Produce Swap                                                                                             | checked
 2018-08-21 09:32:09.804    | Margaret River Community Centre                                                                                   | checked
 2018-09-15 11:13:00.907    | Margaret River Dried Grapes and Cowtown Enterprises                                                               | checked
 2018-09-15 11:41:07.317    | Margaret River Farmers' Market                                                                                    | checked
 2018-08-21 09:47:31.69     | Margaret River Organic Farm                                                                                       | checked
 2018-09-15 11:26:12.118565 | Margaret River Organic Garden Trail                                                                               | checked
 2018-08-01 08:42:37.124    | Pint Sized Plots                                                                                                  | checked
 2018-09-03 08:33:55.464    | School Breakfast Program                                                                                          | checked
 2018-10-17 23:23:15.231    | Shire of Augusta Margaret River Public Health Planning and Sustainable Economy                                    | checked
 2018-10-17 03:10:28.094    | Shire of Collie Public Health Planning                                                                            | checked
 2018-09-15 12:24:17.506    | Shire of Harvey projects                                                                                          | checked
 2018-10-18 01:45:04.426    | Shire of Nannup                                                                                                   | checked
 2018-08-21 09:10:08.785    | South West Aboriginal Medical Service nutrition and food security in Indigenous people, maternal and child health | checked
 2018-10-19 04:50:17.488    |  South West Food Bowl                                                                                             | checked
 2018-08-24 08:14:13.532    | Stellar Violets Life library living museum & gallery                                                              | checked
 2018-09-26 04:02:18.521    | Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program                                                                        | checked
 2018-09-15 10:59:42.336    | The Bunbury Markets                                                                                               | checked
 2018-10-18 06:29:05.856805 | The People's Garden                                                                                               | checked
 2018-10-09 08:35:37.89     | Thommo's Community Garden                                                                                         | checked
 2018-09-26 03:55:55.057    | WA School Canteens Association                                                                                    | checked

Notably, there are differences between the list of initiatives represented in both lists.

Orginal New
Blackpoint Beef
Boyanup Farmers' Markets Boyanup Farmers' Markets
Brunswick Junction emergency food relief and and community garden
Bunbury Community Garden Withers
Bunbury Soup Van Bunbury Soup Van
Bunbury Urban Growers (BUG) Bunbury Urban Growers (BUG)
Capel Twilight Markets Capel Twilight Markets
" City of Busselton Community and Commercial services" " City of Busselton Community and Commercial services"
City of Busselton 'I'm Alert' Food safety training for Business City of Busselton 'I'm Alert' Food safety training for Business
City of Busselton Waste Strategy
Crunch&Sip Crunch&Sip
Dunsborough Anglican Church Dunsborough Anglican Church
Dunsborough Community Garden Inc
" Dunsborough Swap Shuffle and Share" " Dunsborough Swap Shuffle and Share"
Edible Garden Group
ECU Community Garden
Food Sensations for Schools Food Sensations for Schools
Garden to Plate Garden to Plate
Healthy Active by Design Healthy Active by Design
Jenoshuas Organic Orchard stall Jenoshuas Organic Orchard stall
Just Eat It Movie Night Fundraiser Just Eat It Movie Night Fundraiser
Leavers' Week Fruit and Veg Leavers' Week Fruit and Veg
Live Lighter Live Lighter
Manjimup Farmers Market Manjimup Farmers Market
Manjimup Produce Swap Manjimup Produce Swap
Margaret River Community Centre Margaret River Community Centre
Margaret River Dried Grapes and Cowtown Enterprises Margaret River Dried Grapes and Cowtown Enterprises
Margaret River Farmers' Market Margaret River Farmers' Market
Margaret River Organic Farm Margaret River Organic Farm
Margaret River Organic Garden Trail
Pint Sized Plots Pint Sized Plots
School Breakfast Program School Breakfast Program
Shire of Augusta Margaret River Public Health Planning and Sustainable Economy Shire of Augusta Margaret River Public Health Planning and Sustainable Economy
Shire of Collie Public Health Planning Shire of Collie Public Health Planning
Shire of Harvey projects Shire of Harvey projects
Shire of Nannup Shire of Nannup
" South West Aboriginal Medical Service nutrition and food security in Indigenous people maternal and child health" " South West Aboriginal Medical Service nutrition and food security in Indigenous people maternal and child health"
South West Food Bowl South West Food Bowl
Stellar Violets Life library living museum & gallery Stellar Violets Life library living museum & gallery
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
Swap Shuffle Share (SSS) Harvey
The Bunbury Markets The Bunbury Markets
The People's Garden The People's Garden
Thommo's Community Garden Thommo's Community Garden
WA School Canteens Association WA School Canteens Association

