Eventyret / DevHangout

Final Exam Project for Code Institute
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Developers Hangout

Are you a lonesome developer? Sitting at work or maybe in your own room typing away the code? Do you wish that you could meet fellow developers instead of hundreds of Facebook groups and LinkedIn Groups? Well, Developers Hangout have ya covered, it’s a community made by a developer for developers!

Developers Hangout Website

More indept documentation created with compodoc

This documentation will cover the following

This is built with Compodoc - The missing documentation tool for your Angular application


The UX is made with simplicity in mind, it's meant to be easy to navigate and simple information with icons to process.

The Dashboard

The Dashboard is the main area for a user to edit all of their profile. Simple buttons that provide the user with a modal for editing, adding skills, experience, education and their profile details.

It also comes with a simple table in desktop mode to have an overview of all the information. As tables are not good looking for the user experience on mobile, I chose to switch this to cards as its easier for the user to identify and work with.

Developers List

The Developers list is a simple card list showing all developers registered + 1000 fake users. We have added infinite scroll to make the user experience more pleasant. The displayed data will start with 8 and for each scroll, it will add 8 more to see.

This then improves loading speed as we don't load a 1000 users at once, but only 8 at a time, as the user requests information.

Your Profile

This is where a user can make themselves stand out. As information is added, it displayed dynamically. A registered user with no information will have a more or less blank profile, but a user with more information will then stand out!

Fake Github Pages

When a real user adds their Github Handle we search the Github API for the user's repo with the provided their handle and display their last 5 repos, with their stars, watch and followers. If they have added a live URL site we also will link to that.

BUT we have fake users and I didn't want to stop there, so I created a "look-alike" Github repo. Every fake user has 2 different templates they use, with all fake data. But it was more the aesthetics of getting things to look better.

Page Not Found

I always love good 404 pages; they are supposed to be fun but still have a meaning for the user. This will ruin the surprise with a screenshot so please do visit the live demo here


Your skills

Your Profile

The Fake data

Creating fake data was not easy, with the help of faker.js and json-serve I created a custom skills.js file You can use this and just change the number of users you would like to generate. The file is located in the root under skills.js

Simply said, it will run the other functions, an X number of times and populate the same data as a user would have.

They will have a fake username, email GitHub, social media so on and so on. Even though the fake avatar is made with RoboHash I pass it the email address that we generated and some random numbers, to generate random icons for that user.

Features Left to Implement

Technologies Used

These are the technologies and third-party packages that have been used throughout the project

Front End

Back end

Development (Frontend)


At the Code Insititute, we are encouraged to code using TDD methods.
Automatic testing has never been a strong point for me, but testing itself is important. I do prefer to have human testers, report bugs etc and then fix it. Bug hunting is awesome! For a proper business page/app etc unit testing and e2e testing is essential.

Responsive Testing

Microsoft Explorer 11
Microsoft Edge (v18)
Chrome (v70)
Firefox Developer Edition (v62)

400 Bad Requests on adding experience or education without an end date.

UserStory: The user would log in to their profile to proceed to add their education or experience. This would then give a 400 error as the field would not be correct when posted. The "End date" would be blank. As this was not treated as null it would throw an exception and error.

This was fixed shortly after as we added a check for this, and also we added a date to it. So if the user would not fill it in we would pass null. If they toggled the currently working here we would grab today's date. We also changed the backend to by default make it required.

Skills looked weird

UserStory: The skills would be on top and the user's skills itself would be at the bottom. Clicking a skill would remove the skills from the top but also the next one in the array. This would make it hard for the user to do this.

After this, I redesigned it in the way that if you click on a skill we first check if the user has the skill. If they don't we make a post request with that skill and add it to the user skills. If they already have it we will just return and give the user a notification.

Mobile not looking too good for the profile and front page.

UserStory: There were some issues with smaller devices where things did not look good. Users reported to me that there were things that could be done. I redesigned it with smaller icons better breakpoints.

Tables to cards

UserStory: Looking at the table on mobile was hard, so I used bootstrap to hide the tables on mobile and show cards instead.

Known Bugs

Since the project is built with Bootstrap 4 (Bootswatch) I'm fairly certain things are responsive, though there will always be widths and heights that are uncommon and will "glitch".

There is a known glitch with the FAB button regarding the Name property been undefined. I tried multiple fixes, but as this has been intermitted bug I decided late on that I would remove the name to give the user a better experience until I could hunt down the proper cause.

This has been proven to be if a user is logged in and come back the token will have expired. This will then cause it to throw an error. Normally, for now, a workaround has been a force refresh and then click the button again.

Possible fix Changed the ID from the icon to the button, as it seems it would pick up clicking on the button instead of the icon

There is also a known bug in Firefox (63.0b7) Developer Edition where the button won't work at all. It seems to be an issue with ng-bootstrap and the way the modal is opened. Regardless of how its opened, it will throw an error that the component it's trying to open is undefined. Currently, I'm waiting on a fix. More Info

Installing and building


Python 3+ (Built with 3.6.6)
Django 2+ (Built with 2.0.5)
Django Rest framework 3+  (Built with 3.8.2)
NPM 5+ (Built with 6.2.0)
NodeJS 8+ (Built with 10.9.0)
Angular 5+ (Built with 6.1.7)
Angular CLI (Built with 6.2.1)
MySQL 5.6+
json-server (Only yo create your own fake users)
faker.js (Only yo create your own fake users)
Database Outline
  1. Clone the project (The documentation consider the DevHangout the root folder)
git clone https://github.com/Eventyret/DevHangout.git
  1. Change Directory into the root folder
cd DevHangout
  1. Create a Virtual Environment (This creates a folder named .venv to hold python environment files)
virtualenv .venv
  1. Install Python dependencies (This installs all our project dependencies)
pip install -r BackendApi\requirements.txt
  1. Install Angular dependencies by running (This installs all the angular dependencies)
npm install

Running project locally.

As a developer, I feel its important to give you different ways to run your backend in a simple and clean way, so I have made two ways to run your backend project. Regardless of the project, you WILL need a Mysql database. and create an env.py file to hold the information.

import os
envset = os.environ.setdefault
envset("ENV", 'development')


# Database
envset("DBPORT", "3306")

DEBUG = True

Angular has 2 environment.ts files. one is for development other one is for production please create 2 files named environment.ts and environment.prod.ts and use the following content

You can get the following API keys from these places:

// For local development
export const environment = {
  production: false,
  publish_api_key: "YOUR STRIPE API KEY",
  github_client_id: "YOUR GITHUB CLIENT ID",
  github_client_secret: "YOUR GITHUB SECRET KEY",
  api_url: "http://localhost:8000",
  fake_users: "fakeusers-dev.json",
  skills: "skills.json",
  githubapi_url: "https://api.github.com/"
// For production servers - Do not include ending / in api_url
export const environment = {
  production: true,
  publish_api_key: "YOUR STRIPE API KEY",
  github_client_id: "YOUR GITHUB CLIENT ID",
  github_client_secret: "YOUR GITHUB SECRET KEY",
  api_url: "INSERT YOUR URL HERE", 
  fake_users: "fakeusers-prod.json",
  skills: "skills.json",
  githubapi_url: "https://api.github.com/"

Once done you're ready to continue


  1. Docker (Recommended) If you have Docker installed you can simply run the command below (This will start the server on port 8000)

With Docker, you still need to migrate and make migrations and create a superuser, so before running the command below please see the manual step on how makemigrations and migrate and create a superuser. Once done you can use the below command to start the server.

docker-compose up
  1. Manual




source .venv/bin/activate
python BackendApi\manage.py makemigrations
python BackendApi\manage.py migrate
python BackendApi\manage.py createsuperuser

Follow the onscreen instructions to create your user.

python BackendApi\manage.py runserver


Since I are using angular for our build it's as simple as running: ng serve in the root folder of the project. This will start our development server on port 4200

Building the application

Since Angular is built with a mix of HTML, SCSS and Typescript the browser has no clue on how to interpret the languages, so we need to compile this into a web application.