NB The difference matches expectation, with the old data missing 5 entries present in the new and the new data missing 4 that are present in the old - a difference of 1 (hence a count of 40 in the original report and 41 in the new report).

If we take an instance of this, e.g. the "Blackpoint Beef" initiative that is present in the old report data not in the new and analyse what should be present:

  1. Locate the actual checklist item
select id, checked from checklist_items where initiative_id = 1604 and characteristic_id = 2;


  id   | checked
 61946 | f
  1. List old history for checklist item
select event, object from versions where item_id = 61946 and item_type = 'ChecklistItem';


 event  |                                                                                                 object
 create |
 update | {"id": 61946, "checked": true, "comment": null, "created_at": "2018-10-19T04:43:23.290Z", "deleted_at": null, "updated_at": "2018-10-19T04:43:39.836Z", "initiative_id": 1604, "characteristic_id": 2}
 update | {"id": 61946, "checked": null, "comment": null, "created_at": "2018-10-19T04:43:23.290Z", "deleted_at": null, "updated_at": "2018-10-19T04:43:23.290Z", "initiative_id": 1604, "characteristic_id": 2}
  1. List new history for checklist item
select * from checklist_item_changes where checklist_item_id = 61946;


 id | checklist_item_id | user_id | starting_status | ending_status | comment | action | activity | created_at

i.e. no records.

From here we can determine that the item was marked as "checked", but never flagged as "actual". As such, it should never have been included in the tally.

Taking the reverse, 'Bunbury Community Garden Withers' as an initiative present in the new data but not found in the old, we find the following:

  1. Locate the actual checklist item
select id, checked from checklist_items where initiative_id = 1383and characteristic_id = 2;


  id   | checked
 55148 |
  1. List old history for checklist item
select object from versions where item_id = 55148 and item_type = 'ChecklistItem';



 {"id": 55148, "checked": null, "comment": null, "created_at": "2018-05-26T04:50:36.014Z", "deleted_at": null, "updated_at": "2018-05-26T04:50:36.014Z", "initiative_id": 1383, "characteristic_id": 2}
  1. List new history for checklist item
select * from checklist_item_changes where checklist_item_id =  55148;


  id   | checklist_item_id | user_id | starting_status | ending_status |                    comment                    |      action      | activity |        created_at
 25317 |             55148 |      32 | no_comment      | actual        | not as yet but hoping to as the group evolves | save_new_comment | addition | 2018-08-01 08:26:56.60329
emily-humphreys commented 1 year ago

Thanks Tom, is this the only issue? Was this the only one?

Can we talk this through in person during the week

On Sat, 19 Nov 2022 at 12:47 pm, Tom Tuddenham @.***> wrote:


Deployed. Working through changes in Activity Reports. Case 1: Food Security in South West Western Australia

Characteristics beginning of period have changed value. Case in point, "1.2 Cultivate a passion for action" has changed from 40 entries to 41.

Verifying the count by hand (using the new changes log) returns 41 - matching the new value:

select count(*) from checklist_items inner join checklist_item_changes on checklist_items.id = checklist_item_changes.checklist_item_idinner join initiatives on initiatives.id = checklist_items.initiative_idwhere characteristic_id = 2and initiatives.scorecard_id = 87and starting_status <> 'actual'and ending_status = 'actual'and checklist_item_changes.created_at < '2022-01-01';

Running the count by hand against the old data model (using the activity log) return 40 - matching the old value:

select sum(case when to_status = 'checked' then 1 else 0 end) as checked_countfrom ( select distinct on (focus_area_groups.id, focus_areas.id, characteristics.id, initiatives.id) focus_area_groups.id as focus_area_group_id, focus_areas.id as focus_area_id, characteristics.id as characteristic_id, initiatives.id as initiative_id, events_checklist_item_checkeds.occurred_at, events_checklist_item_checkeds.to_status from characteristics inner join focus_areas on focus_areas.id = characteristics.focus_area_id inner join focus_area_groups on focus_area_groups.id = focus_areas.focus_area_group_id inner join checklist_items on checklist_items.characteristic_id = characteristics.id inner join initiatives on initiatives.id = checklist_items.initiative_id left join events_checklist_item_checkeds on events_checklist_item_checkeds.checklist_item_id = checklist_items.id and events_checklist_item_checkeds.occurred_at < '2022-01-01' and events_checklist_item_checkeds.to_status in ('checked', 'unchecked') where initiatives.scorecard_id = 87 and initiatives.deleted_at is null and characteristics.id = 2 order by focus_area_groups.id, focus_areas.id, characteristics.id, initiatives.id, events_checklist_item_checkeds.occurred_at asc ) as t;

The notable difference here is that the old report data is based on status going from unchecked to checked, whereas the new data is based on the status changing to 'actual'. We now need to work out which one is correct.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/ferrisoxide/wicked_software/issues/817#issuecomment-1320753735, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADFVZOVRY54VJMATVHLBLWLWJA2CPANCNFSM6AAAAAARGZ6QAI . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago

@emily-humphreys I'm still working through it.

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago


@emily-humphreys @SishaMish

Per Lisa's review of the activity reports, there are small changes between the old and new reporting data. From the limited set I've examined in depth, it appears that the old reports were erroneously counting activities that were just "checked" (i.e. not actually going to the "actual" status), and where not counting activity using the new checklist_item_changes records.

From what I can determine, the new reports are more accurate than the old. There may be some finessing down the track - e.g. determining how to tally initiative characteristics that have been "toggled" back and forth from the "actual" state repeatedly, but for now the activity report is a more accurate record of what has happened in the system.

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago


@emily-humphreys @SishaMish

List of successfully scenarios covered during smoke test:

NB We did encounter an issue with saving comments in newly created transition cards - now fixed and rechecked.

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago

@emily-humphreys @SishaMish

Just to summarise the release:

We can go over all this in detail on Wednesday.

emily-humphreys commented 1 year ago

Look forward to discussing this - is AM or PM better for you?

Ps There is one component that has been missed in conversion and that is this

MUST convert all characteristics "ticks + no comment" to "no tick + More information" this hasn't been converted in the transition.

For example:

Account: Moving Feast Transition Card: Moving Feast See attached pre-deployment picture - previously ticked by no comment highlighted. This is to ensure that the mapping that has previously been done is not lost for clients

Screen Shot 2022-10-28 at 11 41 11 am

Another example: South West Food Community None of these have been converted to "no tick + more information"

Screen Shot 2022-10-28 at 11 42 03 am

More info in #809 DEV note https://github.com/ferrisoxide/wicked_software/issues/809#issuecomment-1229401301 Insert "More information" comment status for each checklist item without a comment for items with no comment, but have been checked, insert the "More information" status as occurring at the time of checking

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago

@emily-humphreys When did you capture these screenshots? They don't seem to line up the data in the system.

Take "Green Job Pathways" from "Moving Feast" as an example. The checklist item "1.1 Highlight the need to organise communities differently" does have a comment against it and the most recent status was "actual". What has happened since is the checklist item has been subsequently unchecked.

I don't know how I'm meant to interpret that data. What does it mean for an item to be marked as "unchecked" but have a comment and a status. I suspect the original "No comment" was incorrect - or was at least a side-effect of the complexity of the checked/unchecked/comment status combo.

Checklist items in other cards have updated to "more information" where appropriate. Take for example, the "Kick It Out Campaign" initiative in the "Time for Change" transition card for the "Weston Community Clubs" account. This has been correctly transitioned to the "more information" status.

I'll need to try and figure out what is going on with the "Moving Feast" data, but I need some time to piece together exactly what is going on here.

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago

@emily-humphreys @SishaMish

Look forward to discussing this - is AM or PM better for you?

Either is fine, though Lisa won't be able to attend (jury duty). Shall we say 10:30 am?

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago


Further analysis of the data in Transition Card: Moving Feast, focussing on the history of the characteristic "1.1 Highlight the need to organise communities differently" in Green Job Pathways:

History of checklist item comments "1.1 Highlight the need to organise communities differently"

select created_at as time_stamp, left(object->>'comment', 25) as comment_text, object->>'status' as status
from versions 
where item_type = 'ChecklistItemComment' and item_id in (
  select id from checklist_item_comments where checklist_item_id = 111547
order by created_at
time_stamp comment_text status
2021-07-29 02:11:15.582538
2021-07-29 02:15:35.903147 commentsvoffffffffff
2021-07-29 02:20:16.270037 We are meeting this chara
2021-08-03 20:14:00.57655 We are meeting this chara
2021-08-03 20:39:16.196785 The Green Job Pathways bu
2021-08-03 20:40:16.914545 The Green Job Pathways (G
2021-08-04 01:10:12.832438 The Green Job Pathways (G
2021-11-10 23:53:04.133629 The Green Job Pathways (G actual
2021-11-10 23:53:42.85045
2021-11-10 23:55:00.176158 These are the future oppo suggestion
2021-11-10 23:56:38.323008 The Green Job Pathways (G actual
2022-05-23 01:55:12.943976 The Green Job Pathways (G actual
2022-05-23 02:36:41.803038 The Green Job Pathways (G planned
2022-05-27 05:35:39.879737
2022-05-27 05:37:59.819031 The Green Job Pathways (G actual
2022-06-10 01:19:13.652507 The Green Job Pathways (G actual
2022-06-13 23:53:32.822655 The Green Job Pathways (G actual

History of checklist item checked states

select created_at as time_stamp, object->>'checked' as checked
from versions 
where item_type = 'ChecklistItem' and item_id = 111547
order by created_at
time_stamp checked
2021-07-29 01:48:56.959282
2021-07-29 02:05:04.357226
2021-07-29 02:09:48.811286 true
2021-07-29 02:09:48.819489 true
2021-07-29 02:09:48.824118 true
2021-07-29 02:09:48.825035 true
2021-07-29 02:10:12.67672 false
2021-07-29 02:10:12.681739 false
2021-07-29 02:10:12.698056 false
2021-07-29 02:10:12.700988 false
2021-07-29 02:11:16.904723 true
2021-07-29 02:11:16.906033 true
2021-07-29 02:11:16.906052 true
2021-07-29 02:11:16.907889 true
2021-07-29 02:11:16.945044 true
2021-07-29 02:11:19.047843 false
2021-07-29 02:11:19.05513 false
2021-07-29 02:11:19.059338 false
2021-07-29 02:11:19.071133 false
2021-07-29 02:11:19.072178 false
2021-07-29 04:17:05.087048 true
2021-07-29 04:18:37.684416 false
2021-07-29 04:18:37.68817 false
2021-08-03 20:14:05.217607 true
2021-08-03 20:14:14.309724 false
2021-08-03 20:14:14.353181 false
2021-08-04 01:05:15.924285 true
2021-08-04 01:05:17.216534 false
2021-08-04 01:05:17.218042 false
2021-08-04 01:05:17.237211 false
2021-08-04 01:09:36.086815 true
2021-08-04 01:09:36.092401 true
2021-08-04 01:09:37.608784 false
2021-08-04 01:09:37.62164 false
2021-08-04 01:09:37.631573 false
2021-08-04 01:09:37.635275 false
2021-11-10 23:51:02.227575 true
2021-11-10 23:51:02.259856 true
2021-11-10 23:51:02.743037 false
2021-11-10 23:51:03.045249 true
2021-11-10 23:51:04.254888 false
2021-11-10 23:51:04.262547 false
2021-11-10 23:51:04.264704 false
2021-11-10 23:51:04.29221 false
2021-11-10 23:53:42.828451 true
2021-11-10 23:53:49.835751 false
2021-11-10 23:53:49.840918 false
2021-11-10 23:54:19.234756 true
2021-11-10 23:55:00.134675 false
2021-11-14 21:12:38.473664 true
2021-11-14 21:12:38.503081 true
2021-11-14 21:12:38.54468 true
2021-11-14 21:12:41.032043 false
2021-11-14 21:12:41.035986 false
2021-11-14 21:22:07.240036 true
2021-11-14 21:22:07.30829 true
2021-11-14 21:22:09.598812 false
2022-05-03 03:04:44.104222 true
2022-05-03 03:04:44.10439 true
2022-05-03 03:04:44.222778 true
2022-05-03 03:04:44.224311 true
2022-05-03 03:04:44.767072 false
2022-05-03 03:04:44.768476 false
2022-05-03 03:23:02.978948 true
2022-05-03 03:23:03.735347 false
2022-05-03 03:23:03.737881 false
2022-05-03 03:23:03.747992 false
2022-05-03 03:24:16.952017 true
2022-05-03 03:24:17.748248 false
2022-05-03 03:24:17.777341 false
2022-05-05 06:08:48.850026 true
2022-05-05 06:09:39.930821 false
2022-05-09 01:55:35.690865 true
2022-05-09 01:55:35.690876 true
2022-05-09 01:55:35.870327 false
2022-05-11 23:05:53.463843 true
2022-05-11 23:05:53.550123 true
2022-05-11 23:05:53.551249 true
2022-05-11 23:05:54.566381 false
2022-05-19 04:19:31.259185 true
2022-05-19 04:19:32.24575 false
2022-05-19 06:53:51.83411 true
2022-05-19 06:53:51.835097 true
2022-05-19 06:53:51.836001 true
2022-05-19 06:53:51.839529 true
2022-05-19 06:53:51.840342 true
2022-05-19 06:53:52.678388 false
2022-05-19 06:53:52.686301 false
2022-05-25 05:19:31.038706 true
2022-05-25 05:19:31.928357 false
2022-05-25 05:19:31.931105 false
2022-05-25 05:19:31.939029 false
2022-05-27 05:35:11.00843 true
2022-05-27 05:35:39.863718 false
2022-05-31 04:12:55.61062 true
2022-05-31 04:12:55.61519 true
2022-05-31 04:12:55.62974 true
2022-05-31 04:12:56.212333 false
2022-05-31 04:12:56.234878 false
2022-06-07 23:56:10.771174 true
2022-06-07 23:56:10.782922 true
2022-06-07 23:56:16.631767 false
2022-06-07 23:56:16.633108 false
2022-06-07 23:56:16.634844 false
2022-06-07 23:56:16.636087 false
2022-06-07 23:56:16.638015 false
2022-06-08 05:39:07.666753 true
2022-06-08 05:39:08.255347 false
2022-06-10 01:11:14.684461 true
2022-06-10 01:11:15.571444 false
2022-06-10 01:11:15.657923 false
2022-06-10 01:11:39.987906 true
2022-06-10 01:11:39.989299 true
2022-06-10 01:11:39.991 true
2022-06-10 01:11:39.992202 true
2022-06-10 01:11:39.993227 true
2022-06-10 01:11:40.004544 true
2022-06-10 01:11:40.58425 false
2022-06-10 01:11:40.585333 false
2022-06-10 01:11:40.588158 false
2022-06-10 01:11:40.592769 false
2022-06-10 01:11:40.593437 false
2022-10-18 00:51:11.789499 true
2022-10-18 00:51:14.776667 false
2022-10-18 00:51:14.778373 false
2022-10-18 00:51:14.779654 false
2022-10-18 00:51:14.77979 false
2022-10-18 00:51:14.783168 false


I'm not sure what I can make of this data. The final state of the checklist comment was "actual" - with a concrete comment assigned to it. I can't see how this was ever validly in the quasi state of "no comment" - though I suspect the toggling of the checked state has something to do with it.

The SQL code that tried to bind the checked state of the checklist item to the status of the most recent comment was always problematic - and has probably created "false negatives" in the data. Either that, or I'm interpreting the historical data incorrectly.

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago


Even rurther analysis of the data in Transition Card: Moving Feast, focussing on the history of the characteristic "8.1 Encourage and assist street level workers to exploit the knowledge, ideas and innovations of citizens" in Green Job Pathways:

History of checklist item comments "8.1 Encourage and assist street level workers to exploit the knowledge, ideas and innovations of citizens"

select created_at as time_stamp, left(object->>'comment', 25) as comment_text, object->>'status' as status
from versions 
where item_type = 'ChecklistItemComment' and item_id in (
  select id from checklist_item_comments where checklist_item_id = 111578
order by created_at
time_stamp comment_text status
2021-08-04 20:57:52.913573
2022-05-27 06:11:22.466559
2022-06-13 02:42:12.067168 The Green Job Pathways (G actual
2022-06-14 00:03:37.403336 The Green Job Pathways (G more_information
2022-06-14 00:05:25.868552 The Green Job Pathways (G more_information

History of checklist item checked states

select created_at as time_stamp, object->>'checked' as checked
from versions 
where item_type = 'ChecklistItem' and item_id = 111578
order by created_at
time_stamp checked
2021-07-29 01:48:57.175196
2021-07-29 04:23:48.583366
2021-07-29 04:23:48.593122
2021-07-29 04:23:48.601071
2021-07-29 04:23:49.607663 true
2021-07-29 04:23:49.619255 true
2021-07-29 04:23:49.625949 true
2021-07-29 04:23:49.638028 true
2021-07-29 04:23:49.638963 true
2021-07-29 04:23:49.654037 true
2021-08-04 20:55:15.618439 false
2021-08-04 20:55:15.620679 false
2021-08-04 20:55:15.635037 false
2021-08-04 20:55:15.637425 false
2021-08-04 20:55:15.640904 false
2022-05-10 05:01:37.090539 true
2022-05-10 05:01:37.102078 true
2022-05-10 05:01:37.11624 true
2022-05-10 05:01:38.155662 false
2022-05-10 05:01:38.158987 false
2022-05-10 05:01:38.162139 false
2022-05-10 05:01:39.130906 true
2022-05-10 05:04:55.643617 false
2022-05-10 05:04:55.644935 false
2022-05-10 05:04:55.65588 false
2022-06-08 05:39:28.478576 true
2022-06-08 05:39:28.493624 true
2022-06-08 05:39:28.495083 true
2022-06-08 05:39:28.837063 false
2022-06-08 05:39:28.846291 false
2022-06-08 05:39:28.848739 false
2022-06-08 05:39:28.861233 false
2022-06-13 02:41:29.866329 true
2022-06-14 00:03:32.215209 false
2022-06-14 00:03:32.220946 false
2022-06-14 00:03:37.395202 true
2022-06-14 00:04:21.92089 false
2022-06-14 00:04:21.92225 false
2022-06-14 00:04:21.936924 false
2022-06-14 00:04:21.941258 false
2022-06-14 00:05:24.385178 true
2022-06-14 00:05:24.385986 true
2022-06-14 00:05:24.386879 true
2022-06-14 00:05:24.387193 true
2022-06-14 00:05:24.392989 true


Here we also have several toggles of the checked state, but the final comment status ("more_information") has resolved to that status being presented in the UI:


So, checklist items that should be in the status of "more information" because someone has specifically set it appear to be correct. This leaves the case of items that have been checked, but have never had a comment. That will require more investigation.

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago


Finding checklist items in the state of 'more_information' with no comments

select checklist_items.id, checklist_item_comments.count from checklist_items 
left join checklist_item_comments on checklist_item_comments.checklist_item_id = checklist_items.id
where checklist_items.status = 'more_information'
group by checklist_items.id
having count(checklist_item_comments) = 0;
id count
198493 0
198531 0
Taking checklist list item '198493' as an example

Check history:

select created_at as time_stamp, object->>'checked' as checked
from versions 
where item_type = 'ChecklistItem' and item_id = 198493 
order by created_at


         time_stamp         | checked
 2022-11-19 04:57:11.379426 |

As expected, only an entry of the creation of the record. The actual record is marked as 'unchecked':

select case checked when true then 'checked' else 'unchecked' end from checklist_items where id = 198493;

which returns the expected "unchecked" result:


Per the spec "Insert "More information" comment status for each checklist item without a comment", the status of the item should be "more information" (which it is).

We should also not expect there to be any new comment records associated with the item:

select count(*) from checklist_item_comments where checklist_item_id = 198493;

and that's exactly what we get:

emily-humphreys commented 1 year ago

Thanks Tom for doing all this investigation.

These screenshots I took on the 28/10 when we decided on the reference accounts and data sets But it has made me think that it's connected to this old ticket #808 and that error Looking forward to discussing this together tomorrow

On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 8:37 PM Tom Tuddenham @.***> wrote:

DEV NOTE Finding checklist items in the state of 'more_information' with no comments

select checklist_items.id, checklist_item_comments.count from checklist_items left join checklist_item_comments on checklist_item_comments.checklist_item_id = checklist_items.idwhere checklist_items.status = 'more_information'group by checklist_items.idhaving count(checklist_item_comments) = 0;

id count 198493 0 198531 0 Taking checklist list item '198493' as an example

Check history:

select created_at as time_stamp, object->>'checked' as checkedfrom versions where item_type = 'ChecklistItem' and item_id = 198493 order by created_at


     time_stamp         | checked

----------------------------+--------- 2022-11-19 04:57:11.379426 |

As expected, only an entry of the creation of the record. The actual record is marked as 'unchecked':

select case checked when true then 'checked' else 'unchecked' end from checklist_items where id = 198493;

Per the spec "Insert "More information" comment status for each checklist item without a comment", the status of the item should be "more information" (which it is).

We should also not expect there to be any new comment records associated with the item:

select count(*) from checklist_item_comments where checklist_item_id = 198493;

and that's exactly what we get:



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ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago

@emily-humphreys It's highly likely that's what's causing the difference. The old data model was - to put it mildly - mad.

emily-humphreys commented 1 year ago

Ha ha ha ha! Well thanks for all your effort on this.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 9:05 PM Tom Tuddenham @.***> wrote:

@emily-humphreys https://github.com/emily-humphreys It's highly likely that's what's causing the difference. The old data model was - to put it mildly - mad.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/ferrisoxide/wicked_software/issues/817#issuecomment-1323456160, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADFVZOQ4JWJC74BBATUEF3DWJSOXJANCNFSM6AAAAAARGZ6QAI . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

ferrisoxide commented 1 year ago

Deployed to production. Closing