To build your app and make it ready for deployment Angular again gives you a simple command to build and make this ready

ng build --prod --base-href "https://yourdomain.com/

If you are building this to be uploaded directly to the root folder of a domain you can also shorten this by doing

ng build --prod
Fake Data

Below is the functions written for the fake data. I have removed the dummy data so please see skills.js file in root of the project to use it with json-server to generate your own

module.exports = () => {
    let faker = require("faker");
    let _ = require("lodash");
    return {
        users: _.times(1001, function(n) {
            let skillsData = [];
            let titlesData = [];
            let githubUrl = "https://YOURDOMAIN/github/"
            let username = faker.internet.userName();
            let randomSet = _.sample([1, 2, 3, 4]);
            let diplomaData = _.sample(diploma);
            let studyData = _.sample(study);
            let location = faker.address.country();
            let email = faker.internet.email();

                    min: 1,
                    max: 5
                function(n) {
                    let newSkills = _.sampleSize(skills, 5);
                    skillsData = _.uniqBy(newSkills, "name");
            function randomEdu(id) {
                let eduData = [];
                        min: 1,
                        max: 5
                    function() {
                        let education = {
                            user: id,
                            school: faker.company.companyName(),
                            qualification: diplomaData,
                            fieldOfStudy: studyData,
                            dateFrom: faker.date.between(1980, 2012),
                            dateTo: faker.date.between(2012, 2018),
                            description: faker.lorem.sentence()
                return eduData;
            function randomExp(id) {
                let expData = [];
                        min: 1,
                        max: 5
                    function() {
                        experience = {
                            user: 9000 + n,
                            jobTitle: _.sample(titles),
                            company: faker.company.companyName(),
                            dateFrom: faker.date.between(1980, 2012),
                            dateTo: faker.date.between(2012, 2018),
                            current: faker.random.boolean(),
                            description: faker.lorem.sentence(),
                            location: location
                return expData;
            function githubRepo() {
                let githubData = [];
                        min: 1,
                        max: 5
                    function() {
                        const reponame = faker.lorem.word();
                        const randomNumberLow =  faker.random.number({
                            min: 1,
                            max: 100
                        const randomNumberHigh =  faker.random.number({
                            min: 1,
                            max: 900
                        gitData  =  {
                            name: reponame,
                            html_url: githubUrl + username + "/" + reponame,
                            description: faker.hacker.phrase(),
                            stargazers_count: randomNumberHigh,
                            watchers_count: randomNumberLow,
                            forks_count: randomNumberLow,
                            open_issues_count: randomNumberLow,
                            updated_at: faker.date.recent(),
                            project: _.sample(project),
                            tabs: tabs
                return githubData;

            return {
                id: 9000 + n,
                username: username,
                email: email,
                profile: {
                    user: 9000 + n,
                    firstName: faker.name.firstName(),
                    lastName: faker.name.lastName(),
                    avatar: "https://robohash.org/" + email + "?gravatar=yes&set=set" + randomSet + "&size=300x300&bgset=bg" + randomSet,
                    location: location,
                    website: faker.internet.url(),
                    company: faker.company.companyName(),
                    title: _.sample(titles),
                    backgroundImage: "https://picsum.photos/1920/1080?random",
                    bio: faker.lorem.paragraphs(1),
                    twitter: username,
                    facebook: username,
                    linkedin: username,
                    instagram: username,
                    youtube: username,
                    github: username,
                    donator: faker.random.boolean(),
                    testimonal: faker.lorem.paragraphs(1),
                education: randomEdu(9000 + n),
                experience: randomExp(9000 + n),
                skills: skillsData,
                repo: githubRepo()

There is no compiling / building for the backend, so you can just continue to read about deploying the backend.




There is a simple but great git command we can use to upload JUST the backend instead of the whole project folder. We can use the power of git and use git subtree to upload and deploy ONLY the API to Heroku you can use the following command.

git subtree push --prefix BackendApi heroku master

Note: The BackendApi here is the folder name we want to push

Heroku Environment variables We need to set a secret variable so Heroku knows what database to use.

heroku config:set Development=False
heroku config:set DBHOST=YOU DB HOST
heroku config:set DBNAME=YOUR DB NAME
heroku config:set DBPASS=YOUR DB PASSWORD
heroku config:set DBPORT=3306
heroku config:set DBUSER=YOUR DB USER
heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=YOUR SECRET KEY

Note: You might have to go into Heroku after creating the app and make sure it has not added a PostgreSQL url if this is the case remove it as it will use that as a priority

NOTE: Make sure you set the configurations before you push to Heroku, else you won't get any data back.


After you have built your application you got a few options.

  1. If you are uploading to your own domain, just upload the content of the dist folder and you're ready to go.
  2. If you want to deploy to GitHub Pages there is an amazing dev dependency installed in the project for you named GitHub pages for angular-cli users. So all you need to do is issue the command npx ngh and the npm package will automatically publish this to your GitHub pages.
ng build --prod && npx ngh



This is for educational purposes only